Special Edition- Part 3/5

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Experiencing Worry and Relief

"Where's the baby?" Sanity yelped, causing Sonic.EXE to sit up from the cold white floor. "Mm? What'd I miss?" He yawned and walked over to the device, next to Sanity.

"I turned my back for half a second and Sane's gone! Where is he?! Amy's gonna kill Sonic when she gets home and she find him... with no baby!"

"You lost the baby?!" Sonic.EXE gasped and stared at the panicking Sanity. "How could you lose Sane?!" He asked, panicking, as well. "I don't know!" They both ran around ragged in the wide open white room.

"Okay, we have to think." Sanity said, still panicking. "Where was the last place you saw him?" Sonic.EXE asked Sanity as calmly as possible. "I turned to fold the laundry Ames wanted done. I must've been working on it for five minutes. When I turned around, he was gone!"

"Can't believe you lost him... He could be anywhere in the house!"

"What if he's going down the steps?!" Sanity screamed, obliviously paranoid. "Run through the entire house!" Sonic.EXE yelled as they frantically pushed buttons. Red alarms went off in their own heads. "Wait, if we run we could miss him!"

"Shit, what are we gonna do?!"

"We could... walk hurriedly throughout the house, looking underneath and above everything."

"Ok, let's go!" Together they worked to find Sane. Apparently he had hid himself in the corner of the room behind the couch. When Sonic had found him, he couldn't help a small amount of tears fall.

"Thank God we found him." Sonic.EXE sighed with relief. "I'm never letting him out of my sight."

"You better not! That could've gone much worse!"

"I know... I'll make sure he never gets lost again."

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