Chapter 1

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"Ames?" I called as I walked into our house. "Hey! I'm in the kitchen!" I walked into the kitchen, kicking my shoes off and leaning back in my chair. Sane was being held around Amy's waist. He was gripping onto her even though she held him securely.

"How's our little man doing?" I asked her and smirked at our son. He was still so small, but he was strong for his age. He could already climb the steps at a few months old, he's also a very quick crawler. We hope his powers will come in soon. Amy and I both hope he gets our powers. My speed combined with her strength, he'd be a skilled fighter in no time.

Sane, surprisingly, doesn't look like much of me or Amy. All of his quills point up except for two quills which resemble Amy's. He had a tuft of purple fur on his head. However, it's dyed, Amy and I felt that he deserved some color. He's completely white with red eyes. Which causes much suspicion from the villagers. He is an albino, but the villagers say that the devil in him is just hiding.

Sane is an angel, I don't care what the villagers say. He's an angel, he's our angel.

"Sane is being grumpy. He wanted to eat, but he'd already eaten most of my milk." Amy sighed and shifted her weight unevenly. "I don't know how much longer I'll have until my milk runs out." She rocked Sane on her hip as he started to whimper at the lack of motion.

"I think we'll all be fine. Okay? No need to worry." I smiled at her. "He's already 6 months old, your milk should be able to stay until he's a year or so old."

"I hope so.." Amy sighed as Sane whimpered loudly. "Let me see the young man, he wants his daddy." I smirked and stretched out my arms. Amy rolled her eyes and handed me Sane. He grabbed hold of my hands, his tiny fingers barely able to wrap around one of my own fingers. I began to bounce him on my knee. His laughter soon spread throughout the kitchen.

"He's such a daddy's boy." Amy chuckled at us. "It's the best kind of boy to be." I winked at Amy smugly. She rolled her eyes and started to cook dinner. "How's my little man?" I asked Sane, even though he couldn't talk. He giggled and pulled on my fur. "What's up? You like your old mans color?" Sane stared at my blue coat of fur and tugged on it. "Ouch!" I yelped when he pulled a handful of my fur out. "That stuff is attached to me, carful, buddy." I warned him sternly. Sane only laughed at me. "You stinker", I smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Tails came over today." Amy said dryly, ever since Sane had been born, Tails became paranoid that his insanity would be worse than my own. Thanks to that, my family and Tails didn't have a good relationship anymore. "What did he come to say?" I asked Amy, my voice full of seriousness. "He wanted to check on Sane. All he did was ask me some questions and take notes." She responded normally.

"I don't understand why he thinks our kid is going to go crazy. As long as we teach him to be kind and that violence is a no-no, he'll be fine." I sighed, looking at Sane, who was trying to pull my spines. Sane's red eyes looked up to meet mine, he took his hands back and giggled. "Caught red handed." I thought and looked back up at Amy.

"I agree, our son wouldn't hurt a fly." She said defensively. "Sane is still innocent, and we intend to keep him like that for as long as possible." I nodded in response. Our son will be the most well behaved kid on this island. We'll make sure of that.

My thoughts were interrupted when Sane let out a loud yawn. "It's late, Sane should be getting to bed."  I sighed and handed him to Amy. She kissed his nose and took him to his room. A few short minutes later, she was back in the kitchen with me. She smiled at me, now that Sane was fast asleep, it was just us.

"Ames, I've been dying to have this moment with you all day." I smiled and looked at her longingly. "It's hard having alone time with Sane here." Amy smiled and kissed my lips. Soon she was in my lap and we were kissing each other. Our kiss seemed to go on forever, which was no problem for us. The kiss was passionate, and we enjoyed it. Sadly, our kiss was interrupted by the door bell.

Amy pulled away and sighed. "No- Let it ring, it can't be important." I said and pulled her back towards me. I didn't want this moment to end. Having her in my arms was my only stress-reliever. "It's alright, we'll go back to it after, okay?" I groaned and nodded, the door bell rang once more, and Sane started to cry. I groaned louder than before, this time with anger.

"Coming!" I called and stomped to the door while Amy went to Sane to rock him back to sleep. I opened the door to see Knuckles standing at our doorway. "Sonic... We have a problem..." He said slowly. I cocked my head to the side. "With?" I asked him suspiciously. "Tails, he's found something and is going to the mayor." My fur stood on edge as I took a step outside, not wanting Amy to hear.

"He what? What did he find?" I asked Knuckles. "He said he found out a way to track Sane and your own insanity and sanity levels. Personally, I think Tails is paranoid. I know he just wants to protect all of us, but-"

"Knuckles, I need you to do me a favor." I told him; interrupting in the process. "Uh... What?" He asked, completely confused. "I need you to stay here with Amy and Sane while I deal with this, can you do that?" Knuckles nodded and gave me a thumbs up. "Anything for a pal!" He smiled.

"Great, tell Amy I'll be back soon." I told him then sped off towards the mayors mansion. "If Tails wants a fight, he'll get a fight. No one messes with my family, not even my brother."

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