Chapter 3 The Shadows Speak

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Amy and Sonic walked outside. The sun was burning red and it was so hot. Sonic and Amy gave each other terrified glances.

"He said he'd be coming soon...why didn't I kill myself then?" Sonic scolded himself. Amy turned to him and grabbed his shoulders. "Because you're stronger then him! And if you die...I'd follow you." Amy told him. Sonic shook his head. "No...he wouldn't let you..." Sonic said and looked up at Amy with regular tears.

"Sonic...please don't-"

"Hey!" Amy and Sonic turned to see their friends, and most of the village, running towards them. "What's with the sky? Do you guys know?" Sticks asked Amy. Amy shook her head as Tails walked past her to Sonic.

"No idea what caused think it was Eggman?" He asked Sonic. "No way, Eggmans out of it...he's too old now." Sonic told Tails.

"Was he ever young?" Tails laughed. Sonic smiled back, "eh, I know right?" He chuckled.

"Did she see?" Sonic.EXE asked Sonic.

"So, what do you think made this happen?" Sonic asked Tails, ignoring Sonic.EXE.

"I just told you I didn't have any idea what caused this. I guess..."

"Does she like it? Isn't it beautiful?" Sonic.EXE asked Sonic again with a smile. "Let me see her!" He commanded rudely.

"Hey Amy!" Sonic turned around when he heard Mayor Fink call out Amy's name. "You're smart, what's going on? Isn't there like...something in those books you read?" He was speaking in a tone both, Sonic and Sonic.EXE, didn't like.

Sonic shoved through the crowd to get beside Amy. He looked at Amy before he looked at the crowd.

"No...Sonic...please don't. I can keep him back! I can-"

"I don't want him to hurt you again..." Sonic kissed her and turned to the crowd.

"Listen up everybody! I have something important to tell you!" Sonic yelled out. Everyone got deadly quiet and looked up at him.

As Sonic explained what happened all those years ago people began to get scared and Amy began to tear up. They thought it was a joke at first, but then they started to realize; he too was scared. That's when the villagers got scared.

"Banish him!"

"Kick them all out!"

"Kill them both!"

"Wait!" One of them called out. "It's Amy's fault for coming to him! Kill her!"


Sonic looked around at the angry villagers and turned to Amy. He grabbed her in his arms and ran inside their house.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry....I should've listened to you! You're always right! I'm always wrong and you're-"

"Sonic! Calm down! Freaking out isn't helping us! It's helping Sonic.EXE take control of you."

"I-I can't do it...It's all my fault...h-he said I'd screw up. S-Said he'd come once I did..." Sonic had his hands on his head. "I-I just can't-" Amy grabbed him by the arm and yanked him over to her. "Sonic, look at me. I'm asking Sonic, not Sonic.EXE."

Sonic looked at her with scared, sorry, and worried eyes. "It's gonna be okay...I won't let them get you." She said and cupped his face. "But...who's gonna keep them from getting you?"

"Us!" Sonic and Amy turned around to see their friends trying to close the door from the screaming villagers.

"Burn the house!" One yelled out.

Sticks, Tails, and Knuckles slammed the door closed. Then they all turned to Sonic and Amy.

"I'm so sorry have to know I didn't want to do that stuff! He was making me!" Sonic yelled at them.

Amy got between them all and Sonic clung to her while tears spilled from his eyes. "Amy...he just wants Amy...we can't let him have her..." Sonic said through his tears and sobs.

"We won't let him get her, Sonic." Sticks told him. "Who cares about me?! We need to keep Sonic safe!" Amy yelled at them all.

"I care!" Sonic yelled back. "You have no idea how much I care! My safety isn't needed! Sonic.EXE wouldn't allow that. If I die he dies...and if we die no one would be there for you." Sonic was nose to nose with Amy. "We can't let that happen." He whispered to her.

They all were interrupted by the sound of the roof cracking. "They really are burning the house...." Amy said quietly, but was full of fear.

Sonic grabbed Amy and held her tightly. "Come on, we need to go, now!" Sonic said to their friends and ran outside quickly.

Amy looked up at Sonic in worry. They won't have a house anymore. The others can't go back because they'll be treated as traitors. They'll have to start over in the forest.

"Sonic! Amy! This way! I have a place we can all hide!" Sticks yelled and they all followed her.

Tails tossed Sonic a bag that held the metals. "Keep this stuff safe. I'm going back to calm the villagers."

"Where is this place?" Sonic asked her as he placed Amy down. It was dark and they only had a torch. Amy, being an architect, was drawn towards the walls. "Amy, be careful!" Sonic warned her. "Don't worry...I'm just looking at this stuff..."

Amy couldn't read the hieroglyphics too well in the darkness. "Sticks, come over here, I want to read this." Amy said and felt the wall. "It's nothing, Amy, come on, they have beds up ahead." Sticks said and they all continued to walk.

Amy walked beside Sonic, they were behind all the others. "Are you okay Sonic? You look pale." She stated and felt his forehead. "I don't like small spaces. It must be the temple what's got me like this." He told her.

Amy rubbed his back and kissed his nose. "This will hopefully be over soon. Then we can talk about what we had planned." Amy said and looked at her belly. Sonic blushed and nodded. "Definitely" he told her.

"Hey...where'd Sticks and the others go?" Amy asked as they looked up. "I don't know...hey Sti-"

Sonic was cut off as he fell to the ground. "Sonic?!" Amy said and worriedly sat next to him. He was coughing up something black and his fur kept changing colors.

"Wh-What is that?" Amy gasped and rubbed Sonics back.

"It's him" Amy turned around to see Sticks and Knuckles standing behind her. "He tricked you~ and now...his plan can go into action." Sticks giggled as she quickly grabbed Sonics arm and began to drag him. Knuckles held Amy so she couldn't run.

"A-Amy?" Sonic coughed.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" Amy screamed at Sticks. Sticks threw Sonic on the ground. Small lights began to glimmer to reveal a circle where she had thrown him.

Sonic continued to cough up blackness.

"Come on Knuckles. To our own circles. Give our queen hers as well." Sticks grinned. Knuckles put Amy in a circle, and Amy quickly tried to reach Sonic. Only to get shocked each time.

As soon as Knuckles was in his place black ooze escaped from all of them. Threw their eyes, mouth, and ears.

The ooze began to fill into Sonic. His fur began to stay blacker for a longer period of time.

"No...AmY!!! RUn! PlEaSe!!" Sonic screamed out.

But Amy was still getting shocked as Sonic tried to stand.

Then she saw something strange. For a split second she saw two Sonics in the circle, one black as night, the other her beloved hero.

That's when she fainted...

Sorry to end it on a cliffhanger! Especially since you might not be seeing the next chapter in a week...

Oops. 😅

Well, hope you enjoyed. Can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

SonAmy Boom/EXE: I Can Help With ThatWhere stories live. Discover now