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It was nice, it undoubtedly was.

Not exactly cheap but Minho liked it.

A big living room with a kitchen in
the corner and a small dining area,
a bedroom, a little bathroom with
a bathtub and a tiny spare room
that'd work as a nursery for
the time being.

But the rent was still more than
their dorm rooms together so
Minho wasn't exactly sure how
they should afford it, considering
how much more money they still
had to spend on baby stuff.

Beside a pair of tiny socks,
two onesies and the box of baby
stuff Minho's dad had given them
they still had nothing for
their little bun.

The alpha smiled softly as he
entered the bedroom, his heart
jumping at the sight of Jisung
standing in front of the big window.

It was obvious that the tiny
squirrel boy was completely lost
in his thoughts as he caressed
his adorable baby bump that
was definitely noticeable by now,
considering the fact that he was
only two more weeks away
from reaching the halftime
of his pregnancy.

And there was still something
extremely important they
hadn't done yet.

Jisung's parents still didn't
know about their grandchild.

"You like it, sweet one?"

The omega jumped when Minho
suddenly hugged him from behind
and rested his chin on the younger's
head, his hands coming to rest
on Jisung's on his tummy.

Another thing he absolutely
adored about the little brunette
were his tiny hands.

Their size difference was just so cute,
it made the alpha's urge to protect
the small squirrel even bigger.

"It's nice. There's a playground
only five minutes away from here
and I really like the park.
We can go on walks with the
stroller when he's here."


Minho chuckled when Jisung
gasped cutely and squeezed
the younger's hands gently.

"It's.. It's just a feeling.
The doctor said it's most likely
that the baby is an alpha but it's
just my guess that it's a boy.
I don't know, it's stupid.."

"Hey! Sweet one!
It's not stupid, it's cute.
And it's a parental instinct too.
But.. Do you want to know the
little bun's gender?"

A soft sigh escaped the little
squirrel boy as he turned in the
alpha's hold, snuggled his face
against the older's chest and
wrapped his tail protectively
around the other's waist as if
he was scared someone would
steal Minho from him.

"I'm not sure..
How about you?"

"I don't really mind knowing but
I'd be okay with a surprise too."

"You're not helpful.
But on the other hand..
It'd be nice to have some more
time to pick a name. Because
I really suck at that."

"You don't like little bun?"

But Jisung only giggled when the
alpha poked his adorable baby bump.

"I love it. But we can't actually
name the baby 'little bun', right?"

"I don't see the problem,
it's cute and it fits."

Minho chuckled and placed a small
peck on the omega's squishy cheek,
making the little squirrel in his
arms whine and squirm.

"D-don't be silly.."

Did you just call me silly?"

A cute squeal escaped the small
brunette when the alpha picked
him up seemingly effortlessly to
carry him to the kitchen, ignoring
the younger's protest.

Once they reached the kitchen
island, Minho placed his sweet
one down on the counter and
slung his arms back around the
boy's small waist so Jisung
couldn't escape.

And the moment he was caught
in the older's embrace, the little
squirrel practically melted
in the alpha's hold.

"So, this apartment?"

"I'm not sure.. Isn't it too expensive?
What if.. What if my parents
disown me? O-of course I
can look for a job-"

"Sweet one."

Minho interrupted the brunette
as he cupped his chubby cheek,
making Jisung look at him.

"You're not going to work beside
college while you're pregnant.
Your body needs all the energy
to bake our little bun, I don't want
you to put more stress on yourself.
Even if your parents, which would
definitely be very fucked up, disown
you, we'll manage. I'll ask my dad
to lend us some money for the
time we're still in college and pay
him back after we have graduated
and got jobs. And I already have
a job, I can take extra shifts, hm?"

The panther hybrid smiled sadly
when Jisung pouted at him with
big puppy eyes.

"We don't really have a choice, hm?
And I'm ready to work all day if it
means our little bun can grow up
as carefree as possible. Everything
for the baby, sweet one."

But Jisung continued to pout,
only scrunching his nose and
giggling when Minho nuzzled
his nose against the younger's.

Of course it wouldn't be easy,
nobody had said that raising
an accident baby while being
in college would be easy.

But Minho was determined
to do everything needed to
make this work.

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now