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"Sung? Are you okay?"

Hyunjin frowned at the lump
on their couch and carefully sat
down beside his roommate,
his heart dropping at the
soft whines.

"M-my tummy.. It hurts."

The tiny squirrel hybrid whimpered
quietly, his bushy tail tightly wrapped
around him as he cried softly.

"Oh sweetie, did you eat
something wrong?
Do you feel nauseous?"

"No.. It just hurts..
And I feel so hot and weird."

Jisung looked at his roommate
with big teary eyes when Hyunjin
lifted the blanket a bit and booped
the younger's nose.

"Sungie.. Could it be that.."

The white shepherd hybrid sighed
as he ran his fingers through his
long white hair before he looked
back at the crying squirrel.

"Have you had your first heat yet,



"I-I don't know what you mean,
I'm.. I'm sorry."

Fresh tears were rolling down
the brunette's chubby cheeks
before he curled back up under
his blanket, hugging his pig
plushie tightly to his chest.

And Hyunjin could only place his
hand carefully on his roommate's
back and caressed it gently.

"Sweetie, didn't your parents
have that talk with you?"

"What talk?"

"About.. How babies are made, hm?"

But instead of a proper answer,
Jisung could only cry out as
another strong wave of pain
hit his lower body.

He felt so horrible, sweat rolling
down his face and neck, mixing
with his tears and the whole
room was filled with his scent
that had turned incredibly sour.

Sour vanilla latte was not
something Hyunjin loved to
smell with his sensitive nose.

"Sungie, I think you should
go to Dongwoon. He can help
you feel better, you should ask
him to help you build a nest, hm?
But if he wants you to undress,
say no."

"H-huh? Undress?
Why would I.. Get naked
in front of him?"

"Just go, sweetie.
I'll get you some comfy clothes,
take your piggy with you, okay?"

Something under the blanket
moved so Hyunjin guessed that
Jisung was nodding.

He couldn't believe that the poor
little squirrel knew nothing about
mating and all the things he should
know to be mentally prepared
for his first heat.

But here he was,
terrified and in pain.

"Come on, little squirrel.
This is actually Seungmin's scarf,
he scented it for me so please
keep your scent glands covered
until you reach Dongwoon's
dorm room. Your smell could
attract some weird people.
I'll explain it to you later, okay?"

Jisung nodded softly as he wiped
his eyes with his fists, allowing
Hyunjin to wrap the scarf around
his neck before he placed the
pig plushie in his arms.

"Text me when you're there, okay?"

Even though the little squirrel
boy nodded softly, the older
male couldn't help but worry
for his roommate.

In a world of rotten apples Jisung
was a sweet tiny strawberry.

A very lovable, innocent strawberry.

And he could only hope that
Dongwoon would treat him
properly, first heats could be
scary and made the omegas
feel extremely vulnerable.

If they were not properly taken
care of or even used, it could cause
a trauma that'd return in their
heats all their life long.

He was lucky to have Seungmin,
the best alpha he could wish for.

"E-excuse me.. Is- is this
Dongwoon's room?"

Jisung felt like crying when instead
of his boyfriend's familiar face a scary
looking black panther greeted him.

"Yeah, Dongwoon is my roommate.
And you are?"

"He- His.. boyfriend.."

But when the tall alpha in front
of him tilted his head softly,
observing him curiously, he
couldn't help but start crying.

"Hey hey, don't cry.
I'm not sure what's wrong and
why Dongwoon didn't tell you but.. "

Minho tried, he really did.

But when the tiny squirrel in front
of him adjusted the dark blue scarf
in nervousness, revealing his scent
glands for a moment, the sweet
smell of vanilla and cream with
a hint of coffee filled his nose.

And right in that moment he knew
that he had never smelled a
better scent than this one.

"He already left,
his flight went this morning."

Minho frowned when the tiny
omega in front started to cry again,
heartbreaking sobs escaping him
as he buried his face in the fabric
of his piggy plushie but when
his tummy cramped again,
he just sank to his knees and
wrapped his fluffy tail
protectively around himself.

The alpha could already hear
the whispers on the corridor,
the lustful eyes from the other
alphas who had noticed the tiny
unmated omega in heat so he knew
he needed to help the poor boy.

"Come in. It's not safe outside.
Maybe you can get some of
Dongwoon's clothes?"

Jisung would have never even
considered trusting an alpha
carnivore hybrid but right now
he was scared, overwhelmed and
in desperate need of comfort.

And just one look at all the curious
other alphas made him tremble so
he decided to follow the comforting
scent of rain and pine.

If it weren't for the storm in his
head he'd have probably realized
that it definitely wasn't
Dongwoon's scent.

No, it wasn't.

But it was so much more
comforting than even his
home's scent.

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now