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"Are you ready, sweet one?
It's now or never, this small bean
won't get any smaller, hm?"

Minho chuckled as he poked the
omega's growing baby bump but
truth to be told he was just as
nervous as Jisung.

Both had no idea how Dongwoon
would react, how he'd take the news
of Jisung and Minho being together.

But Jisung only whimpered as he
pressed himself closer to the alpha,
his bushy squirrel tail tightly wrapped
around his waist to shield his tummy
in a protective manner.



"I.. I'm scared."

"That's okay, sweet one.
But I'm here, I'm going to
protect you if I need to, hm?"

Minho cooed at the shaking little
squirrel and pulled him in one
last hug as he pressed a soft kiss
on his head.

"Baby too?"

"Baby too, of course."

And before both could change
their mind, Minho eventually
unlocked the door with
shaky hands.


The dorm that had once been his as
well now somehow felt unfamiliar.

The alpha had spent so many days
at Jisung's the past weeks, it had
become his actual home.

And both were so unbelievably
grateful that Hyunjin was so
chill with it.

"Minho? Oh, you're home for once-

The tiny squirrel boy tried his best
not to grab Minho's hand as he
counted his breathing in his
head to keep calm.

But the moment the panther alpha
spoke those words he had feared
so much, he couldn't help but
press himself against the
older's tall body.

"Dongwoon, there's something
we need to tell you."

"Uh. What's going on?
I didn't know you two
knew each other."

"Yeah, we uh.. It's a long story,
we should probably sit
down to discuss that."

Dongwoon nodded with a frown
as he let the other two in, noting
how Jisung basically ignored him.

He wasn't stupid, he had noticed
how the omega had avoided him
at every occasion lately.

They hadn't met up since the semester
had started but what could he do if
Jisung didn't want to spend
time with him?

Maybe he was busy with his studies,
he didn't know.

"So uhm.. I'm.. We- We're,
Jisung and I.."

Minho stuttered as he tried to
find the right words but it was
hard when his sweet one tightly
held onto his sleeve for
emotional support.

"Dongwoon, I don't want to
be with you anymore."


The little squirrel whimpered
when Dongwoon stood up,
a stern but quite unreadable
expression on his face.

"You're breaking up with me?
Because of him?"

Jisung nodded slightly.

"Are you fucking stupid?
This is.. Oh my god, you two know
that this is pretty disgusting, I mean..
A squirrel and a panther? Really?"

But the moment the squirrel alpha
took a step closer to the whimpering
omega, Minho stood up as well to
shield his sweet one from the words
he shouldn't hear and the person
who said them.

An unmistakable growl left the
taller alpha when Dongwoon made
another attempt to get closer but it
only needed for Minho to show
his pearly white fangs for the
other to shrink.

All his life the ravenette had never
been one to choose violence, he
had never been one of the alpha
kids fighting in the school yard
just to settle their ranks
over and over again.

It's supposed to be normal but
Minho just wasn't like them.

But right now his inner alpha
overtook any rational thought
from leading him.

Because there was someone
threatening and hurting his sweet
little omega who was carrying
their baby.

"One more word and I swear
it'll be your last one."

Minho glared at the squirrel alpha
before he turned around to scoop
the whimpering bundle called Han
Jisung up in his arms so he could
hug him tight and place a
little peck on his head.

The tiny omega was fully crying
by now, sobbing softly as he buried
his face in the crook of the older's
neck to inhale the scent that
calmed him so much.

And he couldn't help but melt in
Minho's embrace when the alpha
placed another long kiss on
his chubby cheek.

Almost instinctively he wrapped
his bushy squirrel tail around the
older's waist as well.

"It's okay, sweet one. You're okay.
We'll go home now, okay?
He knows, that's all we came
here for, right? So we can
go home now, I'll make you
something yummy to eat and
prepare you a bubble bath,
does that sound nice?"

Minho whispered softly in the
younger's ear and chuckled when
the small omega only hummed and
flicked his tiny furry red ear
against the alpha's cheek.

And while the small squirrel boy
snuggled his face back in the crook
of his alpha's neck, Minho glared at
Dongwoon one last time as he made
his way out of the dorm room.

There was a bubble bath needing
to get prepared after all.

Happy new year everyone~

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