October angst week: 7

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Prompt: Character's lover died long ago but they start to forget the details of their face day by day.

At first it was his soul, haunting me every day. He would observe me quietly as I'd talk to him in vain, like a madman. I'd cry and cry, only for him to merely watch in silence. These hallucinations would not leave me breathe, it was too much to cope with.

I would keep myself busy all day just to forget. Seemed like it helped. Helped way too much. The other day when I was thinking about him, I couldn't remember the hue of his eyes. Was it honey brown? Or dark chestnut? The beautiful eyes I used to stare for hours. Those eyes that caressed my soul, healed my broken pieces. I had forgotten the depth of his features.

His smile felt distorted in my memories. His lovely voice had lost its resemblance whenever I dreamt of him. Was it Alzheimer messing with my thoughts? His image in my mind was fading day by day; soon nothing but his name would remain the only keepsake.

His sculpted body, strong arms and veiny hands; I had long forgotten how it felt to feel his embrace. His kisses and touches were hazy fragments of my imagination. Every detail of his face once carved into my brain were blurred.

I'm losing my memories of him and I can't stop it. I desperately want to chain him in my mind; it is driving me insane how helpless I am. Watch him slip away from my mind, wiped forever. Ironic, how the ones we used know even with eyes closed now can't be imagined. I'm losing my sanity with every gone memory. Please, just stay with me.

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