Chapter 13 War of Roses

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"You're so idiotic!!" Sonic.EXE told Sanity. "She'll be mine even if you get her back! You think just because you have her now means anything?!" He shouted angrily.

Sanity growled and charged forward using a spin dash. "Even if you get her back she'll never truly love you!" He spat.

"YOU LIE!!" Sonic.EXE yelled and dodged out of Sanity's way. "She'll love me because everyone else will be dead or servants!" Sonic.EXE growled and ran quickly across the wall of the cube they were fighting in. He pushed off the wall and put a deep cut through Sanity's shoulder with his claws. He landed on the other wall, opposite from the one he had been on.

"I'm not lying. Amy will either love Sonic or me, but she will never love you! She hates what you stand for!" Sanity yelled and gripped his bleeding arm.

Sanity jumped in the air and tried to hit Sonic.EXE. His arm felt like it was burning. "Shut up!! You'll all bow to me!!" Sonic.EXE yelled as his eyes filled with more blood and he charged for another attack.

"You know I hurt her? I shoved her to the ground and twisted her arm! I popped it out of place! And yet she still has to love me! If we were to get back together...she'd love me just as much as she loves you." Sonic.EXE smiled.

"And if she doesn't love me...I have ways of making her." Sonic.EXE grinned wildly and snapped his fingers. His shadow appeared behind him. "Good job. Now transform." The shadow formed into Amy's own shadow.

"You see this? All it would have to do is attach itself to Amy. She'd do whatever it did, and it does what I want." Sonic.EXE snapped his finger once more and his shadow returned to him.

"Go get her." He whispered and smiled with his dagger teeth at Sanity.

Sanity hissed and went to attack the shadow. "You don't love her! You know you don't! Why are you doing this?!" Sanity yelled and ran after the shadow.

"I do love her!"

"You love being number one! That's all! You just want everything we have together! When we're Sonic, you have that! Please stop this!" Sanity screamed and grabbed the shadow.

He threw the shadow into the wall and it disintegrated. Sonic.EXE rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers again. Another shadow appeared and continued to do the job. "I can do this for an eternity!" Sanity growled and destroyed the other shadow. "I highly doubt that. Your arm looks pretty bad...want me to amputate?" Sonic.EXE laughed in the air and wiped away some bloody tears.

Sanity had taken a quick look at his arm. "Why don't you give me Amy?" Sonic.EXE asked and got the next shadow to hold him down. "Then I can fix your arm and everyone will be happy." He grinned. "Unlike you...I'm not doing this just for Amy..." Sanity growled at him.

"Oh yes, I know, you're doing it for the village. Just like when we were younger. It had always been about the village  we hid our feelings a lot, didn't we?"  Sonic.EXE retorted. "But we only fought hard to impress Amy, remember? Remember how it felt getting hugged and congratulations from her?" His face immediately went straight and solum. "Because I don't." Sonic.EXE grabbed his throat and threw Sanity to the ground. He placed his foot on Sanity's head and he grinned. He only pictured his head popping like a zit.

"It's not just...for the village...either." Sanity choked out and coughed some blood up. "Then who else?" Sonic.EXE growled at him.

"That's don't remember. You weren't there. Sonic was filled with so much happiness that he kicked you out for a few hours." Sanity chuckled as Sonic.EXE growled deeply. "What are you talking about?!" Sonic.EXE asked him rudely. "She doesn't know this yet, but I know because I was in control..."

"Tell me!!"

"Amy's...Amy's pregnant."

Sonic.EXE rolled his eyes. "Liar! They weren't planning on anything until years from now. All it was was an idea!" Sonic.EXE laughed.

Sanity laughed as well. "You wanted to be first, but you missed. I'm fighting for Amy, the village, our friends, and the baby."

Sanity hissed and escaped Sonic.EXE's grasp. He quickly slapped him to the ground and then grabbed Sonic.EXE by his neck.

"Like it or not, Amy needs Sonic. Not me, not you." Sanity said then hit Sonic.EXE in the face. He sent a hard blow to his stomach and then kicked him between his legs.

Sonic.EXE slid to the ground in pain and moaned as Sanity spin dashed into him. Sonic.EXE was out cold. The arena they had been fighting in fell to the ground. Sanity picked up Sonic.EXE and threw him over his shoulder. "Before we join back, I think Amy deserves to see you and I."

Sanity knocked on Sticks' door. "It's me, Sanity!" The door slowly opened and Sticks looked at him. Her eyes were red. "'s Amy..." Sanity looked confused as he ran in to see Amy in five blankets and her arms were red. There were scratch marks on her body and she was shivering.

Everyone gasped when he threw Sonic.EXE to the ground and ran to Amy.

"Amy? Amy, can you hear me? Come on, Amy, I did it. You can go back to living normal." Sanity rubbed her cheek with his hand and Amy weakly laid her head in his hand.

"Wh-What happened? She didn't get this did she?"

Sticks shook her head. "Amy was a little scratched up, but a shadow came and it scratched her in the side. She's in a lot of pain. I tried to fight it back, but it was too strong. It had her and I guess when I pulled her back in...its claws just-"

Sanity got closer to her and rubbed her hand in his. "Amy...are you okay? What can I do?" Sanity rubbed her hand more. Amy let out a weak mumble.

"Ames...not can't go now. Without you, Sonic will kill himself! I-I'll be forced to non-exist! Amy...please..."

Sanity shook his head as Amy's breathing got slower and slower. "This has been too much for her..." Sanity said and his eyes filled with more and more tears. "This is all my fault...I didn't train you guys hard enough. I-I didn't fight Sonic.EXE hard enough."

Sanity held Amy and cried. "I-I can't let this happen!" He cried out. "I-I'm going in." Sanity laid Amy's head in his lap. "Sanity? What do you mean you're going in?" Sticks asked him. "She needs me, I'm going to save her. I'm doing to her what she did to me!"

Sanity put his hands on her temples and lowered his head to where their forehead touched.

"I'm not as good with stuff as you, Amy. I hope this works..."

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