Chapter 5 Let Us Rule

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Sonic.EXE smiled as he walked back into the room his other half was chained up. He growled at him as he walked up to him.

"Thanks to you, I'm having to work extra hard to get her to trust me again. I'll have to wait on the castle for weeks! I'm going to have to do everything!" He yelled at Sonics sanity.

"Could you please be quiet? Your demonic voice is a horrible sound." Sonics sanity said, not looking in Sonic.EXE's eyes.

"Shut up!!! Or maybe you'd like to see what will happen later on again?" Sonic.EXE grinned and kicked him in the leg, hard. Sonics sanity quickly brought in his legs and held them to his body. "It won't happen. She's stronger then you and any of your mind tricks."

Sonic.EXE grimes wildly. "She's stronger, I know that." He screeched. "But you're nothing! Say it, say you're nothing!" Sonic.EXE hit Sonics sanity and kicked him in the gut.

Sonics sanity opened his mouth. "I...I'm not nothing. You're the one with all the problems." Then he spit blood out of his mouth and onto Sonic.EXE's shoes.

"You'll regret that!"

"You'll never rule beside Amy! And she'll never rule beside you! Leave her alone!"

"Never! You will let us rule together!"

"I'd never allow that you sick-"

Sonic.EXE grabbed Sonics sanity by the neck and stepped on his legs and kneed him in the face.

"Let us rule..."

(Early next morning)

Amy's eyes fluttered open as she yawned. She blinked a few times before her eyes completely opened.

Her eyes opened and she found herself staring into red eyes. They were literally a few inches away from her face.

"Morning, love~"

Amy screamed and hit him as hard as she could. "Oh my God! I'm sorry! You startled me!" Amy said over the bed. Of course she wasn't really sorry, but she had been shocked.

"It's sure do have a quite a punch." Sonic.EXE said and rubbed his jaw. "You can thank Sonic for that." Amy told him in a rude voice. Sonic.EXE growled and popped his jaw back into place. "Breakfast is ready, we're all eating in the kitchen I worked on last night." Sonic.EXE told her. "Hurry and get dressed. We're all waiting for you." He said and walked out the door.

Amy waited for the door to close before she got out of bed and searched for a new outfit. She quickly found one that looked clean, but it was obviously handmade.

Amy left the room and heard voices from down the hall. She gulped and prepared to see the worse as she walked into the room.

Amy gasped when she walked in. Sticks and Knuckles were chained to chairs. They were on the side of the large dinning table. Two other chairs set across from them. At the head of the table was Sonic.EXE. The other end was for her to sit at. Her name was carved into the wooden chair. The other chairs weren't smooth like hers. Her chair was smooth and comfortable. The other chairs were rough and full of splinters.

"Welcome to breakfast! I know you hated what I did to our friends last time." Sonic.EXE began and smirked. "So I won't turn them into monsters and corpses this time around." He smiled warmly; as if were something to be proud about.

Amy gulped and slowly took her seat. She glanced over at her friends and saw Sticks and Knuckles were terrified. She mouthed for them to calm down. "Who's the other seats for?" She asked Sonic.EXE. "Tails and the idiot." He smiled at her. "He'll be coming soon, he's the one that will be serving us." Sonic.EXE explained and clapped his hands.

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