Thank You/ The End/ Epilouge

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Thank you guys for reading! I was glad to write this even though I didn't want to really make this into a sequel. I'm happy that it's turned out so well. Thanks to you guys, SonAmy is becoming #1!! WOOHOO!!! Love you guys!

Now go read the epilogue, please.


Amy growled with pain as she clutched her stomach. "Hey, hey, it's ok, Amy. It's going to be ok-"

"OKAY?! OKAY?! You did this to me!! I'm going to rip your ******* head off!!!" Amy yelled angrily and clutched the bars on the side of the bed. The scars left by shadows a few months back still were vivid on her arms.

The hospital in Bygone Island wasn't used much. Usually when someone needed to have a baby they'd just call the doctor over, but Amy's pregnancy had been rough. She always had a lot of morning sickness and cramps had been a daily nuisance. Her food craving hadn't made anything better. Everyone tried to please her, but mood swings made things hard for everyone.

"I'll kill you after this! 'Let's have a baby' he says! 'It'll be fun' he says! 'It's okay' he says! I ******* hate you, Sonic T. Hedgehog!" Amy screamed and clutched her stomach.

Sonic was simply smiling because he knew the baby was coming and all the insults meant Amy was doing fine. If she wasn't cussing him, he'd be scared.

"I love you, Amy Rose. I'm right here for you." Sonic said and held her hand as they arrived in her room. Amy gripped Sonics hands as the doctor spread her legs apart. Sonic winced at the pain Amy was causing him to go through. His hand felt broken as they both screamed in pain.

•5 hours later•

"Oh Sonic...look at him!" Amy said and held the baby in her arms. Sonic smiled and put his hands underneath Amy's. He felt so connected to his wife and child. "What should we call him?" Amy asked Sonic. He hadn't seemed to hear her question. Sonic stroked the baby's hair as it started to cry. "'s okay, mommy and daddy's got you." Sonic said to the baby. "What should we name him?" Amy asked again.

"Sane" Sonic smiled. "So we can remember and thank my sanity for getting him here." Amy grinned and nodded. "I love that name, Sane..."

Amy and Sonic had tears in their eyes. "We love you..." They both said.

SonAmy Boom/EXE: I Can Help With ThatWhere stories live. Discover now