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“Hey sweet one.”

Minho smiled so widely as he
caressed Jisung's chubby cheek,
internally melting at the
younger's cuteness.

Because sleepy, tired Jisung was
still one of the most adorable
things in the world.


“Shhh, it's okay.
Our little bun is okay, he's so perfect.
I'm so proud of you, Sungie.”

The alpha cooed at his mate
and pressed a soft kiss on the
younger's forehead when Jisung
only blinked up at him with big
teary eyes, a tired smile on his face.

“It's… It's really a boy.. “

”Yeah, baby.
Our sweet little boy.”

It was obvious that the little
squirrel was still very exhausted,
too tired to even speak proper
sentences but Minho couldn't really
bring himself to care about that.

Because he was just so happy that
his sweet one was finally awake
and knowing that their son
was fine as well.

“I.. I want to..meet him..”

Jisung yawned cutely, his furry red
ears twitching cutely that reminded
Minho of their adorable son.

“I know, sweet one.
He wants to meet his mommy too,
he needs some proper milk.”

But the small omega only leaned
into the alpha's warm touch and
nuzzled his nose against the
older's palm.

It felt like he hadn't seen Minho
in ages and his pain and exhaustion
only made him crave even more for
the panther hybrid's affection.

His emotions and hormones were
all over the place now that his
child was born and his body not
functioning as an incubator
anymore but instead now focusing
on producing the most nutritious
milk ever.

Jisung smiled tiredly at his alpha
as Minho continued to caress his
chubby cheek ever so gently, his
eyes sparkling with so much love
for the little squirrel boy.

He couldn't really explain how
proud he was of his mate, Jisung
had really gifted him the most
precious present the alpha could
have ever asked for.

They had an adorable,
gorgeous son.

Who took equally after his
parents which made him even
more precious in Minho's opinion.

“What's..his name?”

“You tell me, sweet one.
You gifted him his life after all.”

Jisung sighed cutely when his alpha
pressed a gentle kiss on his forehead
and a peck on the tip of his nose.

Lee Daehyunnie.”

He spoke softly and giggled when
his mate peppered his face with
more kisses, a sudden rush of love
spreading through the panther
hybrid's body hearing his son's
name for the very first time.

“It's perfect, Sungie.
Our little Daehyunnie.”

Jisung didn't even have his son in
his arms and he had already begun
to cry just at the sight of Minho
rocking a little bundle ever so gently.

“Min.. Our little bun..”

He sniffled softly when the alpha
sat down beside him on the bed
and carefully placed their sleepy
son on his mommy's chest,
making sure his head was
supported properly.

“Hi baby.”

The small boy yawned cutely as
he snuggled close to his mommy,
looking so content now that he
was close to his mama again.

“You're so cute, I love you.”

Jisung smiled widely at his baby
as more tears rolled down his
chubby cheeks.

“He really came after you, sweet one.”

“But he's so big.
He looked so tiny in your
arms though.”

The little squirrel giggled
but immediately became quiet
when their tiny boy whined softly,
a cute pout forming on his face
similar to his mommy's.

And right there Minho swore that
he almost melted on the spot at the
sight of his two squirrels
pouting at each other.

“He's our big tiny bun, huh?”

“He is.”

Jisung smiled at his baby and placed
a gentle kiss on his son's forehead.

The tiny squirrel panther boy
snuggled his face against his
mommy's chest, his little chubby
hands holding tightly onto the
fabric of Jisung's hospital gown
as his tiny tail swung cutely
in content.

Minho was pretty sure that their
son knew very well that he was
with his mommy now.

And while their little boy slowly
but surely fell asleep on Jisung's chest,
the alpha carefully rested his head
on the small omega's shoulder so
he could get a better view of
their baby bun's cute face.

He just couldn't get enough of
that tiny boy, he was so adorable
to the point Minho kept asking
himself what he did in his past life
to deserve this cute bundle sleeping
on Jisung's chest.

And yeah, he had never seen
a panther hybrid with bright
red-brown fur before but he
was so beautiful.

Pretty but mostly adorable.

A squishy cutie just like his mommy.

“I'm so proud of you, sweet one.
Thank you for making me a dad.
He's the most precious thing I've
ever seen in my entire life.
And I love you so much for that.”

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