Chapter 11 One More Day

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Amy was so hungry. She hadn't eaten in two days. She needed to eat soon...

" you need anything?" Sonic.EXE said and walked in. Amy tensiones quiet. She'd rather die then talk to him.

"You look hungry...I can get my shadow to make you something, if you'd like?"

Amy then heard a growl. "Why won't you answer me?! I've done everything the other two have done! I've kissed you, been nice, offered you food, slept with you, what else do you want?!"

"I want...I want SONIC, I've told you before!" Amy cried out. "You just don't understand..." She said and stared at the cold ground.

"Then enlighten me, go on. I'm waiting." He said and tapped his foot.

"I-In someway I do love you. I love Sonics sanity too. You both are what make up Sonic, and I love Sonic. I love him so much...but I don't love you or Sonics sanity separately."

"Why not? I'm better then that meat bag! Sanity is too nice to say it out loud, but he thinks he is too. He's just doing what he knows will make you happy."

Amy shook her head as tears streamed down her face. "At least he understands what I want!" She yelled.


There was nothing but silence after that.

"Amy...last time was amazing for me. You thought it was too, until you got scared by all the blood. I've changed the palace. It's elegant, not something you'd see off a horror movie now. I'm trying to make you see that-"

"Leave me be, Sonic.EXE. If I die I don't want you to be last face I see."

Sonic.EXE growled and walked out of the room. "I'll force you to eat! I said you're gonna live with me, be my queen, my goddess! That's what I'm gonna do!"

Sonic.EXE sent his shadow to the kitchen and he sat outside the door. "I am evil...I'm better then evil...I'm a murderer. But Amy's going to be my goddess. Her insanity's so mysterious, it does what it needs to, but it doesn't at the same time."

Sonic.EXE rubbed his head and tilted his head up. "One more day. Just one more. Then she'll have no choice and everyone else will fall down and bow. Even Sanity won't stop me."

A few short moments later his shadow arrived with some food. It was a dead rabbit that had been skinned and grilled.

"Take it to her. She won't take it if I get close to her."

Sonic.EXE stood up and walked away into the shadows. He felt like he could think better and he could see everything in the shadows. Wherever there was a shadow he could travel to it, except where Sanity was. Sanity protected and made the shadows around him obsolete.

Amy was forced to eat the food prepared. She wasn't at all happy when the shadow shoved the food down her throat forcefully.

Sonic.EXE heard her cries and part of him wanted to smile while the other part wanted to dance. He wanted to smile because she was eating finally; he wanted to dance because her cries sounded beautiful to his ears.

Eventually he broke and had to see her.

"Amy, you finally ate!" He beamed, pretending she had done it by herself. "I hate you...I just want to die." Amy sniffed and clung to herself. At the moment, that's all she had.

"Sorry, I have to keep you alive. It's not last time where I don't care if you're alive or dead. I can't push my morals back. I've tried-"

"MORALS?! You're sick! If I could kill myself I would! Then you'd have nothing to fight for, no reason to destroy lives!"

"What about Sanity?" Sonic.EXE grinned and stroked her cheek.

"He'd do anything to avenge me!" I snapped. "And...if Sonic ever came back he'd..." Amy's eyes teared up and she covered her eyes with her knees.

"He'd kill himself. Because Sanity and I would agree on that choice together."

Amy simply nodded and cried more.

"You know what I'm doing tomorrow, right?" He asked Amy. "Yeah, so does the entire island!" Amy growled and faced her back his way.

"You'll have no choice but to love me~" Sonic.EXE cooed, trying to distract himself from her trying to ignore him. Silence followed and Sonic.EXE smiled, she didn't care about it anymore. She looked broken and dead. "Sanity would love her new appearance." Sonic.EXE thought and grabbed her wrist. Amy flinched and tried to squirm away from him.

"I won't hurt you, Amy-"

"Because you haven't ready?" Amy retorted.

Sonic.EXE narrowed his eyes and tightened his grip on her. Any began to shake with fear as Sonic.EXE brought them nose to nose. "I love you, Amy~" He told her sweetly. "Go to Hell!" Amy spat back. "What's with that language? You're highly unladylike for such a masterpiece~" He took in Amy's scent and smiled with pride.

"Don't worry, I can fix that." Amy prepared to be hit or slapped, or even kicked. " need more rest."

Sonic.EXE hopped onto the bed and placed Amy up with him. "The ground can't be comfortable." Sonic.EXE told her, but she looked away. "Why do deny me? I'm doing my best to make you happy!" Amy remained silent.

"9 more hours until the war starts." Sonic.EXE told her as he placed his hand on her knee. Amy's entire body froze; she was even holding her breath.

"I'll keep you here until the palace is as great as it had been. You'll be safe with my shadow to protect you." Sonic.EXE kissed her cheek after he said that.

"Sonics sanity is right." Amy told him as he pulled away. "About?" Sonic.EXE asked and tilted his head in a playful way. "You're incapable of love. What your doing is because of jealousy. All you want is to be in control of everything. You want to be a dictator." Amy told him. "But that's not how this works. That's NOT how this will end." Amy growled and clutched the bed.

Sonic.EXE hissed and yanked Amy to look at me by her chin. "You think you know everything, don't you? You're partially right, actually. I hate to admit but...I am jealous. Jealous that Sonic gets you and this life every single day! I get nothing! Sanity gets to choose everything because I'm not allowed to mess with Sonics mind on my own! But Eggman...when he freed me four years ago. I was finally, really, truly, FREE."

Sonic.EXE's eyes widened with insanity as the blood from underneath his eyes began to poor out. Amy pulled her head back. "And that's when this nightmare began." She whispered to herself.

Sonic.EXE grinned "Goodnight, Amy Rose. Our nightmare continues tomorrow~"

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