« 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 »

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It was raining,
a perfect rainy Sunday.

And Minho couldn't help but
smile when he found Jisung still
in bed even after the alpha had
finished preparing their breakfast.

He wasn't sleeping, just resting
bundled up in their big blanket
with a soft pout on his face and
his red brown ear tousled in
every direction.

In contrast to him their little bun
was wide awake though, squirming
around happily in the squirrel
hybrid's tummy and pressing
their little feet against his
bladder from time to time.



"Is someone feeling lazy today?"

He cooed as he walked around
the bed and took a seat on the
edge of the mattress.


The little squirrel boy corrected
him sleepy, making Minho chuckle.

"Cuddly, not lazy."

"Well then, you cuddly baby.
How does breakfast sound to you,

"Cuddles first.

"How can I say no if my
sweet one asks this nicely?"

And Jisung only hummed happily
when the alpha slipped under the
covers as well and pulled the little
squirrel boy in his embrace.

The younger male immediately
snuggled as close as possible,
his sweet scent enveloping them
and making Minho growl at
the sickening sweetness.

And even if Jisung didn't know
what was going on, Minho knew it.

But he wouldn't do anything
as long as he wasn't asked to.

He was perfectly happy with just
cuddling the little omega and running
his hand gently over Jisung's tummy
to feel their baby's soft kicks.

"Someone's really energetic
today, huh?"

It's a little uncomfortable."

The tiny squirrel boy whined
when he felt a small foot press
against his ribs but the lips on
his neck were a good distraction.

A way too good distraction just
how Minho's one hand had
moved to his slim waist to
give it a gentle squeeze.

His hand subconsciously clenched. the alpha's shirt as a soft whimper
escaped, his lower body suddenly
feeling hot and achy.


"What's wrong, baby?"

Minho asked, the smirk audible
in his husky voice.

"Feels weird.."

Where does it feel weird,
little one?"

But Jisung only whined with
blushy cheeks as he hid his face
in the older's chest, his tail
wrapping itself around the
alpha's waist to pull him closer.

Another wave of heavenly sweet
pheromones made the alpha's
nose tingle and his own body
react to the seductive scent.

His hands carefully wandered
up and down the younger's
beautiful waist, feeling the
warm skin under his palms
as Jisung whimpered softly.

"Is my baby feeling a little needy,

The tiny squirrel squeaked
when someone gave his ass a
gentle squeeze but immediately
melted in the older's embrace
when Minho placed a soft kiss
on his sweet lips.

He knew that it was because
of their biological bond, their
growing child, that the alpha
reacted even more to Jisung's
scent now.

But he couldn't deny that the
omega looked so pretty, so damn
sexy carrying their baby.

Minho loved that his cheeks
had gotten even chubbier,
a lot more squishy and
so smoochable.

In general the natural gain
of weight just made him even
more adorable in the older's eyes.

"Alpha.. Help Sungie?"

"Of course alpha will help you,
little one."

The ravenette cooed when Jisung
whimpered, the sweet scent of vanilla
syrup practically suffocating.

But Minho was so addicted to it.

He gently trailed wet kisses over
the younger's neck and scent gland,
his sharp canines grazing over the
milky white skin as he caressed
Jisung's cute belly.

And when the little squirrel
pushed his body closer to the older's,
Minho carefully lifted the boy's
shirt up and over his head.

He knew that all the changes
pregnancy had brought with it
had made the small omega a bit
self-conscious of his body but the
alpha made sure to let Jisung know
that he absolutely adored the way
he looked right now.

It was safe to say that he was
pretty perfect in Minho's eyes..

"Such a beautiful squirrel baby,
aren't you, gorgeous?"

He cooed as he cupped the boy's
chubby cheek, leaning down to
place a soft kiss on the top of his
nose when he only whined cutely.

"Alpha too.."


But Jisung only pouted and tugged
on Minho's shirt, not happy that
he was currently the only one
without a shirt.

"Someone's a little impatient, I see."

The tiny squirrel boy blushed
when the alpha gave him this. intense, lustful stare and couldn't
help but mewl when Minho
practically ripped the shirt over
his head just to lean back down
to place a kiss on Jisung's lips.

He just loved how the younger's
lips fitted so well on his, the
omega's plumb bottom lip
pressing against his before the
panther hybrid opened his mouth
just a bit so he could carefully
bite Jisung's lips.

A shaky moan escaped the tiny
squirrel in Minho's hold when the
alpha ran his hand over the cute
baby bump, feeling their child
right beneath his palm.

"Alpha will take care of you,
sweet one."

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now