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"You're just a little baby,
wanting to be taken care of, hm?"

Minho chuckled when he returned
with a glass of cold water and noticed
the tiny squirrel peeking out of
the blanket bundle.

"Mhm, 'm baby."

The small omega mumbled and
immediately made space for the
alpha so he could cuddle back
against the older male.

Yes, they didn't know
each other at all.

Yes, what both were doing
was pretty reckless and their
subgender's fault.

But how could Minho ever say
no to such an invitation and those
big caramel eyes staring at
him pleadingly?

It didn't even take a second for
the tiny squirrel to curl up on the
alpha's lap the moment he had sat
down but when Minho handed
him the glass of water, he
emptied it rather quickly. 


The panther hybrid cooed as he
ran his fingers through the fluffy
red brown hair, Jisung snuggling
even closer to him.

But when the small omega
subconsciously grinded his hips
against the ravenette's crotch,
a soft 'alpha' escaping him,
something switched in the
older's mind.

Something that had been
keeping him from taking the
tiny squirrel right then and there.

"Sweet omega, you smell so great.
Pretty little thing, you want
alpha to help you?"


Jisung whined unhappily as
pushed himself closer to the
alpha and nuzzled his nose
against the older's scent gland,
his bushy tail wrapped tightly
around Minho's waist just like
the other let his black tail wander
up and down the omega's thigh.

A soft moan escaped the little
squirrel boy when the alpha
began to place wet kisses on
the younger's neck, occasionally
tracing his sharp canines over
the soft skin and leaving
red marks on it.

"Sweet boy."

Minho growled before he left
gentle kitten licks on the small
bloody scratches he had left,
humming at the metallic taste.

And Jisung only pushed himself
closer to the alpha as he tilted his
head to give the panther hybrid
better access to his scent gland.

His smell was as sweet and
thick as vanilla syrup, leaving
the alpha dizzy and panting.

"A-alpha.. H-help.. Help Sungie.."

"Alpha will help you, little one.
Alpha will make you feel so good."

Minho purred as he slipped his
hands under the younger's pastel
blue sweater and caressed his
slim waist gently.

And the tiny squirrel boy
immediately returned the kiss
when the alpha connected
their lips eagerly.

The piggy plushie laid in the corner
of the couch, long forgotten by its
owner and probably the only one
who'd know the next day what
actually happened that night.

Because the following morning it
wasn't Hyunjin who woke Jisung up.

It wasn't the sun tickling
his nose either, no.

In fact the first thing he heard was
a rhythmic, soft purring as someone
hugged him tightly.


The stranger whined and
subconsciously hugged the
little squirrel closer when Jisung
wriggled in his hold to try to
look at his face.

But the small brunette could
only blush furiously when the
realization finally settled in what
position they were laying.

And the fact that Jisung was
only wearing his sweater.

"Uh.. Ee-excuse me? Mister?"

He whined in embarrassment,
his tiny furry red ears twitching
cutely as he moved his squirrel
tail to cover himself a bit.

But it needed only a slight release
of alpha pheromones to make
Jisung practically melt in the
stranger's arms.

"Squirmy squirrel.."

Minho mumbled before he
nuzzled his nose in the younger's
hair, happy about the effect he had
on the sweet omega in his arms.

The piggy plushie had miraculously
found its way in the brunette's arms
and when the alpha curled around
him, Jisung felt so unbelievably tiny.

Tiny, safe and cozy.

He happily buried his face in the
alpha's chest, a soft sigh escaping
him when a black furry tail hugged
him closer and a kiss was being
placed on his head.

"Did you sleep well, sweet one?"

"Hm.. Cuddles.."

"You're getting all the cuddles
you want, little squirrel.
But aren't you hungry though?"

Minho cooed, ignoring the stinging
feeling that this whole situation
was so wrong.

He was a panther hybrid,
he shouldn't be cuddling with
a squirrel right now.

No, they shouldn't have
slept together at all.

But here they were,
snuggled together as close as
possible and even though it
was wrong, Minho could fall
asleep again embraced in the
sweet vanilla latte scent.

Never in his entire life had he
felt so safe, so comfortable.

Whoever this little squirrel boy was,
he felt like home.

"wan' pancakes.."

The tiny bundle in Minho's
arms mumbled, making the
alpha's heart jump at the
other's cuteness.

"I think I can do something
about that. We need to get up
for that though."

"Nu-uh.. Snuggles."

Jisung had always loved cuddles.

He had just barely gotten any
in his life so far, not from his
parents and he never had
friends to cuddle with.

And he was pretty shy too,
it was hard to find the courage
to cuddle with someone when
he wasn't in his omega mindset.

"All the snuggles you want,
little one."

I hope it gets clear why they're
kinda attached to one another
even though they're strangers

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now