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“Sweet one?”


Jisung looked up from his spot on
the bed where he hand curled up
in his nest, bushy tail wrapped tightly
around himself and serving as a fluffy
pillow for their little bun who
was currently getting dinner.

He was so unbelievably
unproblematic to the point Minho
had already worried that something
was wrong with their child but the
midwife had reassured him more
than one time that their little
Daehyunnie was completely fine.

One big, happy baby panther bun.

“I.. Have you ever asked yourself
why it was me? When you had
your first heat, I mean..
You had a boyfriend.
But you subconsciously chose
me even if I was a complete
stranger to you back then.”

“Yeah.. I wondered.
My parents always said I'd find
a squirrel alpha but with you..
It just felt right? Your touches didn't
make me feel weird, the bad weird.
You made me feel good..
And safe.”

Jisung admitted quietly as he
watched his little son drink quickly,
his cute suckling noises filling
the room.

Daehyun had his tiny tail curled
around himself in a protective
manner as he held onto his
mommy's shirt with his small,
chubby hands and Minho just
knew that he'd never get enough
of seeing his loved ones like this.

Jisung was an amazing mommy,
the best he could ever wish
for their little bun.

“Sungie that's because..
We're mates.
We're meant to be.”


”Yeah, didn't your parents
teach about.. Never mind.
It's basically fate. We've always
been meant to be together from
the moment we were born.
Almost all couples are mates,
I bet your parents are mates too.
But a couple formed of different
hybrid kinds is really uncommon.
Maybe that is why most people
think only hybrids of their kind
can be together.”

“Like my parents..”

“Yeah. But that's stupid.
Because I-”

Minho carefully leaned over his
two loved ones, his smile growing
when Jisung looked at him with
big, innocent puppy eyes.

“Belong to you and-”

A soft giggle escaped the tiny
squirrel when the alpha placed a
long smooch on his chubby cheek.

“I'd never want to be with
anyone else either.”

And seeing this adorable squirrel
boy curled around their tiny baby
just confirmed it, Minho's life would
never be whole again without
these two cuties.

“You better! Don't you dare leave
me alone with our baby.”

“Don't worry, he's way too cute.
Just like you.”

Jisung squealed cutely when
the alpha nuzzled his nose against
the younger's chubby cheek but it
just needed one soft whine from
their little one for the two young
parents to shut up.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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