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It's.. What time is it?"

But the little squirrel boy didn't
even answer, he was too busy
rummaging on his bed and
fighting with his fluffy blanket.

It was still dark outside,
way too early for any of
them to be up.

"Sweet one."


Jisung looked up at Minho for
a short moment before he went
back to tossing pillows aside.

Whatever it was, it didn't give
the small omega any peace.

"What are you doing, little one?"

"Nest. Need to build a nest.
Alpha help me?"

"Of course, baby.
I'll help you, come here."

Minho padded the space in front
of him and grabbed the duvet to
drape it over Jisung's small body.

Once the little squirrel was
bundled up in his blanket, the
ravenette disappeared to collect
the fluffy blanket, pillows and
a few soft sweaters the omega
might want to use for his nest.

Ever since Minho had (in-)officially
moved into Jisung's room and made
sure to cook daily, healthy meals for
the small omega, their little baby
had grown quite a bit.

It was getting harder to hide the
baby bump but much to the
squirrel boy's luck hoodie
season had just started.

"There we go, sweet one.
You want this on top?"

The alpha asked as he lifted the
peach-colored fuzzy blanket up,
draping it over the pillows when
Jisung nodded cutely.

"But.. But scent it! Please.."

The younger one pouted as he
gave the other his best puppy eyes.

"Of course.
Anything for my babies!"

And Minho was too busy arranging
the pillows to notice the peachy
blush spreading over the
younger's chubby cheeks.

Just how he didn't notice Jisung's
hand rubbing his little baby bump
gently, a habit he had picked up
ever since he had known about
their baby's existence.

It felt strange, even if he had been
so scared and overwhelmed at first,
even if he still didn't know much
about pregnancy and childbirth,
ever since Minho came home
he felt so at ease.

His omega wasn't worrying as
much and he just trusted his
instincts that he was taking
good care of their little bean.

"Where's your piggy, baby?"

Jisung stifled a yawn as he pointed
to his pillow where he had tucked
his piggy plushie under the
blanket after getting up.

And although he didn't comment
on it, Minho found it really adorable.

"So.. I think this nest is only
missing a certain tiny cutie."

The alpha chuckled and effortlessly
picked the squirrel bundle up to
place it in the nest, pressing a gentle
kiss on the younger's forehead
when Jisung hummed happily.

"Better now?"

Now snuggles..
And tummy rubs.."

"Such a demanding little squirrel."

Minho cooed as he curled up
around the tiny omega, his arms
instinctively hugging Jisung's
small waist as he slipped his
hand under the brunette's shirt
to caress the cute baby bump.

It was fascinating how fast they
had gotten so used to one another.

In fact Jisung already started
whining when he woke up without
the alpha by his side even if Minho
was still in the same room as him.

"Let's sleep now, sweet one.
You need rest and so does
this small bun in here."

The tiny squirrel giggled softly
when the alpha poked his
baby bump gently.

"Small bun sounds cute.."

Jisung mumbled as he placed his
hand over Minho's, running it
gently over his cute tummy.

"Baby. Sleep."

The alpha reminded the giggling
cutie in his arms and placed another
kiss on his neck before he enveloped
them in his calming scent.

"But cuddles!"

"We're already cuddling."


Minho sighed as he rolled on his
back and pulled the tiny squirrel
with him, nuzzling his nose against
the younger's chubby cheek and
smooching it gently.

"You're a snuggle addict, aren't you?"



And Jisung only giggled sleepily
as he leaned into the touch, almost
purring when the alpha continued
to peck his cheek as he ran his
hands over the younger's tummy
just the way the omega liked it.

Minho had never really been one
appreciating a lot of physical
affection since he had gotten older
but ever since he had met Jisung,
he couldn't help but do whatever
kind of cuddle the little
one demanded.

It felt like the small squirrel had
really been missing out on snuggles
and was now trying to catch up.

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