« 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐱 »

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A soft whimper woke the alpha
up in the middle of the night,
his hand instinctively reaching
out to turn the lamp on his bedside
table on as he placed his other one
on the younger's tummy.

The scent of bitter coffee and
sour milk hung heavy in the air,
making the alpha almost gag but
his worry overtook his mind.


But the little squirrel was still
asleep and breathing heavily as
sweat glistened on his forehead.

His baby bump was rock hard,
telling Minho that he was currently
having a contraction and the alpha
needed a lot of positivity to tell
himself that it was just a Braxton
hicks contraction.

Should he wake the little squirrel up?

Would Jisung feel better being
fully conscious during this?

But as long as he was sleeping,
he wasn't actually feeling the pain,

So Minho only placed a soft kiss
on the younger's chubby cheek before
he got up to get a cool, wet towel.

The small squirrel boy whimpered
softly as moved under the blanket,
apparently trying to turn but their
son was a little too heavy for that.

"Shhh baby, I'm here.
There we go, does it feel nice?"

Minho spoke quietly, wiping
Jisung's forehead and cheeks
gently before placing a kiss on
the younger's head.

It was hard to see the boy
so uncomfortable, the alpha could
feel how bad the omega felt and
suppressed any sort of overprotection
overtaking him because he knew
his own distress would only
add to Jisung's pain.

A small whine escaped the small
squirrel boy before he fluttered
his eyes open just when Minho
slipped back under the covers.

"M-min.. It hurts.."

"I know, sweet one.
It's just an exercise contraction
for your body, hm?"

But Jisung only scrunched his
face in pain as he placed his hand
on his inner thigh when he felt
something warm soak his pants.

And when he carefully lifted his
hand to inspect it, his face suddenly
grew pale at the sight of the crimson
red liquid coating his fingertips.

"I-Is this normal too?"

Jisung was fully crying by the time
they reached the closest hospital,
his hands shaking and his bushy
squirrel tail curled over his aching
belly as Minho carried him inside.

His alpha was dying seeing the
small omega like this, crying and
in so much pain while the blood
continued to leak and stain
their clothes.

"Help! Please!
My mate, he's bleeding!
Our baby!"

At this point Minho couldn't care
less that they weren't actually mates,
he just wanted someone, anyone to
help Jisung and their little bun.

The little squirrel had gotten
awfully pale and quiet in his arms
as the alpha pleaded any nurse or
doctor passing by to help
his sweet one.

But they didn't, they stared at the
couple with frowns on their faces,
the judgment more than obvious.

A soft sob escaped the strong alpha
as he fell onto his knees and cradled
Jisung closer to his chest, resting his
forehead against the younger's.

"Come on, sweet one.
Stay with me, please."

He sniffled softly when the small
omega only whimpered.

"Sir.. Please.. Please help us.."

Minho tried again when he noticed
a doctor entering the foyer and
unlike all the other people he
didn't ignore the couple.

But the moment the man started
speaking, the alpha wished he would
have ignored them like all the others.

"This is a public hospital with a
high reputation. We do not want
mixed breed couples like you here,
this is abnormal. There's a reason
we do not mate people different
from our kind, look what you've
done. His body isn't made to
carry a panther hybrid child.
Please leave this hospital,
we don't want people like you here."

And Minho could only stare at
the doctor with his mouth wide
open and tears stinging in his eyes,
too speechless to reply anything.

He was angry, undoubtedly.

But his fear for his family
overtook every part of his brain.

So he only readjusted his loved one
in his arms and rushed back out to
his car, already thinking which
other hospital was close.


"Shhh, don't say a thing, sweet one.
It's okay, alpha is here."

"No.. Call Dr Park.."


How could he actually forget
about Jisung's actual gynecologist.

Minho had never been good
with dealing with stressful situations,
especially not ones like these.

The overwhelm often got the best
of him, resulting in planless actions
and forgetting about the most
reasonable things.

"Min.. I'm so sleepy..
Our little bun, he's.."

But before Jisung could finish his
sentence, his eyes fluttered close
as his body went limp in the
older man's arms.

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now