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"I- I don't understand, dad..
Shouldn't you- shouldn't you yell
at me? Blame me for being stupid and
reckless? For not using my brain?"

The younger alpha frowned,
not believing his father's calm,
accepting words.

He knew his dad, he knew that
his dad would never abandon
him or hate him.

But this seemed a little too easy.

It's okay, it really is.
I'm not going to yell at you
and I'm not going to get mad
at any of you two either. But..
It's not going to be easy,
I hope you know that."

The way he sat there,
still sipping on his coffee from
time to time, his black panther
tail swinging softly beside him.

How could he stay so calm?

"I- We.. We know, of course it's not.
But.. Our baby, our responsibility,
right? And I promised Jisung to
do anything that's needed so that
our child can grow up without
any worries."

Jisung had practically melted into
his alpha's side by now, tears running
down his chubby cheeks but when
Minho turned slightly to hug the
small omega, he couldn't help
but tear up too.

"It's okay, sweet one.
Calm down, it's okay.
You're making the baby sad too, hm?"

The alpha chuckled when Jisung
only sniffled softly as he pressed
his face against the older's chest,
wanting to be as close as possible.

He was really just a small baby,
wanting to be taken care of.

A baby having a baby.

"You're okay, sweet one.
It's okay, everything is okay."

And when Minho looked up at his
dad for a short moment, he was
greeted with the fondest smile ever.

Because yes, it was okay.

They'd be okay.

The drive back to their dorms
was quiet, nobody said a word
but Minho never took his hand
away from its place where Jisung
held it tightly with his.

He hadn't expected this talk to
go so smoothly, so calmly.

Minho's dad was nice,
he had been so understanding
and the thought of how he had
secretly handed Jisung a pair of
tiny baby socks, Minho's baby
socks, still made his heart flutter.

And when the little squirrel boy
had shyly shown him the sonogram
he always carried with him in his
wallet, the panther hybrid had
actually teared up.

Their baby was definitely lucky to
have at least one nice grandparent.

"We're here, I'll bring you up
to your apartment, sweet one."

"But Minmin.."



Jisung gave the alpha his best
puppy eyes and as if this wasn't
already enough to change the
older's mind, he placed the older's
hand on his little baby bump too.

And Minho would never say no to
anything when it was about the baby.

"Sweet one, I'm not sure if your
roommate wants me to stay over
again. It's his place too, hm?"

"B-but…can you at least stay
until I've fallen asleep?"

Maybe it was the pregnancy that
made him so much more emotional
or it was the exhaustion from the
eventful and emotionally draining
day that made the little squirrel
boy tear up again when Minho
hesitated a second too long.

"Of course, Jisungie.
Don't cry, don't waste your
precious tears, hm?"

The alpha cooed at the sobbing
boy in front of him and hugged
him close when the small omega
practically leaped into his
open arms.

"Let's get you upstairs and in
your bed. Your little piggy must be
waiting for you already, sweet one."

Jisung nodded softly against the
older's shoulder and allowed him
to take his hand so they could make
their way to the dorm.

He could barely hide that he was
extremely tired, he just wanted to
snuggle up under his covers and
sleep for the next two days but
unfortunately Monday was right
around the corner.

He still had to work on his book
project but as long as Minho was
there, he'd rather do anything
else than school stuff.

Hyunjin wasn't home when Jisung
unlocked the door but the moment
he walked inside, the alpha scooped
him up in his arms to carry him to
his room, making the little squirrel
giggle in the most adorable way.

"Minmin, let me down!
I can walk!"

"I know you can but I don't want
you to! You need to rest, sweet one."


The small omega pouted softly
and let his red furry ears hang in
hope to blackmail Minho like this.

"You don't need to use your
puppy eyes on me, Sungie."

And when the alpha carefully let
the little squirrel fall on his mattress,
Jisung couldn't help but
giggle sleepily.

"Your dad is so nice.."

"Is he?"

"Mhm.. You're really lucky.
My parents aren't this caring."

But while the brunette happily
snuggled under his covers and
tried to take his pants off with
much difficulty, Minho couldn't
help but frown.

Was this why Jisung was scared
to tell his parents about his

Would they force him to
abort the baby?

"I hope you know that I care
so much about you, sweet one.
You and that tiny bean in
your tummy."

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