Special Edition- Part 5/5

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Experiencing Sleep

Sanity yawned as he sat down on the white floor. "Your turn for watch tonight." He reminded Sonic.EXE. "Alright... his day was good, right?" He asked. "As much as it could be." Sanity replied in a haggard voice. "I think he deserves a nightmare tonight."

"Why so?"

"To keep him and ourselves in check. You never know when or if we could get too cocky."

"Fine, just don't disturb me." Sanity sighed and started to snore his way back to sleep.

The process of a dream is very complex, so I won't even try to explain. All you need to know is that it's so complex that even Sanity and Sonic.EXE mess up. That's why sometimes when Sonic slept he'd wake up. He'd be having a nightmare where he'd be trapped in the ocean, then out of no where, a cow or bird is swimming beside him.

Sonic.EXE slowly made the dream world. He tried to make it as real and scary as possible. He mixed in all of Sonic's fears and insecurities into the dream. His fear for Sane's future, loosing Amy, loosing himself, how he always thought his legs were too long, ect., ect.

Sonic's dream would be the most terrifying dream he'd ever have. It should keep him and themselves in order for awhile at least. There's never a guarantee when talking about dreams.

"Sonic is going to have a terrible time tonight. I hope he doesn't wake Amy or Sane while he sleeps." Sonic.EXE smiled evilly. He stared at the screen, checking over the numbers and letters. "Seems like this will work well. Time to watch the magic unfold!"

•The Dream•

Sonic races around in the blackness that had once been his mind. Creepy laughs and terrified screamed echoed around him. Amy's screams of pain, Sane's scream of fear, and Sonic.EXE's laughter.

"Please! Give them back!" Sonic screamed and shouted. Images of his family and friends dead bodies filled his mind as the scenery changed. Now he stood in a desolate village, the only sound he could here was a creaking door. His hands were smeared in blood as he looked down to see Amy's dead body, slowly bleeding out. "N-No... A-Ames?" Sonic chocked on his words as his hands shook. He tried to touch her but now he was too scared to even do that. Out in the distance, he heard Sane's cries.

"Sane?" Sonic raced over to where his cries were. Sane was in an abandoned house, on the floor. "Shh, shh, it's okay. Daddy's here, Daddy won't hurt you." He cooed into his child's ear. "I won't hurt you, Daddy's here, everything's okay." He repeated to his son and rocked him in his arms. "You'll be safe with me, Sane."

•Sonic's Mind•

Sonic.EXE smiled at his work. If he couldn't live his own dream outside, at heady he could live his dreams in Sonic's dreams. Torturing Sonic, caring for Sane, living with Amy in a palace, he could do all those things.

"This will satisfy me for now, but I'll want that power for real again... I wonder how long we can keep me hidden this time?"

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