« 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨 »

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The ride back home was quiet.

No stop at Mcdonald's,
Jisung didn't have any
appetite anymore.

He didn't want to listen to his
favorite band either, instead he
had wrapped himself in his fleece
blanket to the point barely anything
of his body was visible and stared
out of the window.

And it was only thanks to
Minho's heavy scent that Jisung
wasn't freaking out physically
as well.

It was taking a lot for the alpha
to try to stay calm but he knew
that letting his anger out
wouldn't be helpful.

Jisung was already stressed enough,
it wasn't good for their little bun at all.

Sure, the little squirrel had warned
him quite a few times that this talk
wouldn't be easy but never ever
would he have imagined that
Jisung's parents would actually.
be worse than what the brunette
had described.

What kind of parents disown
their son for having a baby?

Yeah, a panther hybrid's baby but at
the end of the day shouldn't parents
support their children endlessly?

It wasn't like their baby was planned.

And Jisung was scared,
young and so unbelievably scared
of the future as a mommy.

He needed someone who could
give him tips only a mother could,
he needed someone who'd reassure
him that he was doing good as mother
if he had the feeling he wasn't.

But apparently he'd have to walk
this path without a mother by his side. 

Minho could feel how Jisung visibly
relaxed when the ravenette placed
his hand on the younger's thigh.

But he didn't look at the alpha,
instead he continued to stare
out of the window.

It'd start to snow again soon,
the thick gray clouds told it all.

And for a short moment the
squirrel boy's thoughts
wandered to his future.

Minho, him and their child building
a snowman together, celebrating
Christmas together.

Would their baby take after Minho?

A baby panther?

Or would they be a squirrel
hybrid like Jisung too?

"Sungie baby."


"We'll do better."


"We'll be better parents
to our little bun."

And although he really tried to
believe the alpha, it was hard to
forget about the things his
parents had said.

No hot chocolate with marshmallows
nor a movie night with lots of
cuddles could actually make him
feel better and it worried Minho
an unhealthy amount that his sweet
one was so unbelievably quiet.

"Sweet one, you're worrying me."

The alpha sighed as he ran his
fingers through the younger's fluffy
red brown hair and pressed a kiss
on the boy's forehead.

Howl's moving castle was playing
but Jisung had turned away from
the TV even before Sophie had
been turned into a grandma.

He wasn't sleeping, Minho could
tell by the way the squirrel hybrid
was flapping his bushy tail
mindlessly from time to time.

But he didn't answer either,
instead he only rubbed his chubby
cheek on the older's chest and
curled up in Minho's embrace.

Everything has become so stressful,
so confusing ever since he had
gotten pregnant.

A soft sigh escaped the little squirrel
boy when he felt a warm hand on
his belly, drawing gentle circles on
his fabric-covered baby bump.

Their little bun was growing very
well and Minho couldn't be more
proud of Jisung for taking such
good care of himself and their
baby, especially since it was surely
already taking a toll carrying
a big baby.

Dr Park had already told them
to think about a c-section because
a natural birth would most likely
put both Jisung and their child
into great danger.

"It's gonna be fine, hm?
Everything is going to be alright,
I'll make sure of that.
The only thing you need to
worry about is what you want
for dinner today, okay?
Should I make some stew for us?"

But again the panther hybrid
didn't get an answer, only a soft
sniffle as the squirrel boy pressed
his face further against Minho's chest.

"Baby, don't cry."

The alpha frowned and carefully
sat up so he could hug Jisung
properly and guided the boy's
head to his shoulder.

"Shhh, it's okay, sweet one."

It was hard to see the small omega
in such a state, sobbing so helplessly
and Minho felt like he couldn't
do anything about it.

No matter what he tried,
he couldn't make the
brunette feel better.

But someone else could.

Just as the alpha placed a gentle
peck on the younger's head and
held him a little tighter, he felt a
very small nudge against
his own tummy.

"Sungie.. Was that?"

The tiny squirrel had immediately
tensed in the older's arms, his
own eyes just as big as Minho's
as he looked at the alpha
completely frozen.

His hand slowly crept to his baby
bump and lifted his shirt up before
he grabbed the other's hand and
placed it on the underside
of his tummy.

And the moment Minho felt the
little kick again against his palm,
just how Jisung felt it too, the first
tears gathered in the alpha's eyes.

"Sweet one.. Our little bun."

"Baby's saying everything
will be alright."

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now