October angst week: 2

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Prompt: Unrequited love, "Don't close your eyes, please. Keep them open for me, yeah?"

Using my OC Mitsuki and Dino (from RC).

Mitsuki's pov:
"Don't close your eyes, please. Keep them open for me, yeah?"

Dino took me by shoulders, shaking me gently. The pain was excruciating, my insides were on fire as if a chainsaw was placed inside me. The air smelled death; it was my turn tonight, I sensed it.

Misselina helped to wipe the blood pooling in my stomach, bandaging the massive cut. It was late, too late now, I wasn't going to leave this place alive. At least Dino was next to me, warm and comforting. Spending my last moments next to him would be such a blessing.

"Is there anything you need, Tsuki?" Dino held my hand, eyes full of worry. "Please stay with me."

"I'm dying, Dino. There's nothing you can do anymore. Just hold me, please." I sniffed, smiling slightly.

Nothing else left to do. The end was welcoming me today. At least I was going to leave this world in Dino's arms.

"No, don't say that, Mitsuki. You will stay alive, we will fix the wound, we will just-" Dino replied nervously, stroking my hair.

"Drop it, Dino. We both know it's over," I looked into his ocean eyes, accepting defeat. Death looked at me behind him, tempting me to join him on the other side.

"But-" Dino was about to argue, until I held my hand, silencing him.

"Please, let me die in peace. With you." I gently put my head on Dino's lap as he wiped my tears.

"You know, Dino, it was a pleasure, getting to know you. Being your friend, spending all these moments with you. I'm so grateful for every second." I winced from the pain as the white bandage around me started to turn crimson.

"Oh, Tsuki..." Dino cupped my face, smiling sadly.

"But you know, loving you was even better. You are so angelic, so heavenly. Every girl's dream," I chuckled sorrowfully, "How stupid of me to think you would ever love someone like me? The idea of having you felt so unreal and painful. But I always had a glimmer of hope, maybe one day you would accept me. It hurt you know, seeing you all the time when I couldn't ever have you..." I bit my lip to stop myself from crying.

"I'm so sorry, Tsuki, so sorry... You are such an amazing person, like a ray of sunshine. Maybe in another life we will be together. Happy and in love." Dino turned away sadly, his breath hitching.

"No need to apologize, Dino. We all make our choices..." blood made it hard to speak; regardless I continued, "I hope you are happy with Leelu. Take good care of her, she deserves the best. You are meant for each other," I sniffed, unable to stop my tears.

Tears flew from Dino's cheeks as he merely nodded. Why do all farewells hurt? Is it because we will never see the other person again, or is it because the memories are too painful to bear one one's own?

I felt a dark haze covering my eyes; the time was nearly up. All the times I spent with Dino, felt like a piece of a dream I was going to wake up from.

"I think I'm dying, Dino. Goodbye..." I felt my body weakening, my eyelids becoming too heavy to keep open.

"No, Tsuki! Please, oh God, stay with me! Someone, anyone, help!" Dino's voice had blurred by now, as if coming from miles away.

A pair of sapphire eyes was the last thing I remembered before my conscience left me.

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