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It wouldn't be Jisung's last visit
at the alpha's dorm that week.

Whenever the heat in his lower
body got unbearable, leaving the
tiny squirrel boy needy and whining,
he'd turn up at the panther hybrid's
doorstep with big teary eyes and
an irresistible smell of sweet,
heavy vanilla and coffee
with cream.

The stupid hoodie Minho had given
him had barely been enough to
keep the omega at peace during
his sleep but all in all it was
extremely concerning to the
omega how much he craved
not only Minho's presence but
also the alpha's gentle touches.

They were a lot different
from Dongwoon's.

Minho's hands on his waist didn't
make Jisung whine in discomfort.

Instead he couldn't help but wish
to get held a little tighter, to be
as close as possible to the alpha
he needed so much.

And every time the little squirrel
found himself in the other's strong
arms, his fear of the carnivore hybrid
got more and more replaced by pure
admiration for the handsome alpha.

Not a single time had he made
Jisung feel like he was in danger,
quite the contrary had happened
if he was being honest.

For the first time in his life the
brunette had felt safe and loved.

Minho had helped him build a
nest with his blanket, pillows,
towels and a few hoodies and
he had even rushed to the
younger's dorm just to collect
Jisung's beloved piggy plushie
so the little squirrel boy could
fall asleep comfortably.

"How can you be so innocent,
little one?"

Minho wondered as he ran his
fingers through the soft fluffy red
brown hair, occasionally scratching
the bases of the younger's
squirrel ears.

Jisung had fallen asleep after
another two rounds, overly exhausted
and extremely sensitive.

He still hadn't even fully understood
what was happening to him but at
some point he had simply let his
subgender take over, trusting
Minho enough now to know that
he'd make him feel good
and take care of him.

And he looked so utterly comfortable
curled up in his nest in one of the
alpha's big shirts and underwear,
his bushy squirrel tail tucked
under his head as a pillow and
Minho spooning him so Jisung
could sleep peacefully.

He had noticed quite fast that
when the alpha wasn't by his side,
he couldn't fall asleep at all.

When he wasn't snuggled in
the older's embrace, he felt
restless and unsafe.

"And what are we going to
tell your boyfriend, hm?
Apparently you don't love him
that much if your body doesn't
react to him at all, huh?"

The tiny squirrel sighed softly in
his sleep as he rubbed his cheek
on the soft red fur of his bushy tail,
scrunching his nose cutely when
Minho booped it gently.

"I'm not sure if I can let you go
just like this after all these days.
Not when you're so cute."

The alpha sighed and nuzzled his
nose in the crook of the younger's
neck, inhaling the sweet scent
of vanilla latte he had started
to love so much.

And again he couldn't help but
realize how perfectly Jisung
fit in his arms.

With his 1,80m height,
the panther hybrid could easily
curl around the tiny, barely 1,60m
tall squirrel boy.

"m no cute.."

"Oh you definitely are, little one.
Cutest little squirrel."

Minho hummed as he tickled the
younger's sides, making him whine.


The ravenette cooed at the
squirmy boy in his arms and
pecked his head when Jisung
turned in his hold to bury his
face in the older's chest.

"See? Only a cutie does this."


"Go back to sleep, little one.
It's okay. You need rest, hm?"

"But.. Stay?"

"I'm not going anywhere, bub.
I'll stay right here and cuddle
you back to sleep."

The tiny sleepy bundle in Minho's
arms hummed in content as he
pressed himself closer to the
panther hybrid, his heart fluttering
when the older male wrapped his
black fluffy tail around him.

It didn't take long for Jisung to
fall back asleep and Minho took a
moment to study the younger's face.

Those soft, chubby, baby-like cheeks,
the adorable button nose and the
chocolate chip mole on the
boy's left cheek.

The way he pouted his lips so
cutely in his sleep and twitched
his tiny furry red ears when
Minho caressed his cheek gently.

He was so cute, undoubtedly.

And the alpha hated that he actually
wasn't allowed to feel that way.

Because none of this should
have happened.

Because he wasn't supposed to
have these feelings for the
tiny squirrel in his arms.

And he knew that once Jisung's
heat was over, they'd have to part
with the unspoken promise of
never seeing each other again.

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