Special Edition- Part 4/5

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Experiencing Love

"Hey! It's my turn! You promised that I got to control Sonic on their next big date." Sonic.EXE complained loudly.

"That was before you started to threaten the waiter!" Sanity retorted.

"He deserved it! Did you see the way he looked at her!"

"It's hard not to look at her cleavage when she's wearing a dress like that!"

"I told her to go change!"

"Did you think she would listen?!"


"This is getting us no where!"

"I know!"

"Let's just both control him, alright?!"

"No, that's unfair!"

They both huffed angrily and stared at each other with hatred. "This sucks. Stupid Sanity; ruining my fun."

"Fine. You get the first hour." Sanity scowled angrily. "NO! I get everything!" Sonic.EXE yelled and stomped his foot. "Fine! Don't throw a tantrum, you baby!" Sanity hissed aggressively.

"If I'm a baby at least I'll be the sexiest baby Amy's ever seen." Sonic.EXE grinned devilishly. "Ew! You're so gross!" Sanity said and pretended to barf.

Sonic.EXE started to frantically type on the device. His face became as red as it had ever been in his entire life. He bit his bottom lip and smirked.

"Oh God, what could he possibly be saying?" Sanity shuddered and cringed.

Meanwhile in Reality:

Sonic smirked devilishly as he kissed Amy's neck. "Sonic..." Amy giggled and raised her shoulders, trying to block his tickling kisses. "Not at the table." She added and put her hand on his lap. He blushed and winked at her. "Don't be afraid, sweetie. You can get closer." With that said Amy jerked her hand back, her face redder than the wine they were drinking. Sonic leaned back and laughed at her reaction.

Back in Sonic's mind:

Sanity was still cringing as he read the numbers and letters that were on the screen. "How disgraceful. He's embarrassing Amy! I don't know why I agreed for him to have this."

Sonic.EXE, still typing frantically, was enjoying the date very much. He wasn't sure if the date would necessarily be a disaster or a success.

It's hard to tell when the "body" is drunk and the mind isn't. Whatever he says could become interpreted wrong. For instance, he tells Sonic to pull out Amy's chair for her. He might do that, but then messages from before that got left behind gets picked up. So instead of   pulling out her chair, he pulls out her chair and laughs hysterically for no reason.

This can cause major problems, but right now, Sonic.EXE has a plan for tonight. He won't be letting anything stop him. Last time, Sanity took over when they were having "mommy and daddy time." Now, Sonic.EXE's turn. He could only hope that all would go well before that time.

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