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"Hi baby.
Look what your daddy got for you."

Jisung smiled softly as he pulled
the small white stuffed bunny out
of his bag Minho had given him
earlier when he had accompanied
the small omega from the design
faculty to the dorm, making sure
his sweet one was safe.

"It's pretty cute.
And it kinda looks like him."

The small bunny with cute
teeth peeking out and somewhat
feline eyes that definitely
remembered Jisung of Minho,
even if the older male was
actually a panther hybrid.

The little squirrel boy carefully
lifted his shirt up to reveal his
growing baby bump and leant
the bunny plushie against it,
wondering if his baby could feel it.

Dr Park had told him that he'd be
able to feel his child move soon
since the baby was quite big but so
far Jisung hadn't felt anything.

Every night before he went to
bed he'd take a moment to talk to
his little one, to caress his bump
gently to maybe get a little
kick in return.

But so far, nothing.

"This is your bunny.
You can cuddle it as much as you
want when you're finally here."

Jisung smiled softly before he
pulled his shirt back down and
snuggled under the covers.

He placed the bunny beside his
pillow and pulled his piggy plushie
in his embrace, hugging it close.

It was the first night this week
where he'd sleep without Minho
by his side and he was already
unsure if he would be able
to fall asleep at all.

Ever since he got pregnant his
biggest craving was undoubtedly
Minho's cuddles.

Without the calming scent of rain
and pine embracing him and those
two strong arms wrapped around
him from behind he felt lonely.

"Good night, baby.
Sweet dreams, grow healthy
and strong, hm?"

The little squirrel sighed happily
as he nuzzled his pillow, inhaling
the faint scent of the alpha that had
scented his pillow just yesterday.

He definitely and undoubtedly
missed Minho.

Which was probably the reason
why even two hours later the small
squirrel boy couldn't seem to
find any peace.

No matter how many times he
tossed and turned, he just
couldn't fall asleep.

It was close to midnight when he
eventually pulled his phone out to
call the alpha, feeling extremely
guilty for probably waking
the older male up.

"Sweet one?"

A very tired Minho asked softly
and Jisung could practically hear
the frown on the older's face.

"Minmin, I.. I can't fall asleep,
I miss you so much."

The little squirrel boy eventually
cried out, stifling a sob as he pressed
his face against his piggy plushie.

"Oh little one.
Want me to come over?"


Jisung sniffed softly,
making the alpha coo quietly.

It was really about time that they
found a proper solution for this.

Minho couldn't keep staying over
at Jisung's when he had his own bed
just how he didn't want to overstep
boundaries with Hyunjin.

It was the shepherd hybrid's
home too after all.

And Jisung was already in his
second trimester, there's still so much
they need to get for their baby.

The small omega wrapped his
blanket around himself before
he stood up so he could waddle
to the living room and wait
for Minho.

He hoped that the panther hybrid
would be smart enough to
knock on the door so he
wouldn't wake up Hyunjin.

A soft sigh escaped the small
squirrel boy as he wrapped his
fluffy tail around himself, curling
up on the couch as he slipped his
hand under his shirt to caress
his baby bump gently.

The unborn had surely grown
quite a bit over the past weeks,
proving Dr Park's words that
their baby was a big one, taking
after their daddy.

"Are you missing daddy too?
Yeah, me too. But we gotta wait,
he still needs a few minutes
to walk here."

He mumbled softly to mostly himself
since his child still didn't budge.

Maybe at least one of them was
actually sleeping at such an
ungodly hour.

Around ten minutes later Jisung
jumped when someone knocked
on the door but it didn't even need
ten seconds for the boy to rush
to the door, a small inhuman
squeal escaping him when
Minho immediately scooped
him up in his arms.

"Hey sweet one. I heard a certain
cutie squirrel couldn't fall asleep?"

The alpha smiled softly and pecked
the tip of the younger's nose when
Jisung stared at him with his
adorable excited puppy face.

"Missed you.."

"I missed you too, sweet one.
Now let's get you back to bed,
cute babies need lots of rest, hm?"

Minho chuckled when the small
omega mumbled a few complaints
that he wasn't cute against the
older's shoulder but didn't protest
as he got carried to his room.

He giggled cutely when the alpha
placed him down on the mattress
and bundled him up in his blanket.

"Your piggy?"

"In the living room."

"Alright, I'll get it.
You stay here, sweet one."

And when he got a little nod in
return, the alpha hurried back to
the living room to collect his
sweetheart's piggy plushie.

It was only then when Jisung
realized how lucky he actually was.

"There you go,
are we complete now?"

Minho chuckled as he placed the
piggy in the omega's waiting arms
and snuggled under the blanket too
as if he had never slept somewhere
else in his life.

It didn't even take a second for
the small squirrel to cuddle in
the older's embrace, a happy sigh
escaping him when the alpha
pecked his chubby cheek.

"Good night, sweet one."

But Jisung only mumbled
something to himself, already
on his way to dreamland as he
subconsciously placed Minho's
hand on his little baby bump.

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