Chapter 3

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We lead Tails to our living room where we sat down, Tails across from Amy, Sane, and I. Amy shifted Sane in her arms, trying to calm him down. "Tails, what exactly do you want with my child?" I asked him. "Nothing! I just want to protect the village!" He shouted aggressively, his eyes refusing to look at mine. "There's nothing to protect. Eggman is gone, Sonic.EXE is gone, there are no threats."

"Liar! The Sonic that I know... wouldn't just give up on adventures! He wouldn't forget his friends!" My eyebrows furrowed. "So I know he still exists!" Tails shouted.

Sane whimpered in Amy's arms, I moved my arm to his head and rubbed him. He seemed to calm down. "Tails, technically he is me, but Sanity is as well. I'll be fine and the village is completely safe!" I said loudly, not quite a yell, but verging on one.

"Sonic, calm down, sweetie." Amy whispered to me. "Don't worry, I'm fine, Ames." I told her and kissed her nose. Tails growled at us. "This is what I'm talking about. Sonic... Sonic doesn't kiss Amy, h-he's too shy t-to. He hangs out with me and we talk about it. H-He isn't a family man." I wasn't sure how to respond. Was he describing me from all those years ago? All those years before Sonic.EXE even showed up. Could he be living in the past?

"Tails, all that happened a long time ago. Amy and I are married, we have a kid, we're focusing on him right now." I explained calmly. "We stopped going on adventures because we found something more important than our own needs."

"Lair... Sonic never gives up his adventures! He loves running and our adventures more than anything!" Tails cried out, finally looking up at me. His eyes were red, and he had a look of pure hatred frozen on his face.

"I am not lying. Sane is who really matters to Amy and I. The village is fine without the Boom Crew, get over it."

"Stop saying that... When you know it isn't true! The village is in danger and you know it!"

"What is it in danger of? Tell me, cuz I have no idea! And if you can't, then you can leave! I won't have you worrying Amy and my son any longer!"

"It's... It's in danger of... of... loosing you..." Tails choked out, his voice almost as shaky as his body. "What do you mean... Loosing me?" I asked him, confused. "You're not the same. Everything is... Okay, and it's like you don't even realize." I didn't understand what he meant. "Tails, please explain better."

"We fought beside each other, against Eggman, Lyric, Sonic.EXE... and now there's no one to fight. My gadgets were made to help us fight, what good are they now? What good am I? You all have accepted this, but... I don't want to be forgotten. I want... I want to be brothers again, Sonic."

Tails started to hic and sob, "bud..." I said and looked at Amy and Sane. I had no idea this was what was wrong. Tails thought that because we grew up and won our battles we would be done forever. He wanted the gang to stay together. He wanted to have more adventures, so a created a villain, my son.

I stood up and say beside my crying friend. "Tails... We wouldn't forget you. There comes a time we all have to grow up. Amy and I have grown, you're still young and if you seek adventure you need to find it. Don't let us hold you back. We are still the Boom Crew, but right now, we all just need to take a break."

Tails sniffed and flung himself into me. I never thought I'd see the day Tails cried like this. Only when we were young had he done this, but this seemed worse. He was grown and he still needed us, we were his only family. I patted his back and said that it'd be okay. Just like how I talked to Sane when he was crying.

I looked at Amy who seemed happy that we had settled everything, and then she clasped her hands together and shed one tear. Were our heart breaking apologizes that good? It made me laugh at the situation.

A few minutes later Tails had calmed down. We offered him to spend the night, but he refused and flew himself home. Amy and I stared after him then walked into our house to see Sane playing with his cube blocks. "Trouble is over now, baby boy." I smiled at him and bounced him on my leg. He giggled and clapped his hands.

Amy sat beside me and wrapped her arms around me. "Oh, Sonic, I'm so glad that's over with." She sighed and kissed my cheek. "Me too, I was afraid that we'd have to get a restraining order." I sighed and put Sane back on the floor with his toys. I leaned my head on Amy's shoulder for comfort. "Sweetie... I think we should try to get some sleep." She told me and patted my quills. "Give me a second... Let's just stay here, let Sane tire himself out."

That wasn't the reason I wanted to stay up, in all honesty, I just didn't want to move. I wanted to stay beside Amy and let her wash my stress away in her loving embrace. She was warm and quiet, keeping me fighting sleep. Amy cuddled me and kissed my forehead. I pushed my face deeper into her neck.

"Hey, do you want a blanket?" Amy asked me and shifted in her seat. "No, don't go, Amy, I'm so comfortable." I groaned and wrapped my own arms around her waist. "Was today too stressful?" Amy rubbed my back, her hands slowly rolling over my spines, sending a tingly feeling up my spine. "Yeah... Just a little." I said and flipped to my stomach. I let one arm hang down off the couch and looked at Sane as Amy massaged my back.

Sane grinned and grabbed my hand. He pulled on my fingers, his own barely being able to wrap around. He lifted up my hand and I smiled. "Strong... Just like Amy." I thought as he handed me toy block. "Sane, you really are my little angel. Don't grow up too fast..."

IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER!!! Omg I was so stressed and I had so much to do over these two weeks. I have an essay and test like everyday! Forgive me!

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