Chapter 14 All Over?

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Sticks stared at her friends and then looked at Sonic.EXE. He still laid on the ground, and he was still unconscious.

Sticks growled and told everyone in her burrow to go home. As the door opened for the elderly and young to leave, Tails and Knuckles walked in, followed by the rest of the village.

"Kill him! Kill Sonic.EXE!!" One of them shouted. Sticks put up her hands.

"We can't do that! If we kill Sonic.EXE we'll never get our real Sonic back! We just have to wait for Sanity to come back so he can be rejoined."

On of the villagers growled. "We didn't even get to fight! None of us did!" The villagers yelled. "You wanted to fight?" Tails asked them.

"No..." Said one. "But we did want to protect our people! How are we to protect our people if-"

Knuckles then let out a low growl and it silenced the man. "You should be glad Sanity risked himself for you! He's trying to save Amy right now! He knows what he's doing! Go back to your houses and rejoice that you still have your family!"

Knuckles had never sounded to ticked off before. The villagers went straight to their houses as he said.

Sticks sighed. "Now we wait..."

(With Amy)

"Hello?!" Amy called out. "Welcome" said a voice that sounded a lot like her own.

Amy whipped around to see herself in a long white dress and another her in a short black cocktail dress. "Uh...your my sanity and insanity, aren't you?" Amy asked. "Yes, it's nice to meet the body we inhabit." Her sanity smiled and shook Amy's hand. "You look wonderful, right Insanity?" Her sanity asked. "Sure, I still say she should've worn that black dress instead..." She growled. "Excuse her, now Amy, do you know why you're here?"

Amy shook her head. "'re dying, Amy."

Amy dropped her hand and stared at her sanity. "That's a joke, right? I can't die now. Not after all this." Amy said and backed away.

"Please, don't make this difficult. It's hard for us too. We're all going to end up dying together. It's not bad, I promise."

Amy shook her head. Her Insanity rolled it's eyes and stormed over to her. "Look here, we're all dying and we don't want to suffer anymore. We have to go now. Before it's too late!"

Amy yelped as they grabbed her arms. "Let me go! I don't want to die! I-I have a husband! We have a husband! We're going to have a baby!" Amy screamed and tried to weigh them down.

"No, it's too much pain if you survive this! You have to-"

"He's here." Her insanity growled and pointed to a blue figure running towards them.

"AMY! LET HER GO!!" It screamed. "Sanity?" Amy said and ripped free of their grasp. She ran to Sanity's arm and he held her tightly against his chest.

"What are you doing here? You know you shouldn't interrupt this process." Amy's sanity growled. "My job is to keep Sonic alive, he'll die without Amy. I can save Amy! She doesn't have to die!" Sanity hissed at them. "Please...I don't want to fight you two." Sanity's voice had changed to something almost begging like.

"Do you know how much pain she'll go through? Mentally and physically now? The entire village is going to be different! Everyone remembers the past and they'll remember this too!" Amy's insanity growled.

"We can fix it! I can help her and them! Please, let me try!" Sanity begged and held Amy tighter in his arms.

"...what are going to do?" The insanity asked Amy's sanity.

"Fine. You have one chance, Sanity. One more chance. Don't let this happen again."

Amy and Sonic both gasped as they sat up and took a deep breath. "Oh God, thank God you're okay!" Sanity cried and clung to Amy. Amy cried over his shoulder for a moment.

"Okay, okay, we need to rejoin you and Sonic.EXE. We have to go now." Amy said through shaky breaths.

Sanity picked up Sonic.EXE as he told his friends to make sure Amy was ok while he was gone.

"Wait! Why can't I come?" Amy asked him desperately. "It's too dangerous, Amy. Don't worry Sonic will be back soon. He'll need you, Amy." Sanity smiled before kissing her forehead and running off to rejoin with Sonic.EXE.

Sanity took Sonic.EXE to the cave and took him to same place where they had gotten split up.

"'s time to get rid of all this." Sanity activated the area and lights started to flash. Sanity gulped as he stood beside Sonic.EXE. He felt his being, his body, dissolving. He looked over at Sonic.EXE who was already half gone. Sanity could feel the emptiness of a mind again as he became nothing once more...

(Hours later)

The door swung open as Sonic ran to Amy. He shoved his friends out of the way in the process. Sonic screamed out as he cried and squeezed Amy tightly. His sobs didn't seem like they'd ever end. Loud, compulsive sobs echoed throughout Sticks' burrow. Tears and snot fell down over Sonics face.

"I-I-I can't believe he did that again..." Sonic sobbed and cling to Amy as she petted his back. Her hands slid down his spine and he shuddered with each touch. "I missed you so much..." He wanted to explain more to her. He wanted to scream out how he felt and how sorry he was. But he couldn't form words correctly. The mucus and other fluids in his body simply wouldn't allow it.

"N-Nobody died this time, r-right? I didn't hu-hurt anyone?" He asked her. Again, it was hard to make out, but Amy nodded and kissed the back of his head. "Thank God...Amy...I-I just want to stay here with you. I don't ever want to leave you again."

Amy kissed him many more times and tried to calm him down. Once he seemed fine Amy managed to stand herself up. Sonics legs gave out from underneath him and Amy had to try to carry him. It didn't work out too well and they ended up on top of each other.

"Sonic, come on, you have to try to stand up. I'm too weak to carry you." Amy begged. Sonic tried to stand up and managed a few steps before having to slide against the wall back to the floor.

"You know...even though we're going to all be going through some difficult times now. I want you, especially you to remember that it's all over now. That other you won't come back ever again." Amy smiled at Sonic. "How do you know that?" Sonic asked her, doubtfully.

"I know a part of you that won't let it happen again." Amy said and she let Sonic lay his head on her shoulder. "Thanks Amy." Sonic said and kissed her cheek as he cuddled himself into her side.


But wait! The epilogue is coming soon!

SonAmy Boom/EXE: I Can Help With ThatWhere stories live. Discover now