« 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 »

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"Are you sure it's only one baby?"

Hyunjin quietly wondered,
mostly to himself as he watched
Jisung come back from the restroom.

The two friends had finally found
the time to meet up at their favorite
café after their classes had ended
and Minho had, being the absolute
gentleman he was, dropped Jisung
off so he didn't have to walk the
long way in the cold being almost
seven months pregnant.

He has been attending online
classes ever since the start of the
year, walking around all day had
become too exhausting for him.

Also all those stares and whispers
had begun to affect the little squirrel
boy's mental health and there was
no way Minho allowed Jisung to
continue studying in presence after
he had found the omega crying in
one of the university restrooms.

"Yeah, just one baby.
One big, happy baby."

Jisung giggled softly as he ran
his sweater paws over his belly,
smoothing the fabric of Minho's
black hoodie.

"But.. Doesn't it hurt?"

Hyunjin frowned at his friend's
tired smile and immediately rushed
to the younger's side to pull his
chair out, knowing that he had
difficulties with sitting down
because of the extra weight.

"I uh.. Yeah. It's pretty uncomfortable,
baby is quite heavy and it's kinda..
A little cramped in there? It feels
like I need to pee every ten minutes,
my back hurts so much and my feet
are so swollen. And the skin on
my tummy itches.."

Jisung pouted softly and grabbed
his cup of hot chocolate to take a sip.

He loved his little bun more than
anything but being pregnant was
exhausting, maybe a little too
exhausting for his small body.

Hyunjin knew that he should be
happy for his friend, he could tell
that Minho was taking great care
of Jisung and the baby.

But he still couldn't help but
think that the small squirrel
looked pretty miserable.

As he had just explained,
the baby was probably too
big for his small body.

It made him wonder if he'd ever
have a baby with Seungmin after
seeing Jisung like this.

"When is your due date?"

"24th April. But I'm pretty sure
he'll come earlier, there's no way
he has space to grow for two more
months. Also I'll have a c-section."

"Right, you mentioned something
about that. It sounds pretty
scary to be honest."

The brunette nodded in agreement
as he placed his cup back down
and ran his hands gently
over his baby bump.

His little bun was awake,
moving their small limbs from
time to time but Jisung was
grateful that he wasn't kicking
as much anymore.

He was strong just like his daddy,
it was uncomfortable.

"It's not like I have a choice.
Everything else would hurt me
or him more than necessary."

"You know it's a boy?"

"Well, we don't actually know.
It's just a feeling but we're actually
pretty sure because he's so big.
Girls are smaller, especially since
he's half panther hybrid, he'd
definitely be smaller if he
was a girl."

"I wonder if your baby will be
more panther than squirrel.
It's an interesting mixture."

Hyunjin chuckled, pointing out
a question Jisung had swirling in
his head ever since he had learned
that Minho had gotten him pregnant.

He was pretty sure that if their
little bun would take after their
daddy, he'd be so cute but so
handsome when he'd grow up.

But what if he'd be a tall squirrel
with squishy cheeks and black fur
on his ears and tail?

He'd still be cute,
Jisung was pretty sure about that.

"How's uni without me?"

"Pretty boring. I need my favorite
intermedia design buddy, you're
the best at this and I need your input.
Will you be present for the exams?"

But the little squirrel only
shook his head.

The exam period would start
two weeks before his due date
and Jisung was pretty sure that
his child would already be
born by then.

Luckily the professors had been
kind and understanding about his
situation and had allowed him to
finish his exams in one week a
month before the actual exams.

He knew he had less time to
prepare but he was fine with that,
it was better like this than attending
exams later after the birth.

Who knows in which state he'd be
the days and weeks after giving birth?

"I hope we work out as a family
so that I can continue studying
in October. I have no idea how
cooperative my baby will be
but I don't want to take a
longer break."

"Jisung, you're not alone in this.
And doesn't Minho graduate
this year?"

"Yeah, he already said that he
wants to take care of the bun as
much as possible so I can continue
my studies. But I guess it's hard
to plan when you have a
newborn baby."

"I barely have any idea about
taking care of newborns but I'm
pretty sure you're right. If you
need a babysitter, I'm here
for you though, Sung."

I'm currently in Malaysia eating
the best foods, shopping cute things
and just enjoying time with my fam,
I'm actually barely on my phone haha

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now