« 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 »

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"Dad? Meet your grandson."

Minho smiled widely as he turned
around with his sleepy baby in his
arms and placed a soft kiss on
the boy's small forehead.

An adorable yawn escaped the
little bean, making his daddy
and grandpa coo.

"He's so cute.
Such a handsome little man
with such a pretty hair color.
I don't think I've ever seen a
prettier baby than you, cutie.
Your dad, maybe."

The elderly alpha whispered to
the gurgling baby in his son's
arms, his heart fluttering when
his grandbaby grabbed his finger
and held onto it tightly.

"He comes a lot after Jisung.
His cheeks are just so squishy
and soft, I love them so much."

And to prove his point, the
ravenette couldn't help but press
a few gentle pecks on his little
bun's chubby cheekies.

A soft whine escaped the baby
at the disturbance but when Minho
nuzzled his nose against his son's,
the tiny baby only squealed cutely.

"He's really precious, Min.
You did such a good job."

"Jisung did a good job,
I didn't do much."

"How is he?
Hasn't woken up yet?"

"Yeah, but the doctor said..
Probably today or tomorrow.
The birth was very rough on
his body and apparently he had
lost a lot of blood so it's good that
he can rest as much as possible now."

But the older alpha knew his son
too well, he could see how
worried Minho was.

And he totally understood it.

After the big scare of his son's birth,
the ravenette longed for reassurance
in form of seeing both his loved
ones safe and sound.

But as long as he hadn't heard
Jisung say it himself that he was
okay, he just couldn't stop his worry.

Even their son's adorable face
couldn't make him forget about it,
especially since that little panther
boy looked so much like his
cute mommy.

“I hope he'll wake up later,
this little cutie needs his mom too.
Does he get formula right now?”

“Yeah, he doesn't really like it though.
He mostly doesn't finish his bottle.”

Minho sighed as he stared down
at his baby in his arms, his heart
jumping when the tiny panther
boy yawned cutely.

Just like his mommy.

“Just like his dad, huh?
You also didn't like bottles.”


“Yeah, you'd always throw such
a tantrum when it came to feeding
you with a bottle. It almost made
me go insane.”

“Sorry, dad.”

“Oh, no worries.
You were just a baby, hm?”

But Minho wasn't really listening
anymore, too focused on his little
son that was currently falling
asleep in his daddy's arms.

The ravenette still couldn't really
believe that this small, adorable
baby in his arms was his and Jisung's,
that he was really here now.

Sure, he had seen his son on
the sonograms and during the
ultrasound but this was so different.

Now he could actually look at the
chubby cutie, fawn over his adorable
cheeks, tiny fuzzy ears and
small hands.

He could kiss every inch of his
baby's chubby body and cuddle
him close if he wanted too.

“I'm very proud of you, Min.
You're already an amazing dad
and I'm very happy you found a
sweet soul like Jisung. I know you
two haven't had it easy and sure, I
was a little worried at first because..
Never mind. All that matters is
that you have such a healthy, cute
son and Jisung will be fine too.”

Minho's dad gave his son a smile
and pressed a kiss on the ravenette's
head, just the way his wife had always
kissed their little boy on the forehead.

How much he'd give to have her
here now, to share this beautiful
moment with her.

She'd be so happy to meet her
grandson for the first time, the
alpha was very sure about that.

But he also knew that she was
watching them right now with that
beautiful smile of hers, the one their
son had inherited and the one that
might bloom on that small baby's
face in Minho's arms one day.

She was there, right there partly
in Minho's soul and even in
the little newborn.



“I hope you know that mom
would be so proud of you.
I bet if she'd be here right now,
she'd be crying but at the same
time she'd have probably stolen
this cutie the moment she
had seen him.”

And Minho could only blink his
eyes rapidly when his sight became
blurry at his father's words.

“We'll.. We'll visit her together
with Jisung when he and the bun
are allowed to leave the hospital.
She'd like that, right?”

“She would.
I'm pretty sure she'd be very
happy to meet her grandson.”

Only two more chapters left :(

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