Chapter 2 The Red Sun

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Sonic walked behind Amy and stared at her hand. He shook his head. He needed to act confident. He couldn't let his friends know something was wrong.

They couldn't know what happened all those years ago.

"So, what exactly are we going to do when we find more pieces?" Sonic asked the gang. "Probably put them together and see what destroyed it." Tails told him. "Then we have to see what side it's on, good or evil. If it's good we keep an eye on it. If it's evil we kill it." He explained to him.

Sonic gulped and looked at Amy. "I agree, we need to make sure this never comes back." She told them and put her arm around Sonic. "Don't worry, I wouldn't let anyone kill you. I'll make sure they kill 'him'." She whispered to Sonic.

"Thank you Amy..." Sonic whispered back. Amy smiled warmly and kissed his forehead. "Hey! Look! I found something else!" Sticks yelled out loud. "Really? Where? Is it apart of the metal?"

" looks like...jewels?" Sticks said and held up a necklace and ring. Sonics eyes widened with horror once again. "The jewels...that he used to make Amy like him. What are they doing in the forest?" He asked himself and looked over at Amy who also seemed in horror now.

"Sonic, stay here." She whispered and gulped as she walked up. Tails and the others all stared at the jewels. Sonic wanted to look away. He felt like grabbing the jewels. His insanity was growing, he was certain of that. He wasn't going to be around long if his world is coming back.

"I'm coming..." Sonic shook his head. "Stop." He demanded and shut his eyes tightly. "I can't let you get to them...not again." Sonic said through gritted teeth. "Well, too bad, so sad. Because I'll be back in only a matter of days!" Sonic shook his head again.

Tails walked over towards Sonic. "Hey Sonic, you wanna check this stuff out?" Tails offered. "Yeah, go check it out!" Sonic.EXE screamed in Sonics head. "Nah, it's fine. I'm getting a better view over here." Sonic smiled at Tails and tried not to wince.

"Are you alright? You seem to have a really bad headache." Tails said to me. "He has no idea" Sonic.EXE laughed. Sonic simply nodded at his friend. "I think I need to go back home and take some medicine." He explained to his friend.

"I'll walk you back. Can't remember the last time we've hung out." Tails smiled at Sonic.

"Just like the way we hung his tails." Sonic.EXE chuckled inside Sonics head. "'s alright, I'll walk back by myself." Sonic smiled.

"No, I insist." Tails smiled. "Hey guys! I'm going to walk Sonic back!" Tails said as they set off.

Amy looked back to see Tails walk off with Sonic. Tails still had the metal. She hoped being around it wouldn't increase Sonic's insanity.

"Hey Amy, don't these jewels look cool? I bet you'd look good in them." Sticks said and handed her the jewels. "I-I don't think so..." Amy said and handed the jewels back.

"Hey guys!" Knuckles called out. Sticks and Amy ran over to him. They hadn't even known he had left. "Look at this! It's weird, the trees trunk is bleeding instead of leaking sap." Knuckles said as he pointed to a tree with blood oozing from it. " that real?" Sticks gagged. "I don't think has to the color of the sap." Amy told them as she approached the tree. But as she neared it...she could smell the real blood. She had been around blood enough to know it's smell.

The blood was going down the hill into the sea. Amy's neck fur raised up.

"Guys, I think we need to get rid of this tree." She told them. "Alright, but what about the sap? I'm not going back into town looking like a murder." Knuckles and Sticks said to Amy.

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