Chapter 2

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Evelyn's POV

"Come on Eve, Don't be like this. Let's go and have some drinks." Sana insisted on me and she was literally pulling me down the bed to get up and get ready for the club.

"No, I'm not in the mood. I just wanna stay home and do nothing. " I replied lazily.

"From tomorrow onwards you will start working. So let's celebrate this last day of your freedom. You will become an office slave starting tomorrow. " She said.

I went to my wardrobe and we looked through it to find the perfect dress for the club. We decided on a tight crop top with jeans shorts and a jacket. Then wrapped it up with light makeup and black heeled boots.

We got into her car and drove to the nightclub. Loud music filled our ears as soon as we stepped into the club. Drunk people dancing and enjoying themselves.

Both of us ordered some drinks and got so drunk after taking shots after shots. After getting all drunk we moved to the dance floor and started moving our bodies to the beat.

A hot guy approached Sana and they danced together while staring into each other's souls. Then the guys whispered something into her ears and they started walking away and she sent me a wink before going. I know she is going to get laid tonight. I winked back and smirked at her.

I went back towards the bar and ordered more drinks. I was gulping down the alcohol. Just then a guy came and sat beside me. He also ordered some drinks himself . I looked at him and he was looking oddly familiar.

"Hey, you look so familiar. Have we met before?" I said in my drunk voice and tried to poke his cheeks with my index finger.

"You better stay quiet girl. Don't spoil my mood here. Don't talk to me." He warned.

"That's so rude of you. You are being so mean. I was just trying to be friendly. " I said while pouting. He remained silent.

"What are you drinking? Can I try it?" I said making puppy eyes and tried to grab his glass.

But he held my wrist to stop me and our faces were just inches away. I could see each and every detail of his handsome face. His eyes are deep and mesmerising .

"Did I tell you that you are very handsome?" I whispered into his ears and giggled.

He suddenly got up from his seat and walked away. I tried to follow him but someone grabbed my hand and I tried to get out of his grip.

"Leave my hand. Let me go. Leave me you creep." I shouted while struggling to get out of the grip. Being drunk my strength was not working. Just then, a punch landed on his face. That handsome guy beat the shit out of that creepy man.

"Thank you for saving me." I said to him while clinging to his arm.

"Tell me your address. I'll drop you home." He offered but I declined politely.

" You don't have to be troubled. I can go on my own." I said but he still insisted. When I didn't listen to him, he threw me on his shoulder and started to walk out of the club.

"Hey, leave me. No matter how handsome you are, you are not allowed to kidnap me. Put me down now." I told him and started hitting his back to get out of his grip.

"Keep your mouth shut. You are such a troublemaker. God knows what trouble would you make if I left here alone." He said while putting me into the passenger seat.

"Now will you tell me your address or should I take you home with me." He asked while fastening the seat belt and I pouted angrily bcos he called me a troublemaker.

"I won't tell you my address. What if you are a theif and rob my house taking advantage of my drunken state." I said suspiciously.

"Aren't you afraid of me taking advantage of you as you are alone with me now?" He raised his brows at me.

" You don't look like a molester though. " I said innocently.

" You mean, I look like a theif." He said amused.

"Whatever, I'm not telling you my address. You are a stranger ." I said and he started driving his car to an unknown route.

"What is your name? Have we met before? You look so familiar." I asked him curiously.

"I won't tell you. Try to remember on your own." He replied .

"Hey, tell me naa. I'm Evelyn and who are you?" I asked again but he didn't answer.

I felt my eyes getting heavy and I didn't realise when sleep took over me

When I woke up I was in bed and that unknown guy was putting a blanket over me and our faces were so close. For a while I felt like I was in the dreamland and the lack of distance between us was making it hard to keep myself away from him. On top of that, the alcohol was not helping me to think straight.

I pulled him by the collar and smashed my lips on his and started kissing him wildly. He broke the kiss and tried to get away from me.

"Girl, what are you even doing? " He whispered.

"I don't know what I'm doing but I don't wanna stop." I whispered back while putting my hands around his neck.

"Both of us are drunk and your moves are making it hard for me. Just stop it here or you'll regret it later." He said huskily.

I pulled him into a kiss again and this time he kissed me back. We were not just kissing, we were literally eating each other. I have no idea what I'm doing right now. But it feels like it is meant to happen. It feels so familiar. His hand traveled under my top and I was running my fingers through his hairs.

We didn't even realise when our clothes left our skin. None of us tried to stop it. We had a passionate night together.

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