Chapter 4 His Return, Her Nightmare

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Amy woke up terrified. She laid wrapped in a red blanket that was on the floor. "Wh-What happened?" Amy groaned.

"Shhh! Be quiet! He'll come back!" Amy turned her head to see Sonic shackled to the wall. They were still in the temple. "Sonic! You're okay!" Amy scooted over to him, caterpillar style. Because of their positions she couldn't sit up. So her head rested at his feet.

"You're right and wrong, Amy. I'm his sanity, the goodness that drives Sonic. His insanity found a way to separate us." Sonics sanity scowled. "I still need to keep you quiet while I figure out a plan."

Amy, ignoring his request looked at him questioningly. "So...there are two Sonics now? You and...him?"

"Yes, yes, his insanity, evil and darkness all combined. Now please be-"

"Amy~ Are you up yet?" Amy and Sonics sanity's ears perked up. "Oh great, thanks for listening by the way." Sonics sanity said sarcastically. "Stay beside me, I can't let anything happen or I'd end up killing myself later on."

"Amy-" Sonic.EXE walked in with two plates of food. One held raw, dead, bugs. The other held a delectable lunch. He hadn't changed at all. He looked exactly the way he had before all those years ago. "What is she doing next to you?!" He screeched in rage.

"She wanted to come here. Don't blame her either. I'm a much better companion." Sonics sanity smirked slyly. "Why you!" Sonic.EXE slapped Sonics sanity so hard an echo was heard. "Sonic!" Amy said and tried to sit up to see him. "It's alright Amy...he can't kill me." Sonics sanity smirked again. "If he did he'd be hurting you..."

"SHUT UP!!!" Sonic.EXE screeched. "Be quiet, or you'll hurt Amy's ears!" Sonics sanity grinned. He was obviously making fun of Sonic.EXE's obsession with Amy. Sonic.EXE grabbed Amy up and pulled off the blanket. She still had on her clothes, but there was some blood on her neck.

"What are you doing?" Sonics sanity asked, actually sounding worried.

Sonic.EXE pushed his face into Amy's neck with a grin. "Don't you remember this, Amelia? How we slept side by side? How I would kiss you with such passion?" Sonic.EXE smirked as Amy tried to push away. "Why are you doing this to me?! Leave me alone!" Amy yelled at him. Sonic.EXE grabbed her arms and kissed her cheek. Leaving some blood on it.

Sonics sanity was desperately trying to escape and get to her. "Let Amy go!!" He screamed. "We don't want this!"

"You don't want this! I'm my own now...and I just want her!" Sonic.EXE grinned and lifted a finger to stroke her cheek. Amy tried to push her face away, but she couldn't move to far. "Stop fighting it, Amy!" Sonic.EXE hissed at her. "No! Fight!! Get away from him!" Sonics sanity yelled and pulled on his shackles.

Amy couldn't move her body to try to push him away because of his firm grip. "I-I can't move!" She cried out. Fear was creeping it's way into her body. She didn't want to go through everything he had put her through again.

Sonic.EXE grinned with pleasure as he realized she was afraid. "Shh...don't worry my love..." He said sweetly and he slid his hand over her waist. "Stop! This isn't you, Sonic!" Amy yelled at him.

"How can you not understand yet?" Sonic.EXE said to her. "He must have done everything for how I used to want. But now I need work, something to make sure you don't run away again."

"Let her go you sick b******!!" Sonics sanity yelled and broke one shackle. "Amy!! Grab my hand!!" Amy quickly managed to kick Sonic.EXE and she ran into Sonics sanity's arms.

"You b****! Fine! Stay down here with him! You'll be mine again soon..." He hissed as he limped back into the shadows.

Amy and Sonics sanity both were breathing heavily and holding each other tightly. "It's okay now...he won't get you..." He said and kissed Amy's head. "Tell me all this works. What been happening in Sonics head?" She asked him.

"Okay, well, I'm Sonics sanity. That was Sonics insanity. If you put us both back together you'll get back the Sonic that you loved." He explained to her. "Your Sonic can't exist without both of us."

"Sonic.EXE and I have been battling for four years. I've tried to get him to see that we can live as one as we once had. But he's set on keeping you to himself."

"What if he tries to destroy you?" Amy asked him. "He can't. If he kills me, he kills himself. Just as Sonic can't exist without us, we can't exist without each other."

"And...why am I always in the center of this?" Amy asked him. "Because you're the thing that triggers both of us. Whenever you're in danger Sonic.EXE would come to help. To take down or kill anyone that hurt you or came between you and him. Whenever you weren't in danger..." A bright blush appeared on his face as he smiled.

"I would be there...I helped him face you. I helped him...think kindly and tell him what to do and when to do it. Not to go too fast or too slow. Not to let life pass him by. That settling down wasn't the worst idea."

Amy blushed as well and scratched the back of her head. "When we get you two back together...will he never come back? Sonic.EXE I mean..."

"If we do it correctly, he'll be a pebble in Sonics mind." Sonics sanity smiled with happiness.

"Does everybody have the sanity vs insanity thing?" Amy asked him, wondering how her sanity was dealing. "Of course, it's just...your insanity is slightly more sane then Sonics. Your insanity understands that it needs to work together to keep you alive." A brighter blush appeared on his cheek next. "And your sanity, which you're made mostly of. Is completely beautiful and pure..."

Amy blushed and looked at the ground. "Thanks for explaining this, now, how are we going to-"

Amy went deadly silent.

"Amy? You okay?" Sonics sanity asked her.

"Where are Sticks and Knuckles?" She turned to him, fear in her eyes and voice. "What did he do to them this time?!"

"Amy, they're okay, I promise, calm down. He doesn't have enough strength to do to them what he did before. Just like he can't hypnotize you." Amy relaxed and looked around the temple walls. She stood up out of Sonics sanity's arm. "You know I have one more hand that needs to be freed, right?" He told her.

"We can't leave yet, he's expecting that. I've grown up since the last time you and Sonic.EXE have seen me. I don't run away anymore. I'm staying to fight."

Sonics sanity shook his head. "Amy, I can't let you do that. If you get hurt, as soon as you die...I'm done for. You're what triggers me, remember? If you die in danger; Sonic.EXE is gonna take control. "Then I won't die." Amy smiled at him. "At least let me go, then I can-"

"Amy?" Sonic.EXE said quietly as he walked back in. "I'm...sorry for what I did-"

"No you're not-" Sonics sanity hissed

"Shut up!" Sonic.EXE hissed louder. "If you'd like to sleep in more comfortable place you can. I'll let you be once you're in the room."

Amy looked at the two Sonics. "Just go with him, if he hurts you, I'll kill him." Sonics sanity glared at Sonic.EXE.

Sonic.EXE looked at Amy and offered his hand. She slowly gave him hers. "Great job, Ames. Come on, you get the best bed." He was about to kiss her cheek when a low growl was heard behind them. "Fine..." He snapped as they walked out and to a small hall way that leaf to a few bedrooms.

"Our castle will look a lot better once it comes back up and the sea turns red again." He smiled at Amy. Amy's fur stood on end. "O-Ok..." She said to him. "Don't worry, I won't let blood be everywhere since you hated it so much before." Sonic.EXE said as he held her hand. Amy gulped in fright as he opened a door that lead to her room.

"Sleep well, Ames."

He said kindly as he shut the door behind her.

"I love you~" he added to himself as he walked back to see Sonics sanity. He had a lesson to teach that tattletale.

Alright, I'm heading to in 2 days! This book is technically on hold until I return, so you're all left here for a week. But I do have 50+ other SonAmy stories for you to read, enjoy!

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