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(The song is the "theme song" to this story. And the inspiration to this madness. SONG BY JEFFREE STAR)

Sonic had his arms wrapped tightly around Amy. His face pushed into her quills, which made him feel at ease.

It had been 4 years since they had destroyed Sonic EXE. No one except he and Amy knew of his terrors and the horror he had spread. There had been times they both remembered those terrible days in their nightmares. Luckily, they had each other.

Sonic and Amy had gotten married a few months after they had returned home. They were planning on having a few kids soon as well! Everything was going perfectly. Eggman stopped attacking and gave up villainy one month ago when Sonic destroyed his base for the six-hundred thirty seventh time.

Sonic couldn't have been more happy with his life now. Amy was his, Tails was a successful inventor, Knuckles was the best wrestler on the island, and Sticks lead tourists through the jungle to see it's wildlife.

Yes, Sonic was indeed happy with his real life.

But the life in his head was a different story...

Sonic began shiver even though he was covered in blankets. He even had Amy's body heat wrapped around him. He began to feel like he was falling and he couldn't feel Amy's warm touch. Her quills that soothed him were no where.

"Amy...wh-where are you? Amy?"

It was always dark in his head. When he had been trapped in the corner of his mind last time he could barely see. He only wondered where Amy could be. He felt alone in his mind...and he didn't like that.

"Hello...friend..." A demonic voice cooed behind Sonic. ", no, no, not this nightmare again!" Sonic screamed and covered his ears. "You know this is no nightmare, Sonic." The demon said to him calmly. "Soon I will return. And I'll do to you what you did to me." The demon spat and kicked him to the ground.

"What did I do?! I-I don't know!" Sonic was clueless in the nightmare. Nothing more then a toy for the demon to rip apart.

"You took... EVERYTHING away from me!" The demon spat angrily. "My life I worked so hard to get! My goddess! You took the only feeling I had other then anger and hatred and turned it to mush!" The demon hissed and kicked Sonic in the gut. Sonic slid against the black floor and continued to cry and cling to his stomach.

"I-I don't know what you're-" Sonics sentence got cut off when he felt something warm on his shoulders.

"Sonic...Sonic wake up!"

The room began to shake and the demon hissed and screamed. "NOT AGAIN! WHY WON'T YOU LET ME COME BACK?!" He then melted away into the ground as Sonic opened his eyes to something bright.

Two large beautiful jade green eyes.

"Sonic? Are you ok?" She asked him. Sonic nodded and wiped his tears that were on his face and fur away. "It was...that nightmare again." He sighed as Amy brought him into a tight embrace. He let out a shaky breath and sobbed for a few minutes.

"Why won't he leave us alone?! Th-that machine was supposed to kill him!" Sonic sobbed.

"Don't worry, Sonic. It's all just nightmares. I promise I wouldn't let something like that happen again." Amy cooed calmly and sweetly into Sonic's ears.

Sonic took in a deep breath of her scent and let her hold him. "He can't come back...he can't...all our friends...the villagers..." Sonic gripped Amy and pulled her tightly to his body.

"I don't want him to get you again. I don't want you to get hurt by my hands. Please...don't let him come back." Sonic begged of Amy.

"Ok, ok, calm down. Lay down...I'm going to try this new thing. It should calm him down." Amy said and pushed Sonic down on his back. She crawled over behind his head and then placed his head in her lap.

"Cleanse the demon in the soul. Let his mind ease the pain. Chant his name in the world unknown. Bring out the evil in this soul..."

Amy repeated this many times. Eventually Sonic stopped gripping the blankets and fell asleep on Amy's lap.

"He's gone...for now..."

Amy whispered and stroked Sonics quills. "Don't worry...I wouldn't let him come.

Sonic EXE can't come back..."

SonAmy Boom/EXE: I Can Help With ThatWhere stories live. Discover now