Special Edition- Part 2/5

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Experiencing Jealousy

"That little..." Sonic.EXE growled angrily. Sanity looked over at him and at his screen. "What's happening?" He asked once he looked back at his own screen.

"That stupid little... He knows Amy's mine! He knows Amy's married!"

"Ours, Sonic.EXE, she's ours."

"Who cares! He's stepping in on the wrong man's woman!"

A hotheaded villager, a new one that just moved, had been flirting with Amy. Of course, neither Sonic.EXE nor Sanity could stand for that. "Send him to HELL!!" Sonic.EXE yelled at the device. "Let me handle this one." Sanity said and approached the device. "NO!" Sonic.EXE roared. "This is my speciality. I'll be the one to fix this problem!"

"He's a newcomer, he didn't know. Be reasonable when defending Amy." That was Sanity's way of saying- "if you hit him, I don't want to know." Sonic.EXE grinned and licked his lips. He typed some numbers and words in the screen. It played out like this in real life.


Sonic's fur bristled defensively. Same was in his arms, Sane seemed to realize the situation and began to cry and growl as well. Sonic rocked Sane back and forth, trying his hardest to calm his son.

Meanwhile, Amy was obviously creeped out as the newcomer took her hand and introduced himself. "I am Isaac, The Ferret Prince. Who are you, may I ask?" Amy quickly took her hand back and took a few steps away from the man. "I'm Amy Rose, and I'm-"

"-Married." Sonic growled as he walked beside her. Isaac towered over both of them, he was incredibly tall. "Ah, so I see... Well, I'll be staying here for a mere three days with an exploration crew. I'm glad I got to meet you, Amy Rose." The ferret then gradually left and disappeared into the forest.

"What a creep." Sonic hissed angrily. Amy chuckled at his aggressiveness. "I'm sure if he knew who you were he wouldn't have made those comments."

•Sonic's mind•

Sonic.EXE smiled as he called Sanity over. "Look, all taken care of!" He beamed happily. "That stupid Isaac won't dare to talk to Amy!"

"If you say so."

"I do."

Sanity remained silent as he read the screen. "You did good." Was the only compliment that was given. "I know, just call whenever that creep shows up again. That time, I won't be verbally defensive."

"Very well."

Sonic.EXE smiled wickedly at the thought of finally being able to punch something. "I hope that idiot comes around again."

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