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Maybe Minho had purposely
told Jisung a wrong date for
when he'd arrive back in Korea.

Maybe had even gotten some
cheesecake on his way from the
airport to the dorms because the
little squirrel boy had once told him
how much he loved the sweet treat.

And yeah, the two barely
knew each other.

They had only spent the few
days of Jisung's heat together
but there wasn't much they
knew about each other.

In fact they shouldn't
even be together.

But Minho didn't care.

He had already felt a special
connection to the tiny squirrel
when he had held Jisung in his
arms for the first time, when he
had inhaled his sweet scent that
was so unbelievably addicting.

And now the adorable omega
was carrying their baby, a little
one they had made together.

It wasn't how it was supposed to
be but Minho had sworn to himself
that he'd love this baby and Jisung
until he'd take his last breath.

"You're Minho?"

"Yeah… I took an earlier flight
to surprise Jisung, is he home?"

Hyunjin frowned as he stared
at the alpha in front of him,
his white pointy ears clearly
showing his caution.

"He went to bed, he's sleeping
right now. You can wait or..
I'll wake him up, he might be
a little cranky though."

Minho immediately nodded and
smiled a bit in hope to look less
intimidating like this.

Hyunjin was definitely taller
than Jisung but the panther hybrid
was still making the white shepherd
hybrid look small beside him.

And he was an unmated
alpha after all.

"Can I.. Wake him?"

It was the way the ravenette
fumbled nervously on one of his
hoodie strings as he swung his
black tail behind him in slight
nervousness that made Hyunjin
trust him a bit.

Jisung had said that he was nice,
that he was gentle and caring.

And he was here, a day before
he should have been to surprise
the little squirrel currently sleeping
so peacefully in his room.

"Okay. But keep the door open,
he's already pregnant so.."

But Hyunjin didn't finish his
sentence and only turned away
with a grumble to finish
cleaning the dishes.

Minho slowly made his way to
the door he guessed was leading
to Jisung's room and carefully
opened it, making sure that he
wasn't interrupting anything in
case the brunette was currently

But no, when the alpha peeked
inside, he was met with the tiny
squirrel bundled up in his blanket,
his chubby cheek squished on his
pillow and a cute pout on his face.

And the sweet scent of vanilla
latte with a hint of honey milk.

Their baby.

A soft sigh escaped the small omega
when Minho carefully stroked a
stray strand away from his face
and tucked it behind his ear
before he caressed his chubby
cheek gently.

"Hey, sweet one."

He smiled softly when Jisung
immediately subconsciously
nuzzled his face against
the older's palm.

"Hm.. Alpha…"

"My name is Minho, remember?"

"Min.. Min?"

The little squirrel fluttered his
eyes open, a cute gasp escaping
him when he realized who was
kneeling beside his bed.

"Hi there."

"Y-you.. You're here.."
"Yeah, I gotta take care
of my babies, hm?"

And Jisung only blushed cutely
as he buried his face against his
piggy plushie, a shy giggle
escaping him.

And despite the fact that his face
was still hidden in the pink fabric,
he still lifted his blanket and
patted the free spot beside him
with his fluffy squirrel tail.


"Of course, sweet one."

The small omega sighed happily
when Minho cuddled under the
blanket as well and before he
could even ask if he was allowed
to hug the younger boy, Jisung
had already managed to wriggle
himself in the alpha's embrace to
bury his face in the alpha's chest.

And a weird, tingling feeling
spread through Minho's body
when he felt the omega's little
baby bump press against
his own tummy.

He was really going to be a dad.

Jisung had already fallen asleep
again, his tail wrapped around the
alpha's waist to keep him as close
as possible but his inner omega
had never been more peaceful
than now that he was in the
panther hybrid's arms, the
father of his baby.

"Sweet one, why didn't you call
me earlier, hm? I can't even imagine
how hard it must have been.
And the baby has already
grown so much..
I missed so much already.."

Minho whispered as he ran his
hand up and down the younger's
back and placed a soft kiss on
top of his head.

It felt so good to have the little
squirrel boy in his arms again,
especially now that he was
carrying their baby.

And the need to protect this
innocent omega in his embrace
only grew when Jisung sighed
happily as he subconsciously
cuddled closer.

The cuties are reunited uwu

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