Chapter 1 The Beggining Of The End

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Sonic woke up in the morning; still on Amy's lap. "Amy? Honey?" Sonic said and sat up. "Hmm? Oh...good morning Sonic. Sorry I hadn't made breakfast." She apologized and yawned. Sonic kissed her nose softly and gently. "It's alright, Ames. You used up a lot of your energy yesterday, you sleep." Sonic ordered and purred at her. "I'll take care of everything today." He promised as he got out of bed.

He put Amy in a more comfortable position before leaving to go to their kitchen.

Sonic yawned and stretched out his back and arms. "Man...that spell can keep the demons away, but not my aching back..." He groaned and rubbed his temples. "This hurts more then getting hit with Amy's hammer..."

"Probably what caused these problems..." He thought to himself. He searched through cabinets for food and breakfast for Amy and himself. "How do you feel of...sausage and pancakes?" He called to her.

"Yeah, that sounds great." Amy had responded drowsily. Sonic grinned warmly at himself. "She's so adorable..." Sonic thought as he started preparing breakfast.

Amy walked in a few minutes later and rubbed her eyes. "Sonic?" She yawned loudly. "Here" Sonic replied and kissed her cheek. "The breakfast is ready and is in the living room waiting for us." Sonic told her and she smiled at him thankfully.

"Tails and the others are coming by soon." Sonic said as they sat on the couch with each other. "Really? That's nice. Should I prepare something?" Amy asked him. "I wouldn't think so, it's just a small visit." He replied to her. "They'll be gone in a few minutes." He yawned and popped his back.

"Why are they coming?"

"Said they found something and wanted us to all look at it."

"Wonder what it could be. Hope it's not bad news." Amy said and put her hand on her stomach. Sonic nodded and held her hand that lay on her belly. "If it is, I'll take care of it." Amy smiled at him and laid her head on his shoulder as they turned on the news.

Soar was in a hot air balloon and was going on about how it looked like it was going to storm today. "I think I'm going to go take a shower." Amy said and sat back up. "Alright, do you want me to tell them you'll be out soon? When they come, I mean." Sonic asked. Amy nodded and walked into their bathroom.

(Half hour later)

Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Sticks were all in the living room. "It's this weird metal. It's unbreakable! The strongest force in the world couldn't break it!" Tails exclaimed. "I don't know what it's made out of, but look, something scratched it. Whatever it was, it was stronger then titanium, slate, and diamond!" Tails was going on and on about the metal. "Where is it?" Sonic asked him.

"Well...that's it...I know I said it was unbreakable, but whatever scratched it escaped. I only have this now."

Tails pulled out a thick piece of metal from his tool bag. Sonics eyes widened. He recognized the metal.

" was supposed to disappear. We got rid of it!" Sonics head started to pound.

He saw a flash of red and covered his eyes. "Put it away...please..." Sonic said weakly.

"Uh...alright, is something wrong?" Tails asked him.

"Yes, I-I I'm fine...uhm...I'm going to go get Amy." Sonic said and rushed out of the room.

Amy was just getting out of the shower when Sonic ran in. She had a towel wrapped around her body and hair.

"Amy, we have a problem." He gasped out and clutched his head.

"Sonic? What's wrong?" Amy took his hands and Sonic put his head under her chin. "They found a piece of metal from the thing you used to destroy Sonic.EXE. I think...he's trying to come back. The things that he had created are coming back. He can't-I can't let him hurt you!" Sonic yelled and held Amy tightly.

"Sonic...Sonic, calm down. Let me take a look. Let me get dressed and I'll be there in a second." Sonic took a shaky breath and nodded. "Okay...okay...I-I need some ibuprofen." Sonic walked passed Amy and to their medicine cabinet.

Amy put on her clothes and left the bathroom with Sonic.

She gasped when she saw the metal as well. "May I see it?" She asked shakily. Tails handed her the metal and Any examined it. Sonic stared at the metal as Amy flipped it on it's back and felt the scratch marks. Sonic stared at it with horror. He began to rub his hands and he began to hear a low whisper.

"No...whatever you're Stop. STOP!!" Sonic shouted in his head.

"Are there anymore?" Amy asked them. They all shook their head. "We need to find all the pieces. Then we need to rebuild whatever it was." Amy said and stood up. "Sonic, can you come? Or would you rather stay here?"

Sonic didn't know what to do. "I-I can go with you guys." He smiled at her. "Alright, let's go." Amy smiled and helped him stand up.

(Deep In Sonic's Head)

"I'm coming...I just have a few more things I need to do here."

Sonic.EXE smiled as he licked his bloody mouth. "My darkness is spreading again. All I need is something to spark his madness again." Sonic. EXE took a look through Sonics eye.

They were in the forest walking towards the beach. "Where is it?" Sonic.EXE growled as he tried to make Sonics head move. He felt a large slap against his head when Sonic clutched his head in pain.

Sonic.EXE growled and rubbed his own head. "I'll kill him...once I escape his head and get our kingdom back. I'll kill him. I'll make sure not to let anyone fool me again. Not even Amy...not even my goddess.

Sonic.EXE put his hand over his heart. "I'll make sure she loves me this time...this time. THIS time she'll stay by ME, because Sonic will be long gone."

Sonic.EXE began to laugh menacingly.

"They have no idea what I'm planning..."

Sonic.EXE grinned as his eyes glowed red.

Hope you guys have enjoyed the first chapter! The next chapter will be longer, I promise! Sonic.EXE is planning something no one's expecting. Can you guess? Huh? Huh?! Can ya?

Anyways, see you in the next chapter!

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