Chapter 12 W E L C O M E H O M E

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Sonics sanity could feel in his gut that it was going to happen today. As soon as Sonic.EXE started the war he was going straight for Amy. He longed to be beside her. He had been away from her for too long in his own opinion.

The villagers were safe and trained well. The villagers were to stay behind Sonics sanity, Sticks, Tails and Knuckles when the war began it would be those three fighting while Sonics sanity ran for Amy.

Once he had Amy he'd take her back to Sticks' burrow to heal and let the elderly care for her while he went to fight Sonic.EXE.

If he was able to push Sonic.EXE and his shadowy army back he had to combine their mental states together once more to end all this.

" will we be able to keep this from happening again?" Tails had asked him last night.

"I need you to work on that. Can't you create some device to keep his insanity in order?" Sonics sanity asked him.

"That's going to be tough, but I can try." He told Sonics sanity. Sanity nodded his head and stared off into the distance. "We'll get her back. And once you're all back together'll be like none of this happened, right? It'll be like last time. No one will remember anything." Tails said to him, trying to convince himself more then anything.

"I don't think that's how it will end this time..."

Now, they all were standing outside the village. Getting ready to fight for their lives and others. "Good luck everybody." Sanity said as the ground began to rumble.

They all prepared and got into their fighting positions. Sanity was ready to run at the first chance he had. He was going to get his Amy back.

The sky darkened to blood red and the sun seemed to make everything look red and bloody. "Here he comes..." Sanity said slowly as the ground from underneath them broke and Sonic.EXE burst out.

"YOUR GOD HAS ARRIVED!" He beamed and held blood in his hands. Sanity knew it was animal blood and was all part of his act.

Sanity took off running straight forward. He wanted the first punch, he wanted one hit then he'd go get Amy. Sonic.EXE's eyes sparkled with madness. "Sanity! My old self, how have you been?" Sonic.EXE asked with an evil grin. "I'm giving you one last chance! Surrender and become one again, or I'll fight you to the death!" Sanity growled.

His teammates were confused. "I'll? Don't you mean we'll?" Sticks asked him. Sanity shook his head as Sonic.EXE grinned wildly.

"Change of plans...I need you all to go get Amy. Only I can deal with this blood sack." Sanity said and narrowed his eyes at Sonic.EXE. The team nodded, trusting Sanity completely and ran off to look for Amy.

"They'll never get to her, you know? I hid her well." Sonic.EXE said and raised up the ground to form a cube. Sonic.EXE snapped his fingers and the room now had light. It was about the size 4 stories high and everything was exactly even.

"I have faith in them. They'll find her." Sanity said as he stared up at Sonic.EXE angrily. "You know...I think you should know. Amy was asking for you. She wasn't being a very kind wife, so I had to twist her arm and pop it out of its socket. After that she only said you'd come for her! She's going to be very upset it's not you she sees." Sonic.EXE laughed.

"SHUT UP!!!" Sanity screamed.

(With Amy)

Amy sat on the corner of the bed while the shadow stood by the door. She made an attempt to move but the shadow stretched across the floor and pushed her back onto the bed. She didn't have much hope in escaping by herself.

"Sanity's coming! He wouldn't leave me like this!" Amy yelled at the shadow. The shadow remained still as it stayed on the wall by the door.

"This is a hopeless effort! He's probably gonna kill you!" Amy said at the shadow. Without a word the shadows ears perked up and he went through the door. Amy slowly got off the bed and looked around the room before she stepped outside and heard the rock being moved from outside.

"Sanity!" I yelled, hoping it was him. Instead my other friends stormed in and grabbed me. The shadow tripped Sticks and she threw her boomerang at it. Tails protected me as I ran up the hill to the rock.

The shadow reached across the ground and grabbed Amy's ankle and tried to pull her back. Amy's nails dug into the ground and she tried to kick it off. "HELP!!!" Amy yelled. She felt her arm popping more and more out of place as she was getting dragged.

"Tails! Get Amy out of here!" Sticks hissed. She jumped into the air and followed her own shadows moves.

(If her shadow jumps and it lands on the shadow then she does as well. ((Sorry Ik it's confusing))

Tails grabbed Amy and flew her up to the top. Amy landed on the ground as Tails ran back to get Sticks. "Ow..." Amy said and opened her eyes and gasped. The land had changed. It looked blood soaked and red. She looked back to see Knuckles closing the rock as Tails dragged Sticks out.

The rock closed with a thud and they all were panting. Amy had tears streaming down her face as she wrapped her arms around all of her friends.

"Oh God! I-I was so scared...he-he tried to hurt me and he said we were going to..." Amy couldn't continue as she sobbed more and more.

"Don't worry, Amy. We're going back to the village to take care of you and help Sanity." Tails told her. Amy sniffed and rubbed her nose. "He's fighting Sonic.EXE, isn't he?" Amy asked Tails. He nodded and Amy turned to Sticks as she cried more. "How are we going to beat this?!" Amy sobbed.

"We will, I promise." Sticks and the others told Amy. Knuckles rubbed her back and Amy flinched at his touch, but then continued to cry.

They had to carry Amy back to Sticks' burrow. Amy was greeted with cold stares and sad faces. "It's okay, Amy. Sticks will stay here with you." Tails said and he and Knuckles ran off to join the fight.

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