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"What's this?"

Jisung tilted his head softly as
Hyunjin sat down beside him on
the couch and placed a small purple
package on the younger's lap.

After some tea the little squirrel
had managed to sleep a bit,
exhausted from the puking and
the stress his strong migraine had
put on him the past days.

"I told you that I have an idea of
what could be going on with you..
Uhm, this is a pregnancy test.
Do you remember when I said that
heats can make you have a baby
when you spend it with an alpha?"

"I'm having a baby?!"

Jisung screeched, his fluffy ears
twitching in distress as he picked the
package up with trembling hands.

"I don't know. But you were with
Dongwoon and you know..
Maybe you two.. Did it?"

"Did what? What did I do? And I..
And I didn't even stay with
Dongwoon, I don't want a baby,
I just.."

Sparkling tears began to pour out
of the small squirrel hybrid's doe
eyes when Hyunjin carefully
wrapped his arms around Jisung
to pull him in a hug, embracing them
in his calming omega pheromones.

"Shh, take a deep breath.
Can you do that for me?
That's right, you're doing so well."

The white shepherd hybrid gently
squeezed the younger's hand in the
rhythm of their breathing, drawing
gentle circles on Jisung's back.

What did he meant with
'I didn't even stay with Dongwoon'

But right now Hyunjin didn't have
the time to think about that, instead
he focused on calming the shaking
squirrel in his arms.

"Sweets, it's okay. I'm here for you,
I'm always here."

Jisung sniffled softly as he buried
his nose in the crook of the older's
neck, nuzzling the omega's scent
gland for more comfort.

"It'll be okay, it's just to make sure."

"I don't want to.."

"Jisungie.. If we know what it is,
we can go get some things in the
pharmacy to help with the
sickness, hm?"

But the little squirrel only continued
to cry quietly in his roommate's arms,
pressing himself closer to Hyunjin as
he wrapped his bushy tail around
himself in a protective manner.

So the white shepherd hybrid only
hugged him close and rocked him
gently from side to side.

They stayed like this for what felt
like hours but in fact only twenty
minutes had passed when Jisung
lifted his head to look at the other
with swollen eyes and a red
button nose.

"I'll do it.. I'll do the test."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. It'll.. It'll be better if we
know the truth, right?"

"Yeah. I'll wait here for you, okay?
Don't lock the door and call me
if you need me, alright?"

The little squirrel boy nodded
as he grabbed the test and made
his way to their bathroom, his bushy
squirrel tail flapping in distress.

To say that he was nervous was
an absolute understatement,
he was shaking like a leaf.

It took him three attempts to open
the purple package because of
his shaky, sweaty fingers and for
a moment he forgot what he had
to do with the test but then he
remembered the instruction he
had carelessly thrown in the sink.

"Take the cap off, then… Pee on it?
I thought.. Never mind.."

The little squirrel did his business
as instructed, the frown never really
leaving his face but when he was
done and the test resting face down
on the counter, Jisung immediately
rushed outside to throw himself
beside Hyunjin on the couch.

He curled up into a small ball
and grabbed his piggy plushie,
hugging it close to his chest.


But the brunette didn't answer.

"Have you.. Have you checked it?"


And the shepherd hybrid couldn't
even be upset with his roommate,
he didn't know how he'd have
behaved in such a situation.

So he only lifted his hand to caress
the younger's red brown locks,
smoothing the tiny furry ears
against Jisung's hair.

"Do you want me to go check?"

He whispered, allowing the small
omega to cuddle as close as possible.

"No, can we..
Can we stay like this for a moment?
And then check together?"

"Of course, Ji. Take your time."

And so the boys stayed cuddled
close to one another until the sun
slowly set, forgetting about the time
and everything else around them
as Hyunjin tried to calm his friend.

All of this still felt so surreal.

Jisung, his innocent, tiny squirrel
roommate, was probably
having a baby.

But with whom?



He didn't know,
he didn't want to ask either.

Everything that mattered right
now was that Jisung was okay and
that he knew that no matter what,
Hyunjin would be there for him.

And when the time had come for
the two omegas to check on the small
plastic stick that was still resting on
the counter, the shepherd hybrid
was there like he had promised to
take Jisung in his arms as the first
tears rolled down the boy's
chubby cheek.

The test was positive.

Squishy squirrel got a baby panther
bun in the oven, what a surprise :o

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now