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"Sung, hurry!
We'll be late and that's only because
you take forever in the bathroom."

The white shepherd hybrid
groaned as he let himself flop
back on the couch, already
guessing that he'd have to wait
another five minutes minimum.

It wasn't new to him that his
roommate needed a long time in
the bathroom when he showered
or took a bath.

Not only did Jisung love warm
water a lot, drying a fluffy,
bushy squirrel tail properly
also took a while.

"Almost done!"

Hyunjin knew better than to get
mad at the tiny squirrel hybrid.

The first time he had actually
shouted at his roommate was
when poor Jisung had accidentally
knocked a glass of water over the
older's logo drafts and it had taken
two hours to calm the small brunette.

It wasn't because he had never
gotten yelled at, his parents had
always made sure that Jisung
knew he did something
wrong when he did.

But they had also taught him that all
carnivore hybrids were dangerous.

Now after a year of sharing a
dorm room together, the squirrel
hybrid had finally begun to warm
up to Hyunjin and wasn't as scared
of him anymore and the white-blonde
didn't want to risk breaking that trust.

"I'm here, we can go!"

The older omega chuckled when
Jisung hopped out of the bathroom,
his tiny furry red ears twitching
cutely as he tugged on the hem
of his baggy sky-blue sweater.

"You forgot your glasses, sweetie."

"Oh! Right."

And Hyunjin could only chuckle
when Jisung smiled at him sheepishly
before he disappeared again to
collect his glasses.

Sometimes he really wondered
how the small squirrel would
survive once they graduated.

They both studied graphic design,
a job that required social skills and
there was no way Jisung could avoid
all the carnivore hybrids forever.

And this prejudice was
undoubtedly obsolete too.

Yeah, in the true nature a wolf
would hunt a squirrel but they were
hybrids, they were humans too.

And Hyunjin would prefer a
ham sandwich a thousand times
over a squirrel.

"I'm done.
We have identity design
today, right?"

"Yeah. Have you finished
your drafts for the logo?"

"Yes. Although I'm not sure
if they're good."

"They are, don't worry.
You're a good artist, Sungie."

When the two reached the
entrance of their dorm building,
two alphas were already waiting
for them and Jisung couldn't help
but blush brightly when Hyunjin
gave his boyfriend a kiss.

"Hi pretty squirrel."

His own boyfriend smirked
when he noticed the small omega's
shyness and squeezed Jisung waist,
making him squeal and squirm.

"H-hey Dongwoon."

"Did you sleep well?
I missed you all night, sweet cheeks."

But Jisung was too embarrassed
to even answer when the alpha
gently wrapped his bushy squirrel
tail around his lover's thigh and
pecked the boy's cheek.

"Guys, we'll be late.
I have a test in my first period
and I studied so much, I don't
want this to be for nothing."

"You're such a nerd, Minnie."

"Well, you want a successful
lawyer as a mate so I gotta do
something for that, hm?"

Seungmin chuckled and grabbed
his boyfriend's hand so they could
head to their faculties.

Fortunately the law faculty was
only five minutes away from the
design faculty so the alpha could
always walk his sweet mate to college.

Studying law did put a lot of
pressure on their relationship
sometimes so this was Seungmin's
way of making sure that he'd see
Hyunjin at least in the morning
before classes.

And while the shepherd hybrid
couple made their way confidently
to the faculties, the two squirrel
hybrids were following them quietly.

Jisung and Dongwoon weren't
dating for a long time yet, in fact
their three month anniversary
was just around the corner and
even though the omega was still
pretty shy around his boyfriend,
he was already undoubtedly excited.

Dongwoon seemed like the
perfect partner, a funny squirrel
alpha who was becoming a history
and math teacher and made
Jisung feel special.

This must be what his parents
meant, this was the relationship
he had always longed for.

It was nice to have someone waiting
for him, someone caring for him.

"Do you have plans for the
holidays, pretty?"

"Uh. N-no.. I'll go visit my
parents, I guess."

"Oh, you're not going on
vacation or anything?"


"Well, that sucks.
I'll visit my brother in the US,
I'll bring you a souvenir then."

But Jisung immediately shook
his head, not wanting his boyfriend
to spend money on him.

"I-It's okay, you don't have to!
Maybe uhm.. Maybe you can
send me some pictures?"

"Anything for you, babe."

Dongwoon chuckled as he
squeezed the younger's waist again.

And again Jisung could only squirm
in slight discomfort, not used
to getting touched like this.

He was a very cuddly baby but
he was very shy too.

And especially his boyfriend's
kinda sexual touches always
made him feel a bit weird.

Not the good, heart-fluttering
weird though.

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now