Chapter 9 The Plan

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Sonic.EXE was outside the door. He had been hoping this would happen. He slowly crept into the room and picked up Amy. He placed her on the edge of the bed and he was against the dirt wall. He grinned and wrapped his arms around her.

"This is just how he does it, isn't it? You like this, right?" Sonic.EXE said to Amy and stroked her quills as she rested. "I can be just as good as Sanity. Just give me a chance..." Sonic.EXE sighed and twirled her pink bangs in his fingers. "So beautiful..." He said and continued to stroke her.

(With Sonics sanity)

Sonics sanity was the last to go into the village. After a lot of explaining and acting out the villagers trusted him into their home again. Part of him wanted to hate the villagers. They wanted to kill Amy! But the other part knew it had all been out of fear.

"Do you know where Tails is?" He asked the mayor. "Uh-Yes...he's in his house. He hasn't left in days." Mayor Fink told Sonics sanity.

Sonics sanity, Sticks, and Knuckles all raced to his house. "Tails!" Sticks yelled and threw a rock at his window.

Sonics sanity's fingers began to twitch. "Hurry and get down here! We need your help! We need to save Amy!" Sonics sanity yelled.

The window slowly opened and Tails' head appeared. He had dark bags under his eyes and he wasn't too pleased about being woken up. " guys are safe now...just go back to-"

"He has Amy!" Sonics sanity spat.

Tails's eyes widened and he flew down to the ground. "Sonic.EXE has Amy? How'd he escape? Sonic, what are we gonna do?" Tails asked him worriedly. "Sticks, Knuckles, try to catch Tails up on everything that's happened." He ordered and started walking towards the village. "Sonic! What are you gonna do?" Knuckles asked him. "I'm going to talk to the villagers. They need to be prepared for what's going to happen."


Sonics sanity walked into the town square and got everyone's attention. "Does anyone know how to use weapons?" Only a few shots up. "All weapons? Guns, swords, pitchforks, whatever you can all need a weapon. Now. Everyone teach the others how to use weapons. Kids younger then 16 follow me so Sticks burrow. Old women and men come with me as well." The village was split into two and it looked like they might actually put up a fight.

Then Sonic caught the sight of Mayor Finks hat. "Fink! You stay here and watch over the village while I lead these people back."

Mayor Fink stuttered and slowly nodded when he realized he'd have to agree. "Uhm...Sonic?" He said before he left. "If we all survive this-"

"If we survive this things will go back to normal." Sonic told him. "And we will survive this. We must." Sonic then ran up to the front of his crowd and quickly lead them to Sticks' burrow.

Sonics sanity had to focus only on the villagers at the moment. Every part of his body wanted to run back to Amy. He wanted to beat Sonic.EXE into a bloody pulp. But he couldn't go back yet. The villagers needed his help more. Sonic.EXE wouldn't kill her. If anything simply make her extremely uncomfortable.

The villagers were his top priority now. Once this half was safe he'd help train the others. But before that he'd need to instruct his friends in their roles for this war that was coming soon.

Sonics sanity was ripped from his thoughts when he felt a tug on his tail from behind him. He didn't like that feeling and quickly swished around to see who had pulled it. "Uh...h-hi Sonic" came a small voice. He looked down to see Willy Walrus looking up at him. "Am I going to live at Sticks forever?" He asked him.

Sonics sanity shook his head. "No, but you'll be there for a long time. Don't worry, you won't be alone." He smiled at Willy. Willy smiled back and ran over to a group of kids.

Sonics sanity took in a deep breath as Stick's burrow came into view. "Single file! It's not very big, and it will be crowded! Unless someone from my team has told you to exist do not exist! Elderly, help with the kids and baby's. Older kids such as 12-15 help the elderly! Understood?!" He called out. A choirs of Yes's followed.

Sonic waited until everyone was in the burrow. Then he ran to find his team.

(With Amy Rose)

Amy began to yawn as the she heard the baby begin to cry. Amy tried to sit up when she realized something was wrapped around her tightly. She knew instantly it was Sonic.EXE.

She slowly wiggled herself out of his arms and to the baby cradle.

"'s okay, it's okay." She said and stroked it's head as it cried more and more. Then she felt two cold hands on her shoulders. "How's our baby?" Sonic.EXE asked her. "It's not even a real baby, and it's not ours." Amy said as she cradled it in her arms. "Shut up, Ames. I asked how it was doing." Sonic.EXE said and gritted his teeth.

"Blaze it hungry."


"The shadow baby."

"Ah, well, the food is in the cabinet over on the wall."

Sonic.EXE pointed to the wall and Amy handed him the baby. "Amy...why am I the one holding this infant?" Sonic.EXE said as she looked in the cabinet. "Taking care of a baby is a two person job. Everything is equal when two people love each other." Amy said, almost harshly. "That's something Sonic understood." Amy then said, this time harshly.

Sonic.EXE huffed and rocked the baby in his arms. "He's not so great. I'm better...and you know it." Sonic.EXE growled over the baby crying. "No, I don't. Sonic wouldn't trap me, force me to take care of baby, and hurt the village and our friends." Amy growled back. "Sonic is better then you. He's even better then his own sanity." Amy added.

Sonic.EXE handed Amy the baby once she had its bottle. "I'll make you see that I'm better. I'm a GOD compared to everyone else. And you're MY goddess. You aren't Sonics or Sanity's. You're MINE!" Sonic.EXE yelled at her.

Amy sighed as she fed the baby. "At the moment I'm either no ones or both of yours." Amy said, but didn't meet his gaze. "Why can't you agree with me on one simple thing?! Anything I say you say the opposite!"

"Now you know how I feel! You're the exact opposite of what I love! You're hatred, rage, you don't love me! You wish you could have that feeling!" Amy yelled angrily.

Sonic.EXE took in a deep inhale to calm himself. "You don't know what you're saying, Amy. You-"

"You're just jealous of Sonic and his sanity! You want to be praised and admired like they are, but everyone hates you!" Amy growled. Sonic.EXE grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm Amy dropped the baby and it became a part of Sonic.EXE's shadow. "Shut up!! You don't know anything!! You're the one that's full of rage! I'm trying to be nice and let you be a goddess! You just want to fight all the time!!"

Amy had tears in her eyes as pain coursed through her arm and to he shoulder. "I don't want to hurt you, Amy." Sonic.EXE smiled and grabbed her other wrist and pulled her to the bed. "But I don't take kindly to my goddess being so unladylike." He used part of his shadow to form chains and handcuffs. He tied her to the bed and he took a few steps back.

He stared at her as she squeezed her arm that had been twisted. "You'll stay here...until you can treat me better. Until you can treat your husband better!" Before he left the room he smirked. "I remember when I tied you up to the wall last time..." He said with a grin. "This is you're second chance, Amy Rose. Next time...your punishment won't be so kind."

And with that he slammed the door closed.

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