Chapter 4

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After a few very short months, it seemed as if everything was back to normal again. I worked with villagers to keep the town running and prepare necessary buildings. We started a bigger community garden to give people more healthy food. Tails found use for his machines, finally. After a few days he turned them into construction-bots.

Suspicions about Sane were still in the air, but it definitely wasn't as bad. Amy and I weren't scared to take Sane outside anymore. He loved the grass and mud puddles especially. When he was outside, crawling or trying to stand up, he was so happy. We wished that he could go to the village next. However, last time we took him to the village, the villagers were more than hostile. All we want is for our baby to grow up loved, is that too hard to ask for?

"Come on, Sane, one step at a time." I called to him. Sane held onto Amy's arms, he placed one foot down then the other. "D-Da?" Sane looked at me with scared eyes as Amy loosened her grip on his hands. "It's alright, you can do it." I smiled at him, beckoning him to come closer. Sane was able to take a few steps by himself before he faceplanted to the ground.

I walked over to him to see him with a red face and crying. Amy stood behind me; watching us. "It's alright, you're a champ, c'mon, one more go?" I asked him, ruffling his fur. He shook his head and crossed his arms. "I's s'upid" he groaned with irritation. "Don't say that, sweetie." Amy responded and rubbed his back. "Yeah, Sane, you're the most amazing thing in this world. You can do anything." I told him. Sane looked at Amy and I then grinned up at us. "Alrights, I's try."

I smiled an kissed his forehead. "There's my boy! Now come on!" I took a few steps away as Amy helped him stand up. "Go on, you can do it." I told him, encouraging each step he made. "You're almost here, a few steps, don't go too fast." I warned him as he looked up at me then back at his feet. Each step he took he wobbled, but he could steady himself. "One more step, c'mon." I grinned as he finally reached me. He smiled brightly and looked back one or two feet to where he had been. "I's done it!" He gasped and looked at me in both amazement and shock. "Yes you did, wanna give it one more shot?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded at me. "This time, I's do it faster!" He grinned and laughed. "Okay, walk back to Mommy." I instructed him. He nodded and looked at Amy. "I'm coming, Mommy!" He giggled and toddled over to her.

I smiled at them, everything was perfect. That was until-


I stood up and turned around to see where the sound had come from. It had came from the village. A cloud of high smoke filled the sky. "Oh no... Amy, get inside, I'll be home soon." I told her, then dashed off towards the village.

As I arrived, people were coughing and trying to blow away smoke by swatting at the air. "What happened here?" I asked a random villager. "We finally..." He paused to cough. "We finally got a good new building up then it tumbled down." He explained to me. I sighed and looked around the area. "Is anyone injured?!" I yelled out and ran around looking at people. "I didn't see anyone with injuries." I thought as the cloud of smoke finally simmered down.

"Sonic! Over here!" Came a females voice. I turned to see her carrying a man over her own tiny shoulders. I jogged over to see that the man she carried was Tails. His legs looked broken or at least severely fractured. "Get a doctor over here!" I yelled as I rested Tails on the ground. I gave his legs a quick look over. "He won't die from this." I sighed with relief and looked at him. "Bud? Can you hear me?" I asked him. One eye slowly popped open. "S-Sonic?" He coughed out. "Hey buddy", I grinned at him.

"Wow, I'm really banged up." He sighed as he, himself, looked at his legs. "Yup, but don't worry, a doctors on his way. Can you feel anything?" I asked as I put my hand on his knee. "It... Doesn't really hurt, but I can feel something. It feels light and soft, like cotton." He retorted, his eyes closing. "Take a rest, the doctor will be here soon."

"Don't have to tell me twice." Tails chuckled then he stopped talking for a few seconds. The doctor ran over and examined Tails as he slept. "He'll be okay, he just needs a cast. I'll be right back with my equipment. Wake him up for me, lad. I need him awake so I know if the cast hurts or not." I nodded and nudged Tails awake.

Eventually he woke up, but his face had lost color. He was incredibly weak, I knew he couldn't die from his broken legs. However, that didn't help my worry. "What'd I miss?" He sighed and tried to sit up. "The doc is getting equipment to put casts on your legs." I explained to him. "I might as well make myself a robotic wheelchair. This is going to take awhile to heal." Tails told me, studying his own legs. He let out a loud sigh and flipped back to the ground. "Why does this always happen to me? Sonic... did I do something wrong?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Not that I know of, you've been a perfect hero." I told him sternly. "Maybe it's my karma." He laughed at himself. "I'm so good that to even things out... The world punishes me."

I chuckled at that. "That's a better thought than a lot of others." I pay his head as he laughed. "Yeah, I suppose..."

SonAmy Boom/EXE: I Can Help With ThatWhere stories live. Discover now