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The past days were a complete,
total blur.

Jisung didn't know what had
happened after he had found out
that he was pregnant and he could
also barely remember how he ended
up at the omega clinic with Hyunjin,
waiting for the nurse to call him.

He'd see his baby soon, apparently.

Jisung didn't know how though
because wasn't the baby still very
tiny and in his tummy?

How will they look at it then?

"Are you nervous?"


Hyunjin carefully grabbed his
friend's shaking hand, giving it
a gentle squeeze to reassure him
that they'd be fine.

"It's just like going to the dentist.
But they'll check on the baby,
not your teeth.. Probably."

The white shepherd hybrid muttered
the last part but just when Jisung was
about to ask something, a small fox
hybrid nurse appeared to call him.

"Mr Han Jisung? Dr Park is waiting
for you, please follow me."

Jisung never let go of the older's
hand as they made their way to the
examination room, his small squirrel
ears twitching in pure nervousness.

He wasn't sure what to expect at all,
he only knew that he hated any
kind of doctor and that he'd rather
be curled up under his blanket
with his piggy plushie right now.

"Come on, Sungie. We'll get ice
cream after this, okay?"


But despite Dr Park trying his best
to make the small squirrel boy feel
comfortable, Jisung never let go of
Hyunjin's hand even when he was
told to lay down for the ultrasound.

They said they'd be able to see
the baby now but when the doctor
pointed at a black blob on a gray
background, Jisung could only
wonder if he was seeing it right.

Because both Dr Park and Hyunjin
seemed so in awe while everything
the little omega saw was literally
black and white.

There was no baby,
not in his eyes.

"Alright, everything looks pretty
good so far. The baby is already
quite big although you're around
ten weeks along, this is a little
unusual but not dangerous for you
or the baby. If you're comfortable
answering me.. Is the baby's other
father a squirrel hybrid too?"

Jisung looked helplessly at his
roommate, unsure if it was okay
to be honest but Hyunjin only
gave him a soft smile and squeezed
his hand reassuringly.

"Baby's- Uh.. Baby's dad is
a panther hybrid."


And alone the short silence,
the shock moment Dr Park needed
to overcome made the small
brunette tear up.

"It's.. I'm sorry, I was just a little
surprised because.. It's quite unusual
but that explains the baby's size.
Carnivore hybrids are generally
bigger and alpha babies get a little
bigger and heavier than omegas too.
Let's hope for you that this little
one is an omega, it'll be already
exhausting enough."

This wasn't what Jisung had
wanted to hear, not at all.

It was already strange enough to
have a whole little human growing
inside of you but if Dr Park was
concerned about the baby's size,
the small omega was twice
as worried.

How will he give birth to
a too big baby?

He didn't say another word when
the doctor handed him the printed
sonograms and his maternity pass
and only managed to whisper a small
goodbye when they left the room
to make the next appointment.

Well, Hyunjin made the appointment
for his roommate.

Jisung was now holding tightly onto
the older's sleeve with both hands,
his face buried in the other
omega's shoulder.

This whole pregnancy thing had
made him grow a lot more attached
to the white shepherd hybrid, it felt
like Hyunjin was the only one at
the moment who could calm him
and give him the feeling that
everything would be okay.

Apparently he knew way more
about pregnancies than Jisung does
but he was glad that there was at
least someone able to answer all his
questions without judging him.

He looked up at his roommate
when Hyunjin booped his nose,
pulling him out of his trance.

"Come on, Sungie.
Let's go get ice-cream?
Should we get some to eat
at home or should we go
to an ice-cream shop?"

"Home please."

And so the two made their way
home with the bus, only stopping
at the supermarket to get some
chocolate ice-cream Jisung was
craving right now and there was
no moment Hyunjin ever let go
of the little squirrel.

He could practically feel the fear
radiating from the smaller omega,
maybe all this new information was
a little too much for Jisung.

But he promised to be there,
he promised to be there through it all.

And when Jisung would eventually
be ready, they'd go look for
the baby's dad.

Whoever it was, Hyunjin would
make sure that his friend wouldn't
have to raise his little one alone.

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now