Chapter 7 Bleeding Deaths Words

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Sonic.EXE hissed as he stared at the boulder. "Those idiots think they can keep me caged here forever?!" He growled as he stomped back down to the room Amy had slept in.

"What's Sanity got that I don't? I could offer her so much more!" Sonic.EXE screamed with annoyance. "I WANT HER NOW!!!" He screeched. He started to breath heavily as he sat on the bed Amy had slept in. It still wasn't made and it still held her scent. "Why doesn't she want to be worshiped?! I worship her, I can make others worship her, I can make this entire planet her playground!" Sonic.EXE yelled and squeezed the blankets. He relaxed when her scent went into his nose.

"There's nothing to do now..." He sighed as he took in a breath of the blankets. "I wonder if I can make a minion..." He said and scratched his chin. "No...I have to save up my power for Amy's castle." Sonic.EXE growled and hit the ground.

"I have no choice...I have to take my darkness back from Tails." Sonic.EXE growled as rage filled his mind. He then screamed out various curses.

"This is not cool...and I don't have anything to take my mind off of this. The only thing to destroy is myself." He looked down at his body. Blood was everywhere on his fur. It would take one hundred baths to get it all out.

"At least I can get Amy back..." He grinned as he laid on the bed.

"Seriously though...what's Sonic and Sanity have that I don't?!"

(In The Morning)

Amy sat up and saw that her position and Sonics sanity's had been altered. Now they were very close and her head was in his chest. She blushed and sat up.

Knuckles and Sticks were asleep by the boulder. It looked like they'd only gotten about 3 hours of sleep.

"Sonic...Sonic, wake up." She shook his shoulder but he didn't wake up, he remained asleep. Amy sighed as she stood up.

"Guess I'm looking for food by myself..." She said and popped her back.

Amy left and went deeper into the jungle in search of food. "There should be things to eat here." Amy sighed and looked on the ground for berries and nuts.

She found a few mangos and berries that were edible. She also found a few bananas and coco nuts.

She was preparing to go back to where the others were when she was tackled to the ground.

"Ahhh!!!" Amy screamed as whatever had tackled her squeezed her tightly. She couldn't move her arms and was stuck in place.

"Let me go!!" She screamed and tried to kick it off her.

"Thank God you're okay!" Amy stopped kicking and widened her eyes.

It was Sonics sanity.

"I-I woke up and you weren't there...I-I thought he had gotten you again!" Amy managed to sit up and she pet Sonics sanity's back as he tried to keep his tears back.

"I-I shouldn't be about to cry..." He chuckled as Amy wiped his tears away. "I'm supposed to be calm and collected. I'm supposed to stay happy and cool minded for you...what's happening to me?" He said to Amy.

"It's alright, Sonic. Shhh, calm down. You're just going through what...what my Sonic used to go through." Amy told him.

He took a deep breath and used his arm to wipe away his tears. "I did this a lot, you know? Sometimes Sonic.EXE and I would both cry together. Those times were when you were in a lot of danger. Or if we thought you were dead."

Amy was surprised by this. She never thought Sonic.EXE would be able to have any type of true feelings other then selfish and anger.

"Come on, we need to get back..." Amy said and they both picked up the food.

Sonic.EXE stared at the pitiful excuse of darkness that had taken control of Tails. He was beginning to mold it into the form of a young baby. "Once they here this...Amy won't be able to resist. Even if her own life were in danger she'd do anything to save a child."

Sonic.EXE sighed at the little form. "Amy and Sonic -no...Amy and I were thinking about having a kid. We will soon. I'll make sure of that."

He formed the baby's head and added color. "You'll be my little bait toy..." He grinned as the baby came to life.

It was already doing it's job of crying as loudly as possible. It had a blue head with three small quills that stuck out on the back of his head. It had purple tips on his quills. Then he had two small quills on his head. "Poor baby, my Amy will take of you." The baby grabbed Sonic.EXE's nose and he growled at it to release.

He held the baby in his arms and took him to the boulder. "There you just start crying." He grinned and went down to the end of the hill. Where he could see if anyone took the baby.

"All I have to do is wait..."

Amy and Sonics sanity walked back and saw Knuckles trying to move the boulder. Sonics sanity gasped and pulled Knuckles off the boulder.

"There's a baby in there!" Knuckles explained to him. "It's a trick! Do you know what he's doing? He's playing with you!" He yelled at Knuckles sternly. "He's trying to get us! We can't let him get us! We can't let him get Amy!"

While Sonics sanity was growling at Knuckles Amy poked her head through the gap in the boulder. If there was a baby, she needed to save it.

"We've all gotta go now after we close this boulder back-"

Sonics sanity turned around and saw Amy was half in the boulder. "Amy?!" He grabbed her and tried to pull her out. "I see the baby!" Amy told him. "Just let me-"

"I'VE GOT YOU NOW!" They all heard Sonic.EXE scream.

"Not today! You aren't taking her without me too!" Sonics sanity growled and pulled on Amy.

Sonic.EXE was on the other side, also pulling on her. "Ouch! You guys are ripping me in half!" Amy cried out as Sonic.EXE grinned at her. "You look like you slept on the ground! My poor queen doesn't deserve that!" He stuck out his tongue and licked her cheek.

"You're still very beautiful~ remember when I said perfection had a name? I wasn't lying when I said it involved you and I~" he grinned and gave her one hard tug and just like that. They fell down the hill.

Sonics sanity wasn't small enough to fit through the gap. Only his arm and side could fit through. "AMY!!" He screamed as he saw her tumble into the darkness.

Sonic.EXE used the minion to close the boulder before Sonics sanity and the others could get to him and Amy.

Amy had closed her eyes as she had tumbled down the hill. When she opened them she was staring into Sonic.EXE's eyes.

"Welcome Back, Rose~"

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