Chapter 2

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I knocked on the mayors door angrily. "Open up! I won't stand for this any longer!" I shouted angrily. "If Tails thinks he can just throw us out after all we've done-" I stopped when the mayors door opened and Tails stood before me. He took in a deep breath then walked out, not saying a word. The mayor was the next person I saw.

"Sonic, come on in." I stepped in the mayors mansion cautiously. The mayor smiled at me and gestures for me to follow him to his office. His mansion seemed to look the same as ever. The only difference was that there were a few rips in the wallpaper.

The Mayor lead me to his office where he offered me a seat. "Yes?" I asked him, refusing to sit. "How's the family?" He asked nonchalantly. "Fine, Sane's learning how to chew and eat now." I answered coolly. "And Amy? How is she?" I grew tense for a short second. I felt hostile, why would he act so chill right now? "Amy's fine, why do you ask?" I questioned him, there was a slight edge on my voice. "No reason, so what happened between you and Tails?"

I gulped and looked at the floor. Honestly, I didn't even know. All of sudden I just saw him as a threat to my family. "I... I don't really know." I answered, sighing. Then I remembered that these were odd questions to ask. "Why does it matter?" I snapped at him. "Because there is a dispute going on and I, as mayor, must help through this. I cannot have such violence I fear will happen again in my village. One visit from him was enough, a second was torture, a third would mean death."

I remained silent, not really wanting to speak after his lecture. I felt guilty, and that's the worst feeling in the world. "So, when did you first start realizing you and Tails were... drifting apart?"

"Few months ago. Sane had just been born and Tails was happy for us, but... he looked like he was scared of Sane. It happened like this...

I walked out of the room they had Amy in and outside to where Tails, Knuckles, Sticks, and most of the village were. They cheered when I announced Sane's name. Tails walked up to me and smiled, giving me pats on the back. "So, I guess I'm an uncle?" He chuckled. "You sure are, bud."

Few weeks later, Sane's eyes had opened. As soon as people saw his eyes were red, they grew suspicious and scared of him, especially Tails. He would come over everyday, coming to see if he looked anything like Sonic.EXE more than me. It was true, Sane resembled nothing like me. He had white fur, red eyes, his quills pointed up except for the two that resembled Amy's. Everyone believed that he was Sonic.EXE who had found a way out again.

Tails wouldn't let the subject go. Whenever I told him that Sane was normal, he was just an albino, he refused to believe it. It seemed like he was obsessed with proving me wrong. We let him come over of course, however, we didn't let him take blood samples or anything that he really wanted to do.

Tails and I had grown into something different than before. We weren't enemies, or friends, but not acquaintances either. What really bothered me was...

We weren't brother anymore..."

The mayor sighed at this. "Well, Tails is scared. I'm not quite sure of what, but it'd be wise to have a discussion with him. Tails, you, and Amy, it would best."

I shifted my weight uncomfortably and nodded at him. "I'll look into it." I said and took a step back. "See ya later, mayor." I dismissed myself and ran home, desperate to see Amy and Sane. I felt like they could be in danger, it was just a gut feeling. I was almost certain the mayor had been stalling me.

I jumped up to our patio and as I reached towards the doorknob, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tails. "Hey..." He said and casually stood up and smiled at me. "What are you doing here, Tails?" I growled at him. "Seeing my nephew, making sure he's okay, I am his uncle, right?"

"You stopped being his uncle when you wanted to do tests on him! Now I repeat, what are you doing here?" I hissed at him. "I'm keeping the village safe! Apparently you and Amy can't do that anymore! Knuckles is too stupid to realize what's really going on, and I can't trust Sticks to keep secrets. I'm the only one capable now!"

"You know very well that there are no more threats to anyone on the island. Sane is perfectly normal, Eggman is long gone, and everyone is too focused on working together on the town to fight! We have no need for heroes right now."

Tails growled, his eyes flickering with anger. "Y-You're lying! Sonic would never say that!" He shouted at me. The front door creaked open as Amy and Knuckles peeked out. "Sonic?" Amy said worriedly. I had to settle all this now. I was done with all this drama. I didn't want Amy or Sane scared to see Tails anymore.

"Knuckles, thanks for helping. I can handle it from here." I said as calmly as possible, not taking my eyes off of Tails, who had his eyes shut and was shaking. "Are you sure? I could-" I gave him a stern glance. Knuckles stopped himself and shifted his weight. "Uhm... Good luck." He said and hurried away from our house.

"Amy, come on out, we're fine." I told her. Tails echoed back the last two words underneath his breath. Amy slowly stepped out, Sane cradled in her arms. I gave her a comforting smile and wrapped an arm around her. "Tails, I think we have something to discuss. Where would you like to talk?"

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