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The panther hybrid's
name was Minho.

He was very sweet and gentle
and even brought Jisung back to
the entrance of his dorm building
but even though his inner omega
was dying to stay by the beautiful
alpha's side, the small squirrel
was cautious.

All his life long he had been taught
to avoid carnivore hybrids, he just
couldn't forget about that from
one moment to the other.

So he thanked the alpha with rosy
cheeks, his furry red tail swinging
softly in embarrassment before he hurriedly rushed inside the building.

He didn't really know what

exactly happened last night.

The only thing he knew was that
he was more excited than he should
be about the fact that Minho had
given him one of his hoodies since
Jisung's sweater had become
a little.. Dirty.

Hyunjin wasn't home when the
squirrel hybrid entered the dorm
room, his piggy plushie pressed
tightly to his chest and his whole
body tingling simply from the
smell of his home.

He really wanted to be
alone right now.

He just wanted to hide under
his blankie with his plushie,
snack something sweet and cry
over all those things that had
happened the past 24 hours.

Yeah, he still didn't really understand
what actually happened.

At first he was feeling extremely
unwell and hot but the moment
he had been with Minho, he had
immediately felt better.

After that he couldn't really
remember how he ended up
half naked in the alpha's bed and
he also didn't really know why he
was there without most clothes.

His butt was hurting now, maybe
there was a connection to that.

But what did he know, he was just
a tiny innocent squirrel after all.

And he was surely too shy
to ask Minho.

'Hey Sungie, I'll be staying over
at Minnie's. There are some veggies
in the fridge you can fry with some
rice, don't eat ramen as dinner again!
I hope Dongwoon helped you
feel better. See ya!'

So he'd be alone for the night, great.

And he couldn't even talk to
Hyunjin about all the things
that had happened.

A soft sigh escaped the small
brunette as he waddled over to his
bed and pushed the blanket away,
a fuzzy feeling spreading in his
tummy at the sight of his soft
pillows, blankie and plushies.

How much he'd give to have his alpha
help him build a nest right now.

"Oh no.. No no no, Sungie!
Don't think like that!"

The little squirrel scolded himself
as he hit his head with his fist.

"He is not your alpha!
He's a panther, he's dangerous!"

He whimpered, sparkling tears
rolling down his chubby when
he realized how messed up
this situation was.

Why wasn't he craving to be
with his boyfriend at all?

Why was all he could think about
the stupid panther hybrid with his
gorgeous smile, chocolate eyes
and calming scent?

This wasn't how it was supposed
to be, this wasn't like the dream
he had been chasing at all.

Jisung would forever hate himself
for nuzzling his face so desperately
in Minho's hoodie, trying to find
comfort in the smell of rain and
pine but it was far from enough
compared to the male himself.

His bushy squirrel tail was wagging
slightly in distress as he curled
around the hoodie and hugged it
close to his chest, his nose still
buried in the dark blue fabric.

He could already feel his body
starting to heat up again so he did
the only thing he knew that'd
bring him comfort.

Howl's moving castle started to
play on the boy's phone as he curled
into a small ball under his blanket,
the hoodie and his piggy plushie
pressed close to him while tears
were rolling down his rosy
chubby cheeks.

He was in pain, confused and
in desperate need of comfort.

Unknown number:
'Hey Jisung,it's me. Minho.
Should I bring you some pills or
do you have some at home?'

'Hey Minho!
Don't worry, I already took some.'

But the fact that they were actually
talking about different pills didn't
reach their heads at that moment.

And Jisung felt his heart flutter at
the alpha's care although he had
already taken some painkillers
in hope to ease the pain a bit.

Whoever this panther alpha was,
he had the tiny squirrel wrapped
around his finger already.

Dongwoon was long forgotten as
Jisung giggled to him and nuzzled
his face back against the hoodie,
his tiny furry ears twitching
in excitement.

Yeah, life was a lot more
unpredictable than his
parents had taught him.

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