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"Are you okay?"

Minho frowned when he noticed
how Jisung fumbled on his sweater
paws on nervousness, his little
furry ears twitching softly.

"Y-yeah, it's just..
Will your dad be mad at me?"

"No, sweet one.
Definitely not.
My dad is really nice, I promise.
And if he'll be mad, he'll be mad
at me for being so reckless and
not making sure that.. Never mind.
He won't be mad at you, he'll
love you. Because you're
adorable, sweet one."

The alpha smiled softly as he
cupped Jisung's chubby cheek
and booped his nose gently.

It'd be a lie to say that he wasn't
dying of nervousness as well but
he couldn't show it for the sake
of Jisung and their baby.

And he knew that even if this
wasn't what his dad had wanted
for him, he'd still love and support
him no matter what.

"Let's go, the faster we get this over
with, the faster we can go back home.
You need a regular sleep schedule,
I promise that I'll drop you off at
your dorm by 8pm latest."

But Jisung was too nervous to
answer anything so Minho only
helped him get out of the car.

"You'll be fine, I'm here to
protect you, sweet one."

And he couldn't help but smile
when he noticed how the little
squirrel held tightly onto his sleeve
and carefully took the younger's
hand in his.

Jisung's hand was so tiny and
still fitted so perfectly in his.

Minho's dad lived in a small
apartment on the third floor of
an apartment complex, it wasn't
much but it was enough considering
the fact that he was still supporting
his son with his college fees.

And even on their way upstairs
the little squirrel couldn't help but
shudder at all the different scents.

Alphas, betas, omega, carnivores
and herbivores.

They all lived in the same house,
something Jisung thought
was impossible.

"Here we are, welcome to
the place where I grew up.
Dad! I'm home!"

"Minho, my boy.
It's good to see you,
is everything okay?
I was surprised that you wanted
to come home so suddenly-
Who's this?"

And alpha in his mid-fifties and
around Minho's height greeted
them, his eyebrows raising in
curiosity at the tiny squirrel
boy hiding behind Minho.

"Dad, uh.. Hi, this is.. This is Jisung.
I met him in college."

"Hello Jisung, it's nice to meet you.
Do you two want something to drink?
Tea? Coffee? Water?"

And even though they didn't even
know each other for half a year,
Minho knew the omega well enough
to know that there was something
he wanted way more than
tea and coffee.

"Dad? Can you make us
two hot chocolates?
Or can I make them?"

"Of course, let me do it,
you two are my guests.
Please take a seat in the living
room, I'll be back in a second."

The older alpha smiled at his son
and Jisung, hoping to look as
harmless as possible.

Of course he had immediately
picked up on the hint of bitter
coffee in the young omega's scent
and he had seen how cautious he
was around the unfamiliar alpha.

But he seeked comfort in Minho's
closeness and he was his son's
friend so he'd try his best to gain
the little squirrel's trust.

"Thank you, Minmin."

Jisung muttered quietly as he
took a seat beside his alpha,
still holding onto the older's
hand for dear life.

And Minho didn't quite care if
his dad would see it, they'd drop
the bomb soon enough so holding
hands would be their
smallest problem.

The omega's well-being was
more important, the panther
hybrid needed to show him that
he was there for him and
supported him.

"Hot chocolate for you guys,
with little marshmallows just how
Min had always loved it as a child."

"Thank you, dad."

And Jisung could also only bow
slightly and thank Minho's dad
for the hot chocolate, his heart
fluttering at the mention
of baby Minho.

He had already seen a few
baby pictures on the wall of
the hallway and if their baby
just took the slightest after their
daddy, they'd be the most
adorable little one ever.

And obviously the prettiest
hybrid when they'd grow up.

"So.. Is there a reason you
visited me so suddenly?
And brought Jisung here?"

Minho's dad asked before he
took a sip of his coffee, his gaze
trailing to the couple's
intertwined hands.

"I.. We.. Dad, I- The thing is.."

The alpha took a deep breath as
he squeezed Jisung's hand gently,
trying to calm his racing
heart like this.

"Jisung and I, we..
We're having a baby."

Jisung whimpered softly and
pressed himself closer to Minho
at the lack of reaction, tears already
gathering in his eyes.

He had even subconsciously
wrapped his bushy squirrel tail
around his waist to protect the
little bean in his tummy.

Welcome to the family, Jisung."

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