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"Shoud I make you some tea?
Or a soup? Cookies? I'm not sure
how I can help you.."

Minho sighed as he sat down on one
of the chairs at the small dining table,
making sure to keep as much distance
as possible to the scared omega so he
wouldn't stress him even more.

The small squirrel had curled up
on the couch, his tiny red fluffy ears
pressed tightly against his head
as he stared at the alpha
with big teary eyes.

"My- my roommate said I'm in heat..
And that I should ask Dongwoon
to help me build a nest?
I don't even know what he means
by heat, my tummy hurts,
it hurts so much."

Jisung was crying his little heart
out by now, not even looking
at Minho anymore.

And the panther hybrid felt so sorry
for the small bean in front of him.

"Stay there, I'll get you one
of Dongwoon's hoodies.
His scent should at least help
you calm down, hm? And then
I'll make you some tea."

This was weird.

The big scary alpha in front
of him wasn't scary at all.

He was so considerate, so gentle,
so.. sweet.

Everything his parents had taught
him about carnivore hybrids was
beginning to crumble in
the boy's mind.

First Hyunjin and now the stranger
with those beautiful chocolate eyes.

A soft cry left the brunette when
his lower body cramped again,
pushing a wave of slick out that
was now trickling down his
thighs and soaking his shorts.

"N-no, the couch.."

And Jisung could only wail even
louder at the pure embarrassment.

"Here's the hoodie, I-"

But when Minho placed the gray
piece of fabric on the boy's lap,
the squirrel hybrid grabbed onto
the alpha's shirt and nuzzled his
face in the older's chest.

Rain and pine.

And right then the panther
could smell it too.

The delicate sweetness of vanilla,
the hint of bitter coffee and
the strong smell of need.

"Hey, uhm.. I don't even know
your name. I'm not sure if that's
what you want, little one."

"N-nest.. Need to build.. A nest.."

Jisung mumbled softly,
his voice muffled by the older's
shirt but his grip never weakening
as he pressed himself closer to the
alpha and wrapped his bushy red
tail around the older's thigh in
fear of getting rejected.

"P-please.. Help me, please?"

The tiny squirrel looked up with
big teary eyes, his bottom lip
quivering dangerously and
another whimper escaping him
as more slick trickled down.

His body was definitely reacting
to the alpha and not to the
stupid hoodie on his lap.

"Little one, you're not in your
right mindset. You have a
boyfriend, hm?"

Minho carefully cupped the boy's
chubby cheeks, gently wiping the
tears away with his thumbs.

But Jisung only started to cry more
as he nuzzled his face against
the older's palm.

"I'll make you some tea, maybe
that'll help you calm down.
Wait here for a moment-"

"N-no.. Stay please.."

The alpha could tell that the small
boy in front of him was slowly
growing restless, his furry ears
twitching softly and the bushy
squirrel tail only tightening its
grip around the older's leg when
he made an attempt to let go.

"Okay, little squirrel.
I'll pick you up now and bring
you to my room. There are many
pillows and blankets we can
use to build your nest, hm?
But hold on tightly, okay?"

Jisung nodded softly and whined
when Minho carefully picked him
up but once the tiny squirrel was
in the alpha's arms, he practically
melted on the older's embrace as
he nuzzled his nose against the
older's scent gland.

And it was more than hard for
the panther hybrid to resist the
beautiful little omega in his arms.

He knew how dangerous it was.

Jisung was completely gone in
his head space, listening only to
his body's needs and of course
heats were constructed to
trigger an alpha's rut.

And Minho's alpha was dying to
give the omega what he wanted,
especially since he smelled
so amazing.

He had met omegas before,
he had gone on dates and he
had even slept with a few but
nobody had ever affected him
this much simply with their scent.

It didn't help at all either that
Jisung had made it very clear
that he wanted Minho.

He had even rejected his
own boyfriend whose stuff
was just a room away.

"Little one, you need to
drink something though.
You're feeling very hot, hm?"

The panther hybrid smiled
softly when he had placed the
omega down on his bed and
gently ran his fingers through
the sweaty red brown hair.

And although Jisung really didn't
want the alpha to leave, he was
pretty thirsty and staying wrapped
in the older's blanket would do
it too for a few minutes.

He'd be surrounded by
the comforting scent of
rain and pine after all.

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