« 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 »

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"You're the most wonderful
thing in the entire world."

Minho smiled widely at the small
bundle in his arms, his pearly white
fangs showing but he couldn't
care less.

Because there was this small
human sleeping so peacefully in
his arms, his tiny chubby hands
grabbing at nothing particular as
he swung his little fuzzy panther
tail that was quite fluffy
for a panther.

Maybe because his mommy
was a squirrel after all.

But he was just so damn cute.

The little boy hummed when his
daddy carefully ran his finger over
the baby's squishy cheek that
reminded him so much of
Jisung's cute cheekies.

In general their son took a
lot after his mommy.

Such beautiful doe eyes, pouty lips,
chubby cheeks and a small fluff of
red-brown hair sitting on
top of his head.

But he was a panther hybrid,
judging by the pair of tiny round
panther ears on his head and
the long kitty tail.

And despite him being a big baby,
in his daddy's arms he looked
so tiny and cute.

As if this place had always been
made for him and him only.

"You gave daddy quite a scare,
you know? Were you just so
excited to meet me and mommy
that you couldn't wait any
longer, hm?"

But the bean in his arms
only sniffled quietly.

"But now you have to wait here
until mommy feels better, it's not
as cozy in the hospital as in
mommy's tummy. But now I
can cuddle you, that's nice."

The alpha cooed at his tiny son,
wanting nothing more than to
pepper his baby's squishy face
with little kisses.

But he couldn't,
at least not yet.

But he could pepper Jisung's
squishy face in hope to wake
the sleeping beauty up like that.

"Sweet one.
You did so good, you know?
I'm very very proud of you,
he's so perfect. He's the cutest
little bean ever, I hope you
wake up soon so we can
visit him together.
He got your cute cheeks."

Minho smiled as he held Jisung's
hand tightly and leaned over
to place a soft kiss on the
younger's chubby cheek.

It felt strange to see the little
squirrel boy like this, his baby
bump missing to which the
ravenette had gotten so used to.

He'd miss pregnant Sungie,
the pregnancy had suited him so well.

But he was glad that Jisung
wasn't in pain anymore.

The small omega had been so
uncomfortable the last weeks
before the birth.

It was over now,
both Jisung and their little boy
had endured the pain of the
birth and were doing okay
which was everything Minho
could have ever wished for.

"I bet he misses you a lot,
getting separated from his
mommy so quickly after being
with you for such a long time
probably isn't easy for him.
And he needs some proper milk,
he's not that fond of the formula."

The panther hybrid chuckled when
he remembered how the nurse had
needed quite some time and patience
to convince the little boy
to drink some milk.

"And there's another thing..
He still doesn't have a name.
It's your decision, sweet one."

But Jisung's eyes stayed close
as Minho gave their intertwined
hands a gentle squeeze.

He looked so exhausted,
the alpha could only hope that
from now on his body would
have lots of time to recover.

"Take your time though, sweet one.
I'll take good care of him while you
sleep and my dad will visit tomorrow,
he'll help me get used to..
Being a dad."

Minho bit his lip at the thought
of their adorable, little boy,
suppressing his tears.

"Sungie, I'm a dad now.
All thanks to you. I know we
started off a little weird and
all of this was just a mess,
an unplanned mess, but I'm
so happy it's you I get to
experience this with.
Our little boy is so lucky to
have you as his mommy."

Minho carefully ran his fingers
through the younger's red-brown
locks, smoothing his tiny, furry
ears ever so gently.

He was so proud of Jisung.

The world had been so unfair to him,
even leaving him hanging when he
had been so close to losing his life
but that little squirrel was a fighter.

It was all thanks to the omega
that their son was here now,
as healthy as he could be
considering he was a
little too early.

"I hope you wake up soon, sweet one.
I can't wait for you to meet
our baby bun."

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now