Chapter 8 Welcome Back, Rose~

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Amy pushed herself off of him and summoned her hammer. "What is the matter with you?! Can't you see that-"

Sonic.EXE grinned as she went on and on explaining about how she hated him and how he had ruined her life.

"All I want is MY Sonic back! I don't want you, and I don't want his sanity either! I just want him!" Amy screamed at him.

Sonic.EXE's grin only grew larger as he swiftly grabbed her wrist. "I'm sorry, I just can't take you seriously when you look this adorable!" He grinned as he stepped behind her and felt her waist.

Amy's fur stood on end and she attempted to hit him. "Tsk, Tsk, wouldn't hit your husband?" He grinned as he kissed her neck.

Amy growled and stepped on his foot. He winced and pushed her out from under her own legs. He now held her bridal style and laid a big kiss on her lips. Amy managed to push his head away after the shock went away.

"That, my dear, was amazing." He grinned and licked his lips. "You're such a creep! Get away from me you sicko!" Amy yelled and tried to escape his hold.

" know very well you can't escape me. I always win in tag~" he cooed and breathed into her ear. Amy pushed her ear back onto her head. "Just let me go!" She hissed as he began to walk her to a room she hadn't been in before. "Don't worry~ you're safe right here. With me~" he grinned.

Amy snarled at him as they walked into the new room.

(Meanwhile, outside)

Sonics sanity had tears in his eyes. "No...NO!!!" He tried to push the boulder, but it wouldn't budge. "Knuckles! Move it now! We need to get Amy!" He screamed. Knuckles tried to move it, but it still wouldn't budge.

"Pull harder! We need to get Amy!" Sonics sanity hissed and pulled the boulder with him. It still wouldn't move.

"Give her back! Give Amy back!" Sonics sanity yelled into the boulder.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. He won't hurt her, right? He loves Amy." Sticks and Knuckles told him.

"He doesn't love her! He wishes he could love her!" Sonics sanity wiped around and hissed at Knuckles and Sticks.

"Woah, dude, calm down." Knuckles said as he and Sticks got into battle positions. "You're supposed to be sanity! Sanity doesn't loose his mind! We can't go in there and get to her if we don't think clearly." Sticks told him.

Sonics sanity took in a deep breath. "You're right...I-I just. I can't live without her..." He sighed and they all relaxed. "We need to go somewhere else." Knuckles said. "So he can't hear our awesome plan." He chuckled. "Back to the village? We can explain everything to them. And he must've used the darkness from Tails to make that bait." Sticks explained. "We'll be able to see how Tails and the villagers are doing now." Knuckles said and looked the way towards the village.

"It's our best chance." Sonics sanity said. "They can't hurt us if Tails had made them feel safer." He said to them. "If they do I can easily round them up and try to get them to understand my way." They nodded and agreed. They'd be going back to village immediately.

(Back with Amy)
"What are you planning on doing to me?" Amy asked Sonic.EXE.

"Anything I want to, when I want to, what I want to." Sonic.EXE grinned and chuckled. "But you don't have to worry about that. I have some gifts for you, my queen~" he grinned.

He turned around holding Tails' bag. Amy gasped. She had forgotten she had even had that when she came in.

He reached in the bag and pulled out a necklace and a ring. "You remember this right?" He asked her with an almost contorted face. Amy nodded and pushed herself away from him. "You'll be just like me again, won't you love that?" Sonic.EXE smiled at her.

"No! Keep that **** away from me!!!" Amy screeched at tried to kick him. He sighed as he jumped on top of her. Amy's face was completely red. "Don't worry Amy. What you're thinking about will come later~" he said with a kissy face. He quickly put the necklace and ring on her.

Amy prepared for her free will to disappear when Sonic.EXE tilted his head. "What's the matter? Their just jewelry. I'm not going to try to control you yet. I need to see how you'll fair with a baby first." He said as he snapped his fingers.

A dark shadow came by his side. He snapped his fingers again and the shadow turned into the baby from before.

Sonic.EXE held it in his arms and then he tried to hand it to Amy.

"Go on, this is ours now." He said to her. Amy snarled and pushed the shadow baby back to him. "This isn't a baby! This is a part of you! It's your shadow!" Amy hissed at him. "That may be true, but a baby's a baby. It acts like a baby and everything. It'll even smell like one." He said and forced Amy to hold the baby. "How am I supposed to feed it when I don't have any milk?" Amy asked him. "Feed it by the bottle." He said to her. "This new room has everything you'll ever need." Sonic.EXE grinned with pleasure. "Even OUR bed." Sonic.EXE grinned as he flipped on a small light switch.

A small light bulb turned on and the room lite up. Amy gasped as she looked around the room. It looked almost exactly a nursery.

"Where did you get all this?!" Amy gasped at him. "I got Sanity to do it. You know how I put him under that trance? I did it many times while you were unconscious. Well, he stole all this for me." Sonic.EXE grinned with pride.

"You're the reason he's not acting like himself! You made him go against his life's role!" Amy yelled at him.

"Oh, please be quiet my love. The baby needs it rest. And remember, it is still a baby." He said and rubbed her head then the baby's head.

Amy huffed and cradled the baby in her arms. "Well...what's it's name?" She asked him. "Like I care, you call it whatever you wish." Sonic.EXE said and left the room. Amy heard it lock from the other side.

Amy stared at the baby and pat it's head. "Alright...well...I'll call you..." Amy thought about a name for a few minutes.

"I want you to have a nice name. Something original..." Amy told the baby. "How about...Rocket?" She said to the baby. The baby simply blinked.

"Yeah, I hate that name too." Amy said and scratched her head. "Well, you are a boy so...Blaze? Do you like that?" Amy asked him and scratched it's ears.

The baby purred and snuggled into her arms. Amy sighed and placed Blaze into his cradle.

"I wonder how Sonics sanity is doing?" She asked herself and rubbed her neck. She was extremely stressed and just wanted to lay down. She sighed and looked at the besom the corner of the room. "I just really need a good nap." She sighed and flopped down onto the bed.

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