« 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 »

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"Mr Lee, you can't go with him.
I'm so sorry but you can't, this is
an emergency. I'll let you know
about your partner's well-being
as soon as possible, I promise.
But for now it'd be good if you
take a seat, get something to drink
and take some deep breaths.
I'll ask my colleague to bring you
some calming tea. Your stress won't
help anyone, it'll only make the
situation worse for yourself.
Mr Han is in good hands and Mr
Park is the best when it comes to
such critical situations. It's gonna
be alright, okay?"

The small brunette nurse,
a deer hybrid, tried to comfort
Minho as he led him away from the
emergency room to the waiting area.

They had immediately taken Jisung
to the examination room without
any further talking to the ravenette,
it was pretty obvious that the omega
needed surgery as fast as possible.

"Will he- will the baby be okay too?"

Another tear slipped down the
alpha's cheek but he hastily wiped
it away, not wanting a stranger
to see him cry.

But it didn't need any knowledge
about the ravenette to see that he
was absolutely devastated.

"I can't promise you anything, Mr Lee.
But Mr Park is one of the best
doctors in this hospital and he'll
do everything he can to help
Mr Han and your baby."

The boy's eyelashes were resting
on his pale, chubby cheeks as he
breathed rhythmically with the
help of various machines connected
to his airways, an IV drip on his hand
and a light blue hospital hat hiding
his brown hair and fluffy ears.

It was awfully quiet in the room
beside the beeping of the heart
monitor and the occasional clashing
of the surgery utensils but even
harder was the tense atmosphere
to endure.

A nurse was already standing beside
Dr Park with a towel while another
nurse prepared everything needed
to reanimate the baby in case
things wouldn't go as hoped.

The unborn child's heart had already
beaten dangerously slowly when they
had performed a quick ultrasound but
a c-section was their only option.

Sure, it definitely put a lot of stress
on Jisung's already weak body
and the baby.

But even if he'd have been awake,
there was simply no way he'd bring
his child into the world naturally.

And it was too early,
their little bun was too early.

A soft cry filled the surgery room
as Dr Park lifted a small, squirming
child up and immediately handed
them over to the nurse, cutting the
umbilical cord in a swift move so
the nurses could carry the baby
to the counter.

And despite situations like these
being part of his job, it still hurt to
know that the new parents weren't
actually able to be there at the
birth of their child.

Be it physically or mentally.

"Mr Lee?"

Minho looked up with wide eyes
when a nurse approached him, the
fear immediately getting replaced
by a spark of hope when she
smiled at him.

"I have some good news for you.
The surgery went well, Mr Han is
now in his room and should wake
up within the next hours.
We brought your baby to the NICU
since it was still a bit early but so
far everything is looking pretty
good, he's a big baby and quite
well developed for his age."

"He? It's really a boy?"

"Yeah, a healthy baby boy.
Do you want to meet him?"

Minho's fluffy panther ears twitched
excitedly as little sparkles appeared in
his eyes, his answer already obvious.


"Alright then, follow me please."

The alpha nodded furiously and
hopped on his feet to follow
the nurse closely.

Part of him was still trembling
with fear for his mate but currently
the pure excitement that he was
about to meet his child for the
very first time outweighed the fear.

He could feel it, he could feel that
his son was right there, just around
the corner and waiting for him.

"Mr Lee? Please put these on
and sanitize your hands properly,
there are other babies not as strong
as your little one so we gotta protect
those, right?"

Minho nodded as he put the
hospital gown and face mask on.

Even if the nurse had already
reassured him that his son was
well developed and not as fragile
as normal premature babies his age,
the panther hybrid was still scared
that he'd accidentally hurt
his little one.

"There he is.
Hi there, sweetie.
Are you ready to meet your daddy?"

And the moment Minho's gaze
fell onto the tiny, sleeping bundle
in the incubator, he swore that he'd
do anything to keep this precious
bean safe and sound for the
rest of his life.

Because he was a dad now.

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now