« 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 »

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"I can't believe you're moving out.
I'll be so lonely without you."

Hyunjin pouted as he watched
Jisung put his last remaining
belongings in a box.

One more night,
then he'd officially not live in
dorm room number 308 anymore.

"You can always visit!
You have to! It'll be hard to
get used to not having you as
the best room mate."

"But you have Minho, right?"

"Yeah.. Still.
Not my omega bestie."

"Oh Sungie."

Hyunjin let himself flop down on
Jisung's bed, pulling the younger
boy closer when the squirrel
hybrid cuddled up to his side.

Time had changed everything so fast.

He still remembered the day
he had met the small, shy omega
for the first time.

How Jisung had barely managed
to say a whole sentence in front
of the white shepherd hybrid,
too scared and blinded by the
false truths his parents had
put in his head.

How he had always made himself
dinner after making sure Hyunjin
was in his room and asleep.

And now he was here, his head
resting on the older's chest with
his hands rubbing gentle circles
on his baby bump, his eyes closed
as he inhaled his roommate's
calming scent.

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, little squirrel.
And this little pumpkin."

Hyunjin chuckled and poked
the brunette's adorable tummy,
making him giggle.



"Baby's awake."

Jisung shyly admitted as he
looked up at his friend,
waiting for a reaction.

And when Hyunjin smiled at him
with those warm, blue eyes and ran
his fingers through the younger's hair,
Jisung grabbed his other hand and
placed it on top of his belly where
his little bun was currently pressing
their tiny feet happily against
their mommy's tummy.

"Hi there.
Such an energetic little squirrel, hm?"

Hyunjin chuckled when he felt
a small foot kick against his palm.

His shy, small roommate was
really having a baby.

"I'm not even sure if..
If baby will be a squirrel. I mean..
It could be a panther hybrid too, right? And the doctor said that
since my baby is so big, it's
probably taking after Minho."

"No matter what,
they'll be very very cute.
And you'll be a good mother, okay? The best this little bean
could wish for."

Jisung really hoped
Hyunjin was right.

His child was right there,
wriggling around in his tummy
as if kicking their little feet was
the most fun thing in the world.

And still the little squirrel boy felt
like he knew almost nothing
about being a mother.

He didn't even really know how
that'd work with.. The birth.

The doctor had told them a natural
birth would be too dangerous for
him and their little bun so he
should think about a c-section.

But Jisung didn't even know
what a c-section meant.

All he knew was that there was
a baby growing in his tummy,
half squirrel hybrid, half panther
hybrid, probably an alpha and
maybe a boy.

And most importantly:

Minho's child.

It was their baby,

their little bun.

"Sweet one, what are you doing?"

The alpha tilted his head as he
watched Jisung stand in front of
their big mirror, his shirt lifted up.

He was so lost in his thoughts
while he let his fingertips trance
over his stretched skin that he
didn't even notice Minho coming
closer and jumped slightly when
two arms embraced him gently.



"I have weird red stripes
on my tummy. They're ugly
and feel weird.."

"Baby, they're just stretch marks.
It's normal."

"Stretch marks?"


Minho smiled at him through
the mirror as he rested his chin
on the younger's head and placed
his hands over Jisung's to stop
him from poking the red marks.

"It's because the little bun is growing
so well and your skin needs to adjust.
It gets stretched so these marks
happen. And I don't think they're
ugly, sweet one. They tell us our
little bun is growing well, hm?"

The ravenette placed a soft kiss
on the omega's squishy cheek
when Jisung only sighed.

"Will he get a lot bigger?"

"I'm not sure.
But there are still three more
months left, he'll definitely grow
a bit more, sweetie."

It'd be a lie to say that Minho hadn't
worried about this already too,
especially after the last
doctor's appointment.

Their child's size wouldn't only
make a natural birth dangerous,
Jisung had a very hard time carrying
their baby too considering his
small frame.

Physically and probably mentally too.

The stretch marks,
the sudden changes in his body
but also in his way of living,
the fear of how it'd be when
their little bun would finally
be here.

And he was so scared to see
how Jisung would get more and
more uncomfortable the closer
he got to his due date.


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